E-Commerce Multi-Currency

Absorb helps you monetize your content in global markets by allowing the sale of Courses in multiple currencies. Enable your Learners to purchase your content in their preferred currency. In addition, you can automatically set prices by currency to account for market variance. This article will guide you through the setup process of the Multi-Currency feature.


Use Case 

Using one of the Payment Gateways that support Multi-Currency, you can configure up to four additional currencies for selling your content.

Learners can select their preferred currency (if different than the default) and view all Course pricing in that currency. Transactions will be processed in their currency of choice through the Payment Gateway.

Important Note
  • Currently 28 Payment Gateways support Multi-Currency, the list of supported gateways can be found here: Payment Gateways that Support Multi Currency
  • The supported four currencies are USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, and AUD (additional currencies may be added in the future).


Configuring Multi-Currency

A System Administrator has the ability to update E-Commerce settings from the Admin Experience. Please advise that Multi-Currency can only be used alongside a Payment Gateway that support this functionality.

Follow the below steps to set up the Multi-Currency feature:

  1. Access the Admin Experience.
  2. Open the Account Settings menu.
  3. Click the Client Settings button.
  4. On the Client Settings page, click E-Commerce. The E-Commerce modal frame will open.
  5. From the E-Commerce modal frame, navigate to the Settings section and click Add Currency.
  6. Expand the Currency drop-down and select one of the options.
  7. Define the Conversion Rate.
    • Price will be displayed to Learners based on the Conversion Rate.
    • Values between 0 and 100,000 allowed.
  8. Determine if you want to have values rounded to the nearest whole number.
  9. Save the configuration.
Payment Gateway Must Support Multiple Currencies

The E-Commerce configuration can only be saved if a Payment Gateway that supports Multi Currency has been configured.


Course Setup 

There is no additional configuration required at the Course level. All prices defined at the Course level assume the default currency. When Multi-Currency is active, the Edit Course page will display prices in all currencies based on the configured Conversion Rate and the rounding settings for each currency.



Learner Workflow 

Customers will be assigned the default currency when they reach your Portal. To take advantage of the Multi-Currency functionality, they must change their currency.

If Multi-Currency is enabled, at the top right of the Dashboard the current currency will be displayed.


Clicking the default currency will open a modal frame that displays all currently configured currencies.



Once a new currency is selected, the header will reflect the preferred currency.

Please advise that if Learners have items in their cart and change their currency, they will be warned that changing the currency will void and empty their cart.



Once a Learner has changed their default currency, pricing will be displayed in their preferred currency.



Pricing will be displayed and processed in the preferred currency upon checkout. The receipt will also display the preferred currency.





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