How To: Logging In and Out

The process of accessing a platform by utilizing a set Username and Password, or by alternate means such as Single Sign-On (SSO), is called logging in. The process of leaving the platform and taking steps to no longer be logged in is called logging out. This article will cover the basics of the two main login options offered by Absorb.


Login Methods

  • Manual Login
  • Single Sign-On (SSO)


Manual Login

Logging in via the use of a set Username and Password is referred to as a manual login.  The following steps outline what that process entails.

  1. In a browser, navigate to the correct Absorb LMS URL. This typically follows the following syntax, but can vary Portal to Portal.
  2. On the login page, input the correct Username and Password.
  3. Click Login.



Forgot Password

If a Password has been forgotten, the Forgot Password flow can be utilized to reset it. To use this feature, click Forgot Password on the login screen, and input either a Username or Email tied to the User Profile in question. This will send an email to the User, containing a link that can be used to reset the Password.


Single Sign-On (SSO)

Logging in to Absorb via a third party application is called Single Sign-On, or SSO. With this authentication method, Users can access a variety of programs from a single platform, using one set of credentials. This process can differ configuration to configuration, however top level steps for using SSO to access Absorb can be found below:

  1. Navigate to the third party Identity Provider platform configured to access Absorb.
  2. Log in using set credentials for this platform.
  3. Identify Absorb (or the name of your training platform, if different) from the list of available options.
  4. Click into Absorb, which will redirect to the Portal.


More Information

This section contains links to additional Knowledge Base articles on the topic of logging in. If there are any additional questions concerning the login process, please reach out to your Client Success representative.

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