Absorb LMS has provided a new feature set to help you enhance video content: Absorb Pinpoint. With Absorb Pinpoint, you can transcribe your videos and add subtitles. Behind the scenes, the data contained in the transcription is now searchable. Learners can search for a specific term when logged in to the LMS, and the search results will present items, including videos, where the value is found. This dramatically improves search usefulness, delivering quality content to your learners.
This article provides an overview of the features and functions available with Pinpoint, along with links to related instructions.
Note: Although Pinpoint is available in Sandbox, it does not function the same as in Production and should not be tested in Sandbox.
Video Lessons: Subtitles & Transcription
Admin Experience
The following list includes important notes about video subtitles and transcription administration.
- Video Transcription is supported for videos uploaded into the LMS.
- URL-based video content is not supported at this time.
- Video files must be at least 10 seconds in length, with a maximum time of 4 hours.
- Video files maximum size is 2GB.
- Video transcription results are not instantaneous. Transcription processing time will vary. You can see the transcription process status on the Video Lesson pop-up window.
- You can choose to use the video transcription as the English subtitles.
- This does not impact the search or indexing of the transcription.
- An option to edit the video transcription is available.
- Instances where there is significant background noise, din, or hard-to-decipher audio, can distort the machine's ability to interpret the correct wording. You can easily edit the subtitle text broken out by timestamp.
- The timestamps themselves cannot be altered.
- Subtitle text can be reverted to its original copy.
- Changes made to the transcript text will be reflected within the search index.
- The Search Analytics Report is updated to include additional tracking. When a Video Lesson is launched from a search result, it will be displayed within this report.
Learner Experience
The following list identifies interactions and information that is available to users in the Learner Experience when Absorb Pinpoint is used.
Search Results
- Search results will return relevant Video Lessons.
- Video lesson search results are available in all three views: card, list, and detail. Varied information about the Video Lesson based upon the view used.
Important: Video Lessons associated with E-Commerce enabled Courses will not be returned in the search results. The Course will be in the returned results if it matches the searched term.
Launching Videos from Search Results
- When launching video content from a search result, the user will be routed to the first timestamp that mentions the searched term.
- Learners will be automatically enrolled in the Course if they aren't already.
- Learners can use the quick links within the Video Lesson Transcript to navigate through the searched term mentions to quickly and easily watch video sections that are important to them.
There are some scenarios where the Video Lesson content cannot be loaded directly from search results per the Course Settings and the learner will be presented with a message within the Course Details page as to why the video could not be loaded. These include:
- Video Seeking Disabled - the specific video does not allow seeking
- Lesson Pacing - the learner hasn't reached the video lesson in a paced course
- Course Pre-Requisites - the learner hasn't met the pre-requisites of the course
- Course Expiry - the course is expired
- Course Re-Enrollment - the learner has not met the re-enrollment criteria yet
- Course Approval - the course requires admin approval before starting
- Course Terms and Conditions - course terms and conditions are configured and must be accepted first
- Course Access Date - the access date for the course is in the future
Video Player Transcription
The transcription is available to Learners from the Video Lesson launch window. Learners can navigate to different sections by clicking on "Previous" and "Next" or on the timestamps directly.
Learner Feedback on Search Results
After leaving the video player, (either by completing the Video Lesson or exiting by clicking the "X" button), Users are given the opportunity to provide feedback on the video transcription and search by responding to question prompts. The LMS will use this information to adjust the priority of search results based on how helpful (or not) it was per the feedback.
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