This article provides information for systems running an Absorb LMS Version A5 or earlier. Please do not use this as a reference for questions or solutions for the Absorb Admin Refresh Experience.
Online Courses allow Admins to upload SCORM content, PDFs, Videos, create Surveys and Assessments so that their learners can receive various ways of learning. An Online Course can contain just one of these items or a combination of these items. A User can be enrolled into an Online Course directly or through a Curriculum or Course Bundle.
Online Courses contain Lessons made up of Learning Objects. These are elements of an Online Course that contain the training content, such as e-learning modules, videos, external links, etc. You configure Learning Objects within the Syllabus Course Setting block when building or editing Online Courses.
Creating an Online Course
To make a new online Course, you will begin by going to the Admin menu and selecting Courses. From the Course Administration page, select Online Course from the Add New menu.
Course Settings
The Course settings are available within the different tabs, found at the top of the Course Management page. You will land on the default page, General. This is where you will find the required fields and additional settings to begin configuring your Online Course. Click on the specific tab name below to begin learning what fields are available to create your Online Course.
General Tab
General Tab
The General Course Setting section is where you configure basic identification elements of the Course, like the Title, Description, Tags, and more!
The Title identifies the Course to Learners and Admins. It is visible to both the Admin and the Learner.
The Description provides details about the Course. It is visible to both the Admin and the Learner.
Click the toggle button to change the status setting.
- If Active = The Course is available to assign to Learners.
- If Inactive = The Course is not visible to Learners, regardless of enrollment and is only visible to Admins in the Admin interface.
Note: Only Active Courses are visible to Learners on their Transcripts, but Admins will still be able to view all Learner's enrollments (Inactive Courses included) in Users > User Transcripts.
Categories are a great tool for managing and organizing your learning content. There are three types of categories each, which can be managed through their respective Courses, Global Resources, and Competency reports. This allows Admins to organize their course content, global resources, and competencies in their own sets of categories. The workflow to manage all categories is identical, regardless of the category type.
Click the Choose Category button to search and select a Category to assign to the Course. Only one category can be applied.
Note: Categories must be created in Courses > Manage Categories before you can add them to your Online Course.
The Thumbnails option allows admins to associate an image to the Course. This provides an appealing look and feel within the Learner Interface. The Thumbnail will populate in the Course Tile. You can set a Default Thumbnail image within Portal Settings > Default > Default Course Images for each Course Type.
Click the Choose File button to add an Image or find an image already loaded into the File Manager:
- The File Manager modal will display. Select Upload File within the pop-up modal and select an image or choose an image already uploaded from the files within the File Manager.
- Recommended 4:3 aspect ratio, 2MB max size.
- Select Save when your image is loaded.
Poster images are an option for Admins to add a visual to the Learner's Course Details page. More than 1 image can be added and a carousel will be available for the Learner to scroll through the different images.
To add a Poster image, click the Add Poster button. Continue to select Add Poster to include multiple images. Maximum of 5 images per course.
Click the radio button to select an option:
- If File = Click the Add Poster button to add an image. You may choose an image already loaded in your File Manager or choose to select Upload Files to add a new image.
- Recommended Size for images:
- UI3 Image (List view) - 65px x 48px and 10 MB file size per image
- 720px x 300px (Tile view) and 10 MB file size per image
- Recommended Size for images:
Important Notes:
- A gray background may appear, if the Learner's browser is expanded or not at 100%. You may want to consider using Gradient or a Transparent image to blend your image with the background.
- If you are using multiple images, the Learner's browser must be at 100% view in order to see the arrows on the carousel.
- Make sure images have a standard aspect ratio of 2.4:1. Unproportioned images could look stretched.
- Make sure to have your margins set to 65px and 80px on the sides of your course poster images, to avoid any unwanted image overlaps and text clippings.
- Example Poster Images
A Tag is a term or keyword you can add to training items administered within Absorb LMS. Tags are an easy way to build relationships between content available in the system. Tags make it easier for both Admins and Users to find assets in the LMS by receiving better return results for system searches. You can add new Tags while assigning them to an Online Course or you can create them before hand in the Tags option within the Admin menu.
Use the drop-down menu to identify the Language the Course is written. A Course can only have a single language applied. The Language is used for Learners to know what language the content is written in and to help determine what language the Default Message Template will be translated into. If you are using a Custom Message Template, the Language the Custom Message is written in will override.
