How Does the Enroll Anyone Permission Work?

When viewing or editing a Role in Absorb LMS, there is a permission option called "Enroll Anyone" in the Enrollments column within the Courses section.


It is important to note that this permission does not allow an Admin to view and enroll all users in their courses, it only impacts their ability to create course availability rules that span beyond their department.

If an Admin does not have this permission enabled, when they apply automatic or self-enrollment rules to a course, only those users in your department will be automatically enrolled or have self-enrollment access to the course.  This is to ensure that an Admin cannot automatically enroll or make their course available to users that they do not manage.

But if an Admin does have this permission enabled, they can make their course open to users outside their department for self-enrollment or they can apply automatic enrollment rule to users that they do not manage. 

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