Absorb allows for language specific Courses, and for a Learner to translate their Learner Experience Interface to a preferred language setting. The Learner Experience Interface and Courses can be translated to over 30 different languages.
This feature is a great way to offer language variations of your course content to Learners of different languages and dialects. This article will discuss how to set up languages for the Learner Experience portion of the LMS.
Note: Course content that you create and add such as videos and PDFs will not be translated and should be created in the target language.
User Profile
This section will review how an Admin can set up language options for a Learner to choose from on their Learner Interface.
1. Navigate to the User Report, click Edit User.
2. On the User Profile, scroll to the bottom of the page to view the Details section.
3. Click the Language drop-down, and select a language.
- This field can be selected by an Admin when adding or editing a User, and can also be configured by the User themselves when using the Edit Profile functionality in the Learner Interface.
- This field does not pre-determine the language translation selected for the learner. They will see your portal default upon first visit and will have the option to select any of the other available languages for your portal.
4. Click Save
Course Setup
This section will review how an Admin can create language-specific courses.
1. When editing a Course, navigate to Enrollment Rules and enable self-enrollment.
2. From here, set up an availability rule to specify what Users will be able to self-enroll into the Course.
3. Click on the drop down and select Language. Choose a language.
- You could set up a rule to only allow Users with "Language Equals French" (note that you'll want to use the English translation for the language - i.e. French, not Français). Any Users created with French selected as a language, or those that have changed their language in the Learner Interface to French, would be the only ones that see this course in their Catalog.
4. Click Publish
Note: Users manually enrolled in these courses can also view them on the My Courses page.
Allowing Learners To Select Their Language
Admins with access to edit Learners will be able to change language settings and options. If you'd like to grant Learners the ability to change the language settings on the Learner Experience Interface then navigate to Portal Settings.
1. Navigate to Portal Settings
2. Click on User Profile tab
3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to view the Language section
4. Click on the drop-down and select Optional
5. Click Save
To demonstrate this in action, take a look at this sample catalog in the Learner Interface. You'll see that a User with English selected as their language (Image 1) will not see the course but, if the User has selected French as their language, they will have access to self-enroll in the language-specific course (Image 2):
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