Administrators can add notes about the Course in this field. The information entered here will only be visible within the Admin experience.
Syllabus Tab
The Syllabus is where the core content of the Online Course will be added, which we refer to as Learning Objects. Online Courses can contain multiple Learning Objects. Some examples of a Learning Object would be PDFs, URLs, Videos, SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, Tin Can, AICC, Surveys and/or Assessments. For more about each of these items, see the Introductions to Learning Objects article in the Course menu.
Must Complete
Click a radio button to select an option:
- If All lessons, in any order = Learners can finish all lessons in any order to complete the Course.
- If All lessons, in order by chapter = Learners must finish lessons in sequential order, by chapter, to complete the Course. This means, if you require Learners to take a series of Learning Objects in a specific order, you would have to place them in different Chapters.
- If Exams only = Learners are only required to finish the exam(s), to complete the Course. These are Assessments or E-Learning courses that contain an Assessment.
Courses contain Chapters. Use Chapters to group Learning Objects, such as e-learning modules or documents, into smaller groups within the Course. You can easily rearrange the sequence of Chapters by dragging and dropping the section into a new position.
- Click the Add Learning Object button to add content, such as videos or e-learning modules, to the Course. To learn more about Learning Objects, visit our Introduction to Learning Objects article in the Course Menu.
- Click the Add Chapter button to include additional chapters to organize Learning Objects within.
Availability Tab
The Availability tab establishes who has permission to see the Online Courses in the User portal and how they can enroll in the Online Courses. A User must be enrolled into an Online Course, in order to begin taking it. Admins can also configure Prerequisites, different date options and additional options on filtering the learner's availability to an Online Course.
If the User is unable to see an Online Course within the User Portal once an Enrollment Rule has been created, it could be due to the following:
- The Course is Inactive.
- The Toggle for Hide Courses within a Curriculum' has been enabled in Setup > Templates settings.
- Note: If the Online Course is active and have their own Enrollment Rules, they will be visible regardless.
Enable E-Commerce
If your LMS is configured for E-Commerce, click the toggle button to change the setting.
- If Off = The Learner will not be able to Purchase the Course.
- If On = Paired with the Enrollment Rules, the Course will be available to the Learner for Purchase.
- Allow Public Purchase = If toggled to On and Allow Self Enrollment > All Learners is set, the Course will be available on the External Catalog for Purchase.
- Default Price = This is where the Admin will set the price of the Course for Purchase. A whole dollar amount without a decimal is accepted and the whole dollar amount plus a decimal amount is accepted.
- Add Variable Price = A different price can be entered for different Departments.
- Add Extension Price = When selected, a Days and Price field will display. This allows you to set how many extra days the Learner is given to complete the Course and to set the price of that extension. A maximum of three extensions can be created within a Course, allowing you to set a variety of options for your users.
Allow Self Enrollment
Allow Self Enrollment toggle is where Admins determine if the Online Course will be made available for self-enrollment in the Catalog or not. You will also see a message displayed on the page, that shows you how many Users meet that criteria of your Rule. This message will help you determine if your Rule is correct or not. If there are zero Users or you have the entire User base, you may not have the right values used in your Rule.
Click a radio button to select an option:
- If Off = Learners cannot self-enroll in the Online Course.
- If Specific = You will add self-enrollment rules to identify which Learner(s) will have permission to enroll in the Online Course. Using Fields associated to Users, will allow you to identify who will be eligible to enroll in the Course. More than one rule can be applied. You can further configure these rules by applying conditions AND, OR, or both.
- If All Learners = All Active Learners will be able to self-enroll. If e-Commerce is enabled, the Course will also be publicly available.
Please note: In order for the course to be available in the public catalog (pre-login to the LMS) you will need to have both Public Purchase and Self Enrollment enabled, with no enrollment rules set. By doing this, users can add the course to their cart for purchase.
Enable Automatic Enrollment
Click a radio button to select an option:
- If Off = Automatic enrollment is not available for the Course.
- If Specific = You will add rules to identify which Learner(s) will be automatically enrolled in the Course. Using Fields associated to Users, will allow you to identify who will get automatically enrolled in the Course. More than one rule can be applied. You can further configure these rules by applying conditions AND, OR, or both.
