Organization Chart

The Organization Chart visually represents the hierarchy and relationships within a specific Department. It's an essential tool for maintaining structure, efficiency.


How To Use the Organization Chart

The Organization Chart is accessed from the Admin Interface and is only available to Admins with the required permissions.

To access the Organization Chart follow these steps:

  1. Access the Admin Experience.
  2. Open the Departments Report from the left hand side Users menu.
  3. From the Departments Report, select a Department.
  4. Under the Actions menu on the right hand side, click View in Org Chart.


Org Chart View

Once the Organization Chart has been launched, you will see a visual representation of the reporting chain of the chosen Department.


The number that is presented at the bottom of a Department box is an indication of how many Sub-Departments are underneath the given Department.

The Show More button expands the same level Departments.



The Drawer that shows at the bottom of the Organization Chart stores information such as:

  • Name of the Department.
  • Name of the Parent Department.


At the bottom of the Drawer are three numbers, each representing at a glance Users in a given Department.

  • Admins: Is the number of Admin currently taking care of the Department. The link will transfer you to the Users report with the list of the Admins.
  • Learners: The number of Users who have the User > Account > Learner option enabled (ON) in their User Profile who belong to the selected Department and its Sub-Departments.
  • Users: Displays the total number of Active Users in the selected Department and its Sub-Departments.



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