An Introduction to Absorb Engage


With Absorb Engage, administrators can tailor content for specific groups of learners. This drives higher course completion rates, increased voluntary learning and better feedback for future learning objectives. This set of tools integrates with the Absorb LMS standard Availability Rules to weave the best elements of the web right into your training portal—making your LMS a desirable destination for learners, not just a requirement.


Absorb Engage - LMS Learner Engagement | Absorb LMS Software

Key Benefits of Absorb Engage

  • Capture attention with eye-catching Billboards
  • Connect learners with social media Tiles
  • Inspire completion with Leaderboards
  • Enrich social learning with News Articles
  • Shorten feedback loops with Polls
  • Customize learner engagement, and more!

FAQs about Absorb Engage

How does Absorb Engage work?

Absorb Engage integrates with the Absorb LMS standard Availability Rules to weave the best elements of the web—like polls, social media, and news articles—right into your training portal.

What Absorb Engage insights are available to admins?

LMS admins can generate reports to see learner activity, learner progress, completion rates, and more. Get flexible insights to better understand how learners engage with content.

How can I start leveraging Absorb Engage?

Absorb Engage is an additional LMS option. Talk to an Absorb representative to add Absorb Engage to Absorb LMS. Absorb Engage complements the robust features that come standard with Absorb LMS.

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