How To: Create a Custom Administrator Role

A Custom Administrator Role allows a User to access the Admin Experience within the limitations determined by Permissions. A Custom Administrator Role may be used in the case where you only want someone to modify records, or manage the enrollments of a specific set of Users.

To create a Custom Administrator Role follow these steps:

  1. Access the Admin Experience.
  2. Open the Users menu from the left-hand side.
  3. Click Roles.
  4. Click Add Role from the Actions menu on the right-hand side.
  5. Select the required Permissions from the available options.
  6. Click Save.

Admin Permission Hierarchy

An Admin cannot create a Custom Admin Role with Permissions greater then their own. An Admin can only create a Custom Admin Role with Permissions equal to, or lesser then their own.


More Information

Articles detailing more information about Custom Admin Roles can be found below:

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