- If All Learners = All Learners will be automatically enrolled in the Course.
Note: As soon as you hit Save, any Users matching these rules will be automatically enrolled.
Selecting the Approval option requires, based on your selection below, an action in the LMS before the Learner can begin taking a course they have enrolled into optionally. In order to approve the Course for the Learner, the Approver will receive an email and it will require that they select and confirm that the Learner requesting enrollment is approved to being taking the Online Course.
Click a radio button to select an option:
- If None = No approval is needed for a Learner to enroll in the Course.
- If Course Editor = A Course Editor must approve all enrollment requests. The Learner will not be able to Start the Course until the Course Editor approves the request.
- If Supervisor = The Learner's Supervisor must approve the enrollment request. The Learner will not be able to Start the Course until the Supervisor approves the request.
- If Administrator = A Learner's Department Administrator must approve the enrollment request. The Learner will not be able to Start the Course until the Administrator approves the request.
- Note: All Administrators who can Manage the Learner's Department in the LMS will receive the Approval request.
- If Other = You will select an Admin who will be responsible for approving enrollment requests for this Course. The Learner will not be able to Start the Course until the specified Admin approves the request.
Mandatory Course
Mandatory is an option for Admins to flag a specific Online Course or set of Online Courses, in order to prioritize the Learner's training. The Admin would be required to design the Learner interface to use the Mandatory feature as a priority, it is not automatically setup when selecting this option.
Click the toggle button to change the status settings:
- If ON = This value can be used to prioritized Online Courses within the Learner's My Courses view or on the Learner's Private Dashboard.
- An exclamation point will appear in the upper left corner of the Course Tile on the Learner's Private Dashboard.
- If OFF = N/A
Featured Course
Featured is an option for Admins to flag a specific Online Course or set of Online Courses, in order to prioritize the Learner's training. The Admin would be required to design the Learner interface to use the Featured as a priority, it is not automatically setup when selecting this option.
Click the toggle button to change the status settings:
- If ON = This value can be used to prioritized Online Courses within the Learner's Private Dashboard. Choosing Ribbon in the Content of your Learner's Private Dashboard setup, will have an option to choose Featured.
- If OFF = N/A
Selecting exam proctoring will require a specified Admin to approve an attempt on an assessment by entering in their credentials before allowing a User to continue, establishing the Admin's presence during that attempt. In order to use this feature, there must be a Weighted Absorb Assessment included in the Course content.
- If ON = Weighted Absorb Assessments within the Course(s) will be proctored by a Course Editor, Supervisor, Administrator, or other identified administrator.
- If OFF = N/A
Access Date
This date determines when the Users can begin taking the Online Course. User can enroll or be enrolled into the Online Course, but will not be able to begin taking it until the date populated in this field or if the date is null. This Access Date does not prevent Admins from enrolling Learners manually or through automatic enrollment rules immediately.
Click a radio button to select an option:
- If No Access Date = N/A
- If Date = You must select a date and time to begin granting Online Course access to Learners.
The Expiration will provide a date that the Learner must complete the Online Course or else the Learner will not be able to continue taking the Online Course. Once the Expiration Date has passed the Learner will still see the training in their My Courses section of the Learner Interface, but will not be able to continue taking the Online Course.
Click a radio button to select an option:
- If No Expiration = N/A
- If Time from enrollment = Learners must complete the Course in "X" number of Years, Months, Days, or a combination of all three, from the date the Learner enrolled into the Online Course.
- For example, setting 2 Months means that the Online Course will become unavailable to Learners who have not completed the Course two (2) months from enrolling in the Course. The time the Course is considered Expired would be Midnight on the Expiration Date populated for the Learner.
- If Date = A specified date and time will need to be entered by the Admin for expiration.
Due Date
The Due Date provides the Learner with a date where they will be required to complete the Online Course. Once the Due Date has been reached the Learner can continue taking the course. However, the Admin will be able to clearly tell which learners exceeded the Due Date.
Click a radio button to select an option:
- If No Due Date = N/A
- If Time from Enrollment = Learners must complete the Online Course in "X" number of Years, Months, Days, or a combination of all three, from the date the Learner enrolled into the Online Course.
