Course Proctor


Absorb has upgraded the course proctor functionality to provide additional security. The previous workflow would require an Admin to enter their username and password prior to the commencement of an assessment. We created a code option to increase security, as usernames and passwords can sometimes be viewed or shared by others.  When the code option is selected, it will generate a unique code specific that must be entered before the assessment can begin. It is unique per learner and course. Therefore, even if the learner shares or knows the code, it will not provide any benefit.

Important Note

  • The code (an eight-digit numeric code) is generated upon enrollment in the given course (via self-enrollment, automatic enrollment, or manual enrollment).
  • Task notifications were leveraged to ensure the code is sent to the appropriate administrator or supervisor, which can then be shared with the course proctor if they are not an existing user within the LMS.
  • The proctor code must be re-entered upon return if the Learner leaves the assessment. 

Course Proctor Configuration

Configuring the Assessment Proctor Code Functionality

Step 1: Navigate to Courses < Online Course. 

Step 2: Configure your course build settings. Once you are at the Syllabus section enable the Proctor Toggle, and select the Code box.


Task Email Notification with Proctor Code
Some use cases require an Admin to be notified when the learner is ready to take the proctored assessment. To support this, Absorb has updated the task lesson functionality to include the proctor code within the message template used within the notification. For the proctoring code to be sent within the task notification email, you can create a task with a custom email template enabled in the given Online Course. This will allow admins to add the proctor code variable within the message template. Once the learner completes this task, the Admin will receive a task notification email containing the code generated for the learner.

Configuring Task Notification - Custom Email Template

Step 1: Navigate to the Details section of the Task Learning Object, and turn on Allow Notification

Step 2: Select the Messages tab. Choose Send Notification and select Use Custom Template.

Step 3: Add the Proctor Code variable by clicking within the message body and choosing the Proctor Code field button within the list of field buttons below the body.

Note: An Admin can add additional text or context to help explain what the proctor code value is to be used for.


Proctor Code Generation

Code Generation

Proctor codes are generated when a learner is enrolled in an Online Course configured for proctor code.

  • The code is a unique eight-digit numeric code.
  • The code does not expire
  • Codes are only generated if course proctoring is toggled ON and the "Code" option is selected 

Course Un-Enroll and Re-Enroll
If a learner has been enrolled in a course configured with a proctor code and is then subsequently unenrolled and re-enrolled, a new code would be generated for that learner for the new enrollment.

Duplicating at Course with Proctoring

Duplicating a course with enrollments that has been configured with assessment proctoring with a code will generate codes when the proctoring toggle is set to ON and a learner is enrolled in the course; proctoring codes are unique to the learner and their enrollment in the given course.

Assessment Proctoring using the Code

Entering a Proctor Code
Once a learner has completed the task notifying the admin they are ready to take the assessment, the assessment can be launched and they will be prompted with the Proctor Login modal. The proctor can enter the code and select Login which will launch the assessment and the learner can begin.

If an incorrect code is entered:

  • The modal will remain open with an error message stating the code entered is incorrect and to try again
  • The assessment cannot begin until the correct code is entered

Note: The same proctor code will be used for assessments configured with multiple attempts. As the code is unique to the learner and enrollment in the course, courses configured with multiple assessments will share the same proctor code to access each assessment.


Admin Reporting

Course Enrollments Report
To assist with cases where one user may proctor several learners, we have added the proctor code as an available column within the Course Enrollments report.

To view codes generated for learners enrolled in a course, choose a course that has been configured with the proctoring via code.

  • The Proctor Code is not a default column and must be selected from the Additional Columns list.
  • Column displays the Proctor code for each user that is enrolled in the course.

Note: If an online course had previously been configured with proctoring with code but proctoring has subsequently been turned off, no proctor code values will be displayed in the report until the proctoring is enabled once again.


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