User Management

This article will cover all the fields within the User Management page and all the options for collecting information about your Users in the LMS. User Management refers to adding Users, modifying Users and providing special permissions to Users. There are numerous ways to add and modify Users in your LMS.


Important Notes

  • The User Administration page will default to Active Users only. If you cannot find a User you are looking for on this page, you may want to filter by the Inactive Status. 
  • Username must be unique to all Users, even if you have programmed your User Import file or Restful APIs to look at the Employee ID or External ID as the unique ID
  • Absorb offers a Password Reset Link that can be sent in an email to new Users or to existing Users. This option helps keep passwords secure. 
  • When configuring your LMS, you will have the option to choose your Password required format. This option can be updated at any time, by contacting Absorb Support or you Client Success Manager. The 3 options are as followed. 
    • Weak: Can consist of any characters, but must be a minimum of 6 characters.
    • Medium: Must consist of at least one letter and number, and must be a minimum of 8 characters.
    • Strong: Must consist of at least one uppercase and lowercase letter, one number, one symbol, and be at least 8 characters in length.
  • When creating or editing an Admin, there are two areas in which Departments are relevant: the department the User is in (Learner Department) and the Department for which they oversee as an Admin (User Management department).
    • Learner Department can be found in the General/Info section. This Department will be used to match this User up with any availability rules in the LMS (Enrollment Rules, resource availability, etc.).
    • Admin Department is the Department(s) selected under the User Management section in the Account section will determine which users an Admin can oversee in the Admin Interface
  • When using the Course Visibility option within Course Settings > Course Administrators, the Admin Department will be used to filter Courses for the Admin in reporting, Course Administration and enrolling Users into Courses. If Group or All is used in the Admin's User Management section, the Course Visibility will not apply. 
  • In Absorb's Message Templates, you will find the option to Send to administrators, which sends a copy of the message to the relevant Admin when enabled. These Messages will only be sent to Admins who have their User Management set to Department or Group, and never to Admins who have their User Management set to All. However, if you would like to create an Admin who has access to all Users AND is able to receive these Messages, you can do so with the following set-up:
    • Select Department as the User Management category for your Admin.
    • Set the Department they can manage to your portal's top-level Department including its Sub-Departments.
    • This User can now receive Send to Administrators Messages.


How to Add a User

Users can be created by an Admin adding them manually in the Admin Experience, a User adding themselves through the Sign-up option, Admin importing them through the User Import option, a file integration to the LMS, Restful APIs, Salesforce integration or any of the human resource Information Systems (HRIS) Absorb's Partner integrations (for example, ADP, BambooHR, WeChat Access Scope, Namely).

Note: For more information on any of these methods, please review these articles in the Integrations menu. Importing Users, Data Imports, RestFul APIs, Salesforce and the name of Absorb Partner.

Below you will see an example on how to add a User as an Admin within the LMS and within the User Fields section, we will walk through each User Management section, to understand all possible fields that can be applied to a User and how you can use them within the LMS. 

Please review the User Login Best Practices article for more information on different ways to help your Users log in successfully. 

Adding a User.gif

  1. Navigate to the Admin menu and select Users. You will be taken to the Users Report. Here you will see a list of all Active Users in your LMS. You can manage Users from this page.
    • Note: If you need to find a User that has been inactivated in the LMS, you will need to search for them by the Status of Inactive
  2. From the Users Report, select Add User. You will then be taken to the User Management page, where you can begin adding your new User


User Deletion/Deactivation

Please note that when a User is either deactivated or deleted, all scheduled Reports created by that User will no longer be sent and would be lost if the User is deleted.

  • The Users saved Reports and Saved Layouts would need to be manually copied from one account to a new/different account.
    • Note: Please review the information here to create Saved Layouts and Schedule Reports
  • If the User being deleted has the Reviewer Admin Role, we would advise that you check their Reviewer Experience to see if there are any Observation Checklists that need to be reviewed/approved. If there are any outstanding In Progress at the time of deletion, the Learner would need to be re-enrolled in the connected Course and complete this process again. An Admin can check in the Observation Checklist report to see what User is the Reviewer for all Courses.


Edit User Menu Sections

In each section of the Edit User menu, you will see a series of fields. Most of the fields are optional, but there are some required Fields that must be populated. A First Name, Last Name, Username, Department and Password must be entered, in order to create the User in the LMS. A Password must be entered, even if Single Sign-on (SSO) is enabled.

Note: A default Password can be set on the User import or through Restful APIs. 

Edit User Menu.png



In this section you will see the standard fields for Users and where all the required fields are located. Some of these fields are important for Admins to utilize certain functionality within the LMS.

