LMS Customization Guidelines - Competency Badges

There are multiple ways to reward your learner's achievements. You can reward learner with certificates, leaderboard points, or competencies to name a few. Competencies are defined by their category, level, or leaderboard points and use a visual representation for the achievement.

Competencies level-up your LMS by providing a gamification component to your learning strategy. Creating competencies helps you identify your course's strengths and weakness and helps you re-align your content/goals for your learners.

In This Article

By Default

There are no preset badges in your LMS. Get started with competencies here.

Recommended Image Size

180px x 180px


Competency Badges - Appearance on LMS

Visualize the competency badges on the LMS and how the images are used in the context of a component. Additional information will be visible when you click on a badge and gives you a broader definition of the expertise or skill acquired.


Unifying Competency Badge Styles

Choose a set of images with a unifying element, making sure that the badges work as a set. Otherwise having your badges look apart and unique also works, but make sure if you are going to have different styles for each badge you keep it that way. Transparent images are recommended. If you do want to use a jpeg image make sure that it’s elements are simple, clear, has the right resolution and aspect ratio.

Exceptions for badges that are used in partnership with specific branding and that offer international accreditation (e.g. Amazon, Google, Facebook, Adobe, Microsoft, etc).








International Accreditation



All-text badges

We have a dialogue box that can be used for more information about the badge.

sample3.png sample4.png

Aspect Ratio

Make sure images have a standard aspect ratio of 1:1.



When using JPEG images, make sure objects are represented clearly, have a 72 dpi resolution and use a 1:1 aspect ratio.

sample1.png sample2.png


Use images that you own, have purchased, credit authors properly, ask permission for image usage or use creative commons license images with caution. Protect your content from copyright infringement.

sample9.png sample8.png


Badges that are patterns or abstract images are confusing to learners.

sample5.png sample6.png

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Date Votes
  • In Absorb it says that the badge size is 124px by 124px and this article states that it should be 180px by 180px. What is correct?

    Thank you.

  • Will learners receive verification that a badge has been added to their account?


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