- For example, setting 1 Year means that the Online Course will become Past Due to Learners who haven't completed the Online Course after 1 year of enrolling into it. The time the Online Course is considered Past Due would be Midnight on the Due Date populated for the Learner.
- If Date = Learners must complete the Online Course before or on the specified date. Learners are notified that the Online Course is due on this date and will continue to have access to it following the due date.
Prerequisites provide the option for the Admin to require the Learner take a Course(s) prior to taking the Online Course of interest.
Select Add Prerequisites to configure what Course(s) would be required to take prior to beginning the Online Course of interest.
Click the Allow Enrollment toggle button to change the status setting.
- If ON = Learners cannot enroll in the Course until they have completed all prerequisites.
- If OFF = N/A
Select on of the Requirement Types to add your Prerequisites:
Completed Courses =The Admin would select the Course(s) that the Learner would need to complete prior to enrolling into the new Online Course. You will have the option to either force the Learner to take all Courses selected or a set number of Courses from the Course options selected.
- Note - if Required number to complete is selected, you must have a number greater than 0 populated.
Valid Certificates = The Admin would select the Course(s) that the Learner would need to complete prior to enrolling into the new Online Course. Online Courses that earn a Certificate upon completion will display in this list. You will have the option to either force the Learner to take all Courses selected or a set number of Courses from the Course options selected.
- Note - if Required number to complete is selected, you must have a number greater than 0 populated.
- Competencies = The Admin would select the Competency(s) that the Learner would need to earn prior to enrolling into the new Online Course. Competencies must be added in Courses > Competencies prior to selecting them as a Prerequisite.
Course Administration
Course Administrator settings allow you to choose whether all Admins will be able to see the specific Course, or if it will only be visible to those Admins who manage specific Departments. This will help control access to any proprietary information that may need to be withheld from other Departments (that may be acting as separate Companies).
Note: The specific Admin Role (whether it is the default Admin Role or a customized Admin Role version) determines which aspects of the Course can be managed. Identifying a Course Administrator for specific Courses helps keep content segregated to those with the appropriate administrative permissions.
The Editor(s) selected will have the ability to manage the selected Online Course. These Admins will also need the permissions within their Role in order to View and Modify the Course.
Click within the field to choose additional Admin Editors from the drop-down menu or begin typing the Admin's first name, last name, or username to find the specific User.
Department Editor
This option will allow the Admins of the selected Department and/or their Sub Departments the ability to manage the selected Course. These Admins will also need the permissions within their Role in order to View and Modify the Course.
Click within the field to choose Department from the drop-down menu or begin typing the name of the Department to find the specific Department. Then opt to limit to the single current department or include all sub-departments.
Enable Course Visibility
Department Visibility Rules limit the visibility of the Course to only those Administrators managing the specified Departments.
The Department Admins will only see the selected courses in Reporting, on the Course Administrative page, and when Enrolling Users into a course. The Admins within these Departments will have the ability to view and modify the Course, unless a Department Editor and/or Editor is selected (per Role permissions). If Department Editor and/or Editor is selected, then the Admins within this Department will only have View access to the Course.
Enable the Course Visibility button to select the Department.
- Single Department = Will include only users that report to the department directly.
- Include All Sub-Departments = Will include users who belong to the selected department or departments that report up to the selected department.
The Admin may choose to select Add Department to filter by more Departments.
Note: All Admins will default, unless you have Locked Departments enabled.
Group Visibility
Group Visibility Rules limit the visibility of the Course to only those Administrators managing the specified Group selected.
Note: The Group option will not display, if the Locked Departments feature is enabled on your Portal Settings.
The Group Admins will only see the selected courses in Reporting, on the Course Administrative page, and when Enrolling Users into a course. The Admins within this Group will have the ability to view and modify the Course, unless a Department Editor and/or Editor is selected (per Role permissions). If Department Editor and/or Editor is selected, then the Admins within this Group will only have View access to the Course.
Select the Group from the Group Visibility field.
Note: Groups must be created in User > Groups before attaching it in the Course Administrators section.
Locked Departments
When the Portal Settings > Info > Enable Locked Departments for Courses is enabled (ON) the Department selected in the Locked Departments field of the Course Settings > Enrollment section, will automatically populate as the default in the Course Visibility > Specific > Department Visibility field. Please see the Locked Department article for more information about Lock Departments.