Field Description
First Name The First Name of the User. This is a required field.
Middle Name The Middle Name of the User.
Last Name The Last Name of the User. This is a required field. 
Email Address The Email Address of the User. This Email Address can be used to send Messages to the User from the LMS. 

The Username of the User in the LMS. This is a required field. 

  • This value must be unique to this User

The Password of the User in the LMS. This is a required field. 

  • A Password must be entered, even if Single Sign-on (SSO) is enabled or a default Password can be set on the User import or through Restful APIs. 

The Department of the User. This is a required field. 

  • Departments are the primary structure of the LMS making it required for Users to be assigned to a Department in the LMS. Admins can utilize this hierarchy to filter training, provide security for certain Admins, and in reporting.
Messages This section will only be visible when creating a new User in the Admin Interface. This option allows the Admin to send a New User Message to notify the new User that they are now added to the LMS.
Is Active

This selection identifies the User's status within the LMS. 

  • Active = User can log into the LMS
  • Inactive = User cannot log into the LMS


Account Settings

Account settings identifies if the User has access to the Learner Interface, Admin Interface or both. All Users will default as Learners, unless otherwise selected. 

User Types Configuration.PNG


Field Description
Learner When toggled to On, the User will have access to the Learner Experience.
Reviewer When toggled to On, will have access to the Admin Experience and the User can be assigned to Observation Checklists as a Reviewer.

When toggled to On, the User will have access to the Manager Experience.

Note: Manager Roles determine the scope of access available in the Manager Experience. At least one Manager Role needs to be assigned to save a User as a Manager.

Direct Reports: Users will need to be assigned as Direct Reports to a Manager for them to be visible in the Manager Experience

  • A minimum of 1 User needs to be set as a Direct Report to save a User as a Manager
  • Each User can only have one Manager assigned
  • If a User is a Manager and has a Direct Report assigned, this forms a User hierarchy
    • Disjointed hierarchies can be created

Note: Administrators need the Users > Manage Manager Permission to configure Users as a Manager.


When toggled to On, the User will have access to the Admin Experience and can be assigned to an Instructor Led Course Session as an Instructor. The User will also have access to run ILC Activity, Session or Waitlist reports and see the Sessions they are assigned to. From these Reports, the Instructor can mark attendance. 

Note: You can create a Custom Role if you need the Instructor to have more access in the Admin Experience.


When toggled to On, the User will have access to the Admin Experience. Turning this on will also add them to the list of Supervisors, that can be assigned to Users in the User > Employee Data section. 

Note: This will not automatically provide them access to reporting or any functionality in the Admin Experience. A Role must be added in order to determine what they can do in the LMS. 

If you plan on assigning this User an Admin Role, you may want to update the default value in the User Management section from All to Department or Group

  • All - if a Role is assigned, they will see all Users in reporting and administration pages they can access in the Admin Interface
  • Department - if a Role is assigned, they will only see Users that are assigned to the Department(s) and/or Sub-Departments you have selected in this section. More than one Department can be selected and Sub-Departments can be included. 
  • Group - if a Role is assigned, they will only see Users that are assigned to the Group you have selected in this section. Only 1 Group can be assigned to an Admin
    • Groups can be used to organize Users within the system if Department hierarchy or User Custom Fields are not able to provide the structure needed. Admins can perform bulk actions, filter training, and limit Admin's access to certain Users within the LMS by using Groups.

When toggled to On, the User will have access to the Absorb Create course authoring tool. 

Note: Admins will only see this option when Absorb Create has been purchased and added to the LMS. 



Contact Information

In this section, you can collect contact information on your Users. These fields are optional when adding a new User.


  • These fields are useful when creating a Group or Course Enrollment Rules based on location for targeted training.
  • Additionally, they can be used in reporting to filter for Users in specific locations. Creating an Automatic Group based on location will simplify this kind of reporting.
Field Description
Address The preferred Address of the User
Address 2 The preferred Address or secondary Address of the User
Country The Country of the User
State/Province The State of the User
City The City of the User you are adding to the LMS.
Zip/Postal Code The Zip/Postal Code of the User you are adding to the LMS.
Phone The preferred Phone Number of the User you are adding to the LMS. 


Employee Details

The fields in the Employee Details section allow Admins to narrow down what training Users will see in their catalog or get enrolled into, as well as providing detailed reporting. 

Field Description
Employee Number

The Employee Number of the User you are adding to the LMS. 

  • Employee Number can be used as the unique ID when importing Users through a file or Restful API. This will help in situations where you have Users whose Username may change based on a name change or possibly when they move from temporary to full time. Using the Employee Number will allow the Username to update to the new value and not create a new record in the LMS. 
Job Title

The Job Title of the User you are adding to the LMS. 

