Purchase History for Learners

Over time, customers can make several purchases in the LMS. While your Administrators can report on this history, the Learners had no centralized way to review their past purchases. Purchase History enables these users to easily review what they’ve purchased from the LMS, and view the corresponding receipt for any expenses reported or general record keeping. The receipt has been refined to include the associated Department logo of the Learner making the purchase, such that our receipts are more closely aligned to Invoices generated by other eCommerce platforms.


Accessing Purchase History

In the Learner Experience, Purchase History is available as a tab in the Learner Profile.

It can be reached using either the Profile icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Learner Experience or the Profile menu item if it has been added to the menu, or a Profile tile if it has been added to the Dashboard.

Profile Icon and Menu Item.png


Purchase History details

When viewing Purchase History, the Learner can review the high-level details of each transaction as well as view the corresponding Invoice to see the full details on each transaction.

The following is displayed for each item in Purchase History:

  • Transaction Date
  • Items
    • If multiple items were included in the Transaction, then the count of Items is displayed.
  • Reference Number
  • Course Type
  • Total
  • View Invoice
    • This can be used to view the Invoice for the Transaction.

Puchase History View.png


Refined Invoice

When viewing the Invoice from the Purchase History page, the logo for each Learner’s Department will be displayed. If no logo has been set for a given Department, then the top level Department’s logo will be displayed instead.

Refined Invoice.png

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