Absorb LMS engages an Account Lock whenever an incorrect password is entered 5 times in a row. After the Account Lock is engaged, any login attempt within the next 15 minutes will cause the following error to display:
When the Account Lock is engaged the system will lock access to that User account for 15 minutes. This will prevent any login attempts for the User. If there is a login attempt while the User account is locked the lock timer will reset. As an example, if there is a 15 minute lock, and the account is accessed after 14 minutes and 30 seconds have passed; the lock will reset to 15 minutes.
The Account Lock will engage on both the Learner Interface and Admin Interface. The Account Lock prevents all access while engaged regardless of which interface you use to attempt a login.
If your account is locked, you should wait an additional minute beyond the indicated time to be certain the account lock has completely disengaged. This will prevent resetting the lock and extending it another 15 minutes.
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