Web Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG) Compliance

The Absorb LMS Learner Experience is Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 AA Compliant. This means that we conform to a series of standard guidelines for improving web accessibility for all users. More information on these standard guidelines can be found here.

In relation to the Admin Experience, when a new Admin logs in for the first time, a pop-up window will appear providing a shortcut for them to easily change their accessibility settings:



Learner Interface

In response to recent modifications to ensure WCAG compliance, it is important to note that Learners can:

  • Enable or disable focus visible, or the mode of operation where the keyboard focus indicator is visible. This is displayed on the Learner Interface by the box around items when using tab.  This can be enabled or disabled by loading the Learner Interface and pressing tab twice  - once to skip to main content, and a second to enable or disable the focus visible.

Enable focus.png

  • Use the screen reader effectively with the system. It is recommend that Learners use Chrome (latest version) and NVDA as their browser and screen reader combination.  You can learn more and download NVDA screen reader here.


Administrator Tasks

In response to recent modification to ensure WCAG compliance, it is important to note that:

  • System Admins can configure the box color (focus visible).  To configure the focus visible box, the System Admin should go to Manage Templates.  Then go to the tab Theme and scroll down the page until you see Accessibility where you configure this box color.





  • System Admins can set high contrast colors to meet the text and background contrast ratio meets the recommended ratio of at least 4.5:1. System Admins can configure a specific department (or department structure) to have a high-contrast color theme. Recommended colors are provided below.

Recommended Colors

UI Element Hex Color Code
Base #ffffff
Primary #1272CB
Success #0E8652
Dashboard Background #ffffff
Banner & Button Text #ffffff
Header Icons #45494c
Keyboard Focus Visible #008BBE
Highlight #1272CB
Default #707070
Failure #D61434
Dashboard Container Title #45494c
Title & Body Text #45494c
View Selection Icons #45494c
Feedback #FDD333
Warning #d74000
Dashboard Tile Icon #1272CB
Hyperlinks #1272CB
Menu Icons #45494c
Danger #7E8082
Dashboard Tile Text #45494c
Button Icons #ffffff
Tile Background #ffffff
  • If Administrators want to be WCAG compliant and ensure accessibility of their content to all their Users, they will need to  ensure that any content created and posted in the LMS meets the basic guidelines - such as including subtitles for your eLearning courses, properly structuring HTML within your text descriptions in Course details, etc. There are many web resources that can assist you in developing WCAG compliant content, a few of which can be found below:
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