This area (as shown above) manages Administrative access to the Course, and there are a couple of options available to you. The first field is where you can select the editors to which you want to provide the ability to edit the Course, provided they have Course visibility.
The Department Editor drop-down menu allows you to select an entire Department from which the Admins are allowed to edit the Course provided they have Course visibility. Finally, there is the Department Visibility - all Administrators who manage the Department(s) chosen here will be able to view this Course.
Completion Tab
The Completion section is where the Admin will find configuration options that will apply when the Learner completes the Course.
Certificates are a way to provide your Learners with a designed PDF that details their completion of the Course and/or to apply an earned Certification that includes timeline. Click the check box to apply a Certificate. You can either use the default certificate uploaded in Portal Settings > Default > Default Certificate URL or create a custom Certificate to upload directly on the Online Course.
Note: Please visit the How to Create Custom Certificates for Learners article to learn how to create your Certificate PDFs.
- If Not Selected = N/A
- If Selected = Learners earn a Certificate PDF upon completion and the option to apply an earned Certification is presented.
- Certificate Source: Option to upload a custom Certificate PDF. You may use a URL as well, if you have your Certificate PDF stored on another site.
- Use Custom Title: Option to name your Certification something other than the Course Name.
Expiry: Option to apply an earn Certification with a timeline.
- No Expiry = The Certificate will not expire.
- Time from Completion = The Certificate will expire within the established time period. When selected, options to configure the time period become available.
- Date = The Certificate will expire on a specific date. When selected, a calendar tool becomes available to use to identify the date and time.
Allow Re-enrollment
Allow Re-enrollment provides you the option to manually or automatically Re-enroll Learners into the Course, after a certain time from Completion or specified time from a Certification Expiry Date. Click the toggle button to change the status setting.
- If ON = Learners can re-enroll or re-certify in the Course.
- Adding a Duration will make the re-enrollment automated.
- If OFF = N/A
Allow Failure
If you have a Pass or Fail E-Learning Course or Absorb Assessment, you may want to select the option for the Learner to accept Fail as a eligible Completion status. Click the toggle button to change the status setting.
- If ON = Allows the Learner to receive a Failed completion status for the Course.
- You will be presented with the option to auto re-enroll a User back into the Course, if they receive a Failed status.
- If OFF = A Failed status will not be an acceptable completion for the Course.
Leaderboard Points
Enter a numeric value to override the default point value. Default point values are administered in Portal Settings > Defaults > Default Leaderboard Point Values section.
Note: Leaderboard Points will only be available with the Absorb Engage upgrade.
Click the Add Competency button to choose a Competency. Learners will earn the Competency upon completion. Competencies can include a Name, Image and/or Levels. Competencies must be entered into the LMS, Courses > Competencies, prior to adding them to the Course.
The Credits section contains configuration options that allow you to customize the types and the numeric values earned for successfully completing the Course. Enabling variable credits will let you set different amounts of credits to specific users matching the variable credit rules.
Post Enrollments
Post Enrollments provide the option to automatically enroll a Learner into another Course, based on the following rules. Click the Add Post Enrollments button to add post-enrollment actions.
Note: If the Learner already has an Enrollment or Completion for the Course associated to the Post Enrollment Rule, the Learner will not get enrolled into the Course.
When - determines what action will need to apply, in order for the Learner to get enrolled.
- Enrolled - the Learner will get an automatic enrolled into the new Course, upon enrollment of the Course.
- Completed - the Learner will get an automatic enrolled into the new Course, upon completion of the Course.
- Failed - the Learner will get an automatic enrolled into the new Course, if the Learner receives a Failed Completion Status.
- Delay - Days until enrollment is active. Leaving this blank will automatically enroll the Learner immediately, once the action is reached in the When section.
- Courses - search and select the Course(s) that the Learner will get enrolled into, once the action is reached in the When section.
Messages Tab
Messages allows the Admin to send email Messages to the Learner, after a certain action has been performed on the Course.
Send Email Notification
Click the toggle button to change the status setting. The default state is ON.
- If ON = Email notifications are enabled for the Online Course. Once the Learner Enrolls into the Course, they will receive an Email message (if there is a valid Email Address populated in their User Management account) as well as within the LMS, in the Messages section of the Learner Interface.
