Absorb Change Logs

Absorb is releasing a series of new articles known as Change Logs. A Change Log will capture updates, or feature modifications related to a specific topic. Moving forward, changes to these components of Absorb will be tracked, and updated per article.

As an example, consider our Salesforce V2 Connector Change Log:

  1. If relevant, a Version for the topic or update will be listed.
  2. A Release Date will indicate when the change was performed.
  3. Updates or modified components will be listed as Changes.


List of Current Change Logs

This list represents the current slate of Change Logs being released. If you or your organization would be interested in additional Change Logs please reach out to your Client Success representative or submit an Idea directly from the Admin Experience.

The current slate of Change Logs are:

  1. Absorb Create
  2. Absorb Learn Mobile App
  3. Absorb Skills
  4. Infuse
  5. Integration API Change Log
  6. IPaaS Change Log
  7. Salesforce V2
  8. Skillsoft
  9. Single Sign On Change Log
Follow the Change Logs

Remember to use the Follow function on each of the Change Log articles you are interested in updates for.

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