Enable E-Commerce on a Course

When configuring an Online Course or Instructor Led Course you are able to Enable E-Commerce. This setting has multiple configurations associated with it, and this article contains details on these options. If you are building a course and are not yet at this point, please consult the following articles first:

When E-Commerce is enabled, enrollment into the course is offered only when a User has purchased the course. It is possible for an Administrator with the correct permissions to enroll a User into a course that has E-Commerce enabled and doing so will not charge the User.


Enable E-Commerce

This toggle is available under the Enrollment Rules section of the Add (Online/ILC) Course page. When clicked it will switch between OFF and ON.

When turned ON additional configurations will appear underneath the setting. These additional configurations are as follows:


Allow Public Purchase

A toggle that can be clicked to switch between OFF and ON. When turned OFF this setting will not make any changes to the course.

When turned ON the course will be available for Public PurchasePublic Purchase allows a course to be showcased on a Public Dashboard for sale. Potential Users that are visiting your Public Dashboard may purchase the course and will become Learners in the process.


A course cannot appear on the Public Dashboard, even if Public Purchase is enabled, unless Self Enrollment is set to All Learners. Any restriction requiring a Department or User Setting will prevent public/external Users from discovering the course on your Public Dashboard.


Default Price

This is the price that any User will be required to pay to purchase the course.


Variable Price Groups

The Variable Price Groups section allows you to set distinct prices for Users based on Department.

By clicking the Add Variable Price button you will add a Variable Price to the setting.

The first field allows you to select the Department you want to receive this Variable Price. The second field is the Variable Price Users in the selected Department will see when they attempt to purchase the course.



Course Extension should only be configured if a Course Expiration has already been configured under the Availability section of the course. If a Learner purchases an Extension the Expiration of their course can be pushed back by a customizable period of time.

By clicking the Add Extension Price button you will add an Extension to the setting.

The first field determines how many days this Course Extension, if purchased, will offer the Learner. The second field is the price of the Course Extension that must be paid by the Learner.

Additional details about Course Extensions can be found here.


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