- This Message is NOT retroactive. If you turn this option On after Learners have been enrolled, those Learners enrolled will not receive an Enrollment Message. Only Learners who enroll after the Message is turned on will receive the message.
- For more information about Messages, please visit our Message Template Administration or Message Templates articles in the Setup menu.
- If OFF = Email notifications are disabled for the Course.
All Other Email Notifications
Click the checkbox to change the status setting.
- If Checked = Email notification is enabled.
- If Not Checked = Email notification is disabled
Use Custom Template
Some email notifications offer an additional setting: Use Custom Template. This is where the Admin can override the Default Message setup within Setup > Message Templates.
Click the Use Custom Template toggle button to change the status setting:
- If ON = Click the Edit Template button to modify the default message template.
- If OFF = The default email will be sent to Learners.
Note: Nudge emails do not have the ability to customize the message. You will have to alter the message within the Setup > Message Templates, if you need the message updated. Absorb sets the default Max nudges to 0 which means the system will not send out any emails unless this is updated to one or more.
For example, please see the customization screen for the Enrollment Email below. You will notice that there are a number of items surrounded by brackets. These are actually variables or custom tokens. When the email is generated to be sent to the User, these fields will be replaced by the appropriate information from your portal.
Resources Tab
The Resources tab allows you to add in Course-specific files made available to Users enrolled in the Course, but doesn't require them to open or review it. Here you can choose to add PDFs, PowerPoints, videos, or a link to an external website for example.
Adding Resources
Click the Add Resources button to open a form to upload files, enter a URL link to content, or a combination of both. A Title is required and a Description is available to provide your Learners with some details or purpose of the Resource.
Resource Visibility
- Public Tab: Uploading files into this tab makes them accessible and visible to unauthenticated visitors to your Absorb LMS environment through the Public Dashboard and Course Catalog.
- Private Tab: Uploading files into this tab makes they can only be accessed by authenticated LMS users and enrolled Learners.
Uploads Tab
The Uploads tab will allows admins to identify items that a Learner is required to upload to complete a Course. The uploaded document(s) can be submitted for approval before the Course can be completed or the Course can be completed with the submitted document(s). There is an option to request the Learner to upload an earned Certification taken outside the LMS.
Examples of Course Upload items:
- Certifications
- Driver's License
- Professional Designation Certificates
- Worksheets completed handouts, drawings, photos, etc.
Adding an Upload
Click the Add Upload button to open the form to identify the files a Learner must provide to complete the Course.
This action will expand the Course Uploads setting section where you will configure the following fields:
- Label: Enter a label (name) to identify the Course Upload item the learner will submit.
- Default = The Learner will be presented with the required Upload field for the document to be loaded, as well as an optional Notes field to add some details about what they have uploaded.
Certificate = The Learner will be presented with a form that requires them to fill out required and optional fields as they relate to Certifications. For instance, Date Issued, Expiry Date and Issuer.
- Note: Only one upload per course can be set as a Certificate.
- None = No approval is required.
- Course Editor = An identified Course Editor must approve the uploaded content.
- Supervisor = The User's Supervisor must approve the uploaded content.
- Administrator = An Administrator (Admin) of the Department the User belongs to must approve the uploaded content.
- Other = Use the menu to search for and select individual Users you permit to approve the uploaded content.
Adding Reviewer Notes to a Course Upload
- Reviewer Notes are only visible via the Admin Experience. This information will not be made visible to learners.
- The option to add a Reviewer Note is only available when making an approval decision at Reporting > Course Uploads > Manage.
Course Upload Notifications
- A system notification is sent to the identified approver (Course Editor, Supervisor, Administrator, or Other) with a deep link to the Course Upload report. From here the approver will use the action options to make a decision on the submitted content.
- Approver will need to navigate to Reports > Course Uploads report to Approve or Deny the request.
Accessing a Course Upload
Course Uploads can be viewed by Admins in the Reports > Course Upload report and the Learner can access or view their Course Uploads from the Course Details page. A tab will display to the right of the Course Content tab within the Course Details, that is designated to Course Uploads.
Note: Please see The Course Upload Report article for more about the Admin's view of Course Uploads.
The Learner has the ability to replace the File anytime before an Approver has approved the Course Upload or before the Online Course has received a Completion Status. The Learner can upload a File that is 10MBs or smaller. If your organization needs a larger file size you can request larger File Maximum Size by contacting Absorb Support or your Customer Success Manager (CSM). Most file types are accepted, but please see below for some examples of file types that may or may not be authorized.