  • This value is not only helpful in reporting, but also to filter training by specific Job Titles within the LMS. 
Location The preferred Location of the User you are adding to the LMS. 

The Supervisor of the User you are adding to the LMS. 

  • As noted above, the Supervisor must have the Admin toggle On
  • Adding a Supervisor allows Admins the ability to utilize workflows within the LMS. Such as, training approvals, enrollment approvals or Course Uploads
  • Messages can also be copied and sent to the Supervisor
Gender The Gender of the User you are adding to the LMS.
Date Hired The Date Hired of the User you are adding to the LMS. 
Date Terminated The Date Terminated of the User you are adding to the LMS. 



This section will display any Custom Fields you have created in Portal Settings > Custom Fields. If you don't find all the fields you need to provide the necessary information for your Users,  you can create these new fields. The fields can be Text, True/False, Number, Decimal, Date or Date/Time. Please see the Portal Settings article for more information on how to add these Custom Fields



This section provides additional fields you may find helpful to capture on your Users

Field Description
Avatar Here is where you can upload an image of the User you are adding to the LMS. The image will display to the User in the Learner Experience.

The preferred Language of the User you are adding to the LMS. 

  • Language will not only translate their Learner Experience, but it will also send standard Messages to them in their preferred Language.
CC Email Addresses This allows you to enter an Email Address that will receive a copy of all Messages this User gets from the LMS.
External ID

The External ID of the User you are adding to the LMS. 

  • External ID can be used as the unique ID when importing Users through a file or Restful API. This will help in situations where you have Users whose Username may change based on a name change or possibly when they move from temporary to full time. Using the External ID will allow the Username to update to the new value and not create a new record in the LMS.
Notes This allows you to enter notes about the User you are adding to the LMS. This note will be visible to Admin and not be visible to the User


How to Merge Users

Absorb LMS offers the ability to merge User Accounts, which conveniently combines all Enrollments, Course progress, Certificates and all other User information into one primary User Account. This is useful in scenarios where duplicate accounts have been accidentally created for the same User and progress has been made in each account. 

How to Merge Users.gif

  1. 1 Navigate to Users from the Users tab on the left.
  2. 2 Select the primary User account, then select Merge Users on the right. This will open the Merge Users menu. 
    • Note: The User will continue to log in with primary User account, and this is the account that data from the duplicate account will be consolidated into.
  3. 3 Select the duplicate User account that you would like to Merge into the primary account, and then select Merge on the right. The accounts will be merged, with the secondary User account being set to Inactive and not deleted.


Determining the Primary/Duplicate Accounts

There are a few things to consider when choosing which account should be the primary and which should be the duplicate:  
  • Primary User Account
    • After the merge, the primary account will be the primary account. The User will continue to log in with this account's Username/Password.
    • If both the primary and duplicate account contain the same Enrollments in the same Courses, the primary account will take priority. All other Enrollments will be added to the primary account as a Historic Enrollment
      • The exception to the primary account's Enrollments taking priority is where the duplicate account has a Completed status for an enrollment that matches an Enrollment found in the Primary account. In this event, the User's Transcript will reflect a Completed Status on the Enrollment, and the primary account's Enrollment will be made into a historic Enrollment.
    • User Profile data from the primary account will be maintained.
  • Duplicate User Account
    • Unique Enrollment data, Certificates, Competencies and other Course information that the secondary User account has associated with it will be moved to the primary User account.
    • Custom Saved Layouts and Scheduled Reports are moved to the primary User account. The new primary account can modify them as needed.
  • Transcripts
    • User Transcripts will include both Active and Historic Course Enrollments. As a result, merged User Transcripts will contain Enrollments from both the primary and duplicate Users after merging.
Post Enrollments

When merging Users, Post Enrollments applicable for the primary User's Enrollments will be retained. Since the duplicate User is moved to an Inactive Status following a merge, Post Enrollments for this User are no longer applicable.


Roles and Permissions

Below are the required Role Permissions Admins will need to Add and/or Modify Users within the LMS and the suggested Role Permissions Admins may want to have in a combination of what is required.

Please note that your environment may use customized Role(s), Permissions, or a combination of both to perform these activities. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your local System Administrator to review your current Permissions

Required Role Permissions

Role: Section Access Permission(s) Needed
Users View, Add or Modify Permission
Users > Departments View or Modify Permission


Suggested Role Permissions

Role: Section Access Permission(s) Needed
Users > Roles View or Modify Permission
Manage > Message Templates View or Modify Permission
Courses > All Types View or Modify Permission
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