- Examples of Authorized File Types - xls, xlsx, ppt, doc, csv, pdf, txt, gif, png, jpeg, mpeg, mp4, wav, or m4a
- Examples of Unauthorized File Types - exe, msi or com
More Tab
The More tab is where you can customize your Online Course with options such as Terms and Conditions, Comments, Mobile compatibility, Evaluations and custom values for reporting.
Show Terms & Conditions
Click the toggle button to change the status setting.
- If ON = Learners must accept the Terms & Conditions to gain access to the Online Course.
- If OFF = N/A
Allow Comments
Click the toggle button to change the status setting.
- If ON = Learners can participate in a group discussion about the Online Course.
- Comment Leaderboard Points - this option will provide the Learner points on their Leaderboard, if they add a Comment to the Online Course. Leaderboards will only be available with the Absorb Engage upgrade and would need to be setup prior to using this feature.
- If OFF = N/A
Mobile Device Alert
Click the toggle button to change the status setting.
- If ON = Learners are alerted if the Online Course may not work on their device. Devices with Adobe Flash installed will not see the warning message.
- If OFF = N/A
Allow Course Content Download
This option allows Learners to Download Online Course content (E-Learning, PDFs, Videos), so that the content can be taken offline on their Mobile Device in the Absorb LMS Learn Mobile App.
Click the toggle button to change the status setting.
- If ON = Learners can download and complete the Online Course while offline in the Absorb Learn Mobile App.
- If OFF = N/A
Enable Mobile App
Click the toggle button to change the status setting.
- If ON = Learners be able to search and enroll into the Online Course within the Absorb Learn Mobile App.
- If OFF = N/A
Mobile Companion Download
Click the toggle button to change the status setting.
- If ON = Learners can download and complete the Online Course while offline in the Learn Mobile App.
- If OFF = N/A
Enable Recommended Courses
Enabling Recommended Courses helps promote other Courses within your LMS. This is particularly helpful in an E-Commerce environment. The Tag feature is how you will identify these courses and group courses for these recommendations.
Click the toggle button to change the status settings:
- If ON = A drop-down menu becomes available to choose Tags. The Tags selected here are independent of the Tags selected in the Tags section above. Course Recommendations will become available based on what matches the tags selected in this field.
- If OFF = N/A
Enable Course Evaluation
A Course Evaluation provides Learners with a set of questions to gather their feedback of a Course. A default set of questions can be designed within Portal Settings > Default Evaluation.
Click the toggle button to change the status setting.
If ON = The Course can be evaluated by Learners.
- Evaluations can be Optional or Required.
- Evaluations can be taken directly after completing the Course or at anytime of the process.
- Default questions will automatically appear. The Admin can edit, add, remove or reorganize questions as needed.
If OFF = N/A
Note: Deleting an Evaluation from a Course that already has enrollments, will remove all historical responses.
Enable Course Rating
Course Ratings provide Learners the ability to add a 1-5 star rating to a Course.
Click the toggle button to change the status setting.
- If ON = The Course can be rated by Learners.
- If OFF = N/A
The following fields are open text fields for the Admin to populate any value they would like. Some fields require numbers, such as the Cost fields. These values can be found in reporting and on some of the Administration pages, to assist Admins in finding or organizing your Course data. These fields are not visible to the Learner.
- Audience
- Goals
- External ID
- Vendor
- Company Cost
- Learner Cost
- Company Time
- Learner Time
Roles & Permissions
In order for Admins to view or perform the activities outlined in this article, they may need the following permissions within their Role. Your environment may use customized Role(s), Permissions, or a combination of both to regulate access to the Admin Menu.
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your local System Administrator to review your current permission set.
Required Role Permissions
Role: Section Access | Permission(s) Needed |
Courses > Online Courses | View or Modify permission |
Suggested Role Permissions
Role: Section Access | Permission(s) Needed |
Users > Department | View or Modify permission |
Courses > Category | View or Modify permission |
Courses > Enrollments | View or Modify permission |
Courses > Ratings | View or Modify permission |
Courses > Comments | View or Modify permission |
Courses > Competencies | View or Modify permission |
Reports > Course Activity |
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