Absorb is excited to announce our new and improved Absorb Support & Training Knowledge Base theme! The look and feel has been updated to allow for easier navigation. Tags have been added to articles to assist with pulling all relevant search results. Most importantly, articles have been updated and consolidated to incorporate more information, videos & GIFs, and references or use cases from the Learner's perspective.
New Theme
Welcome to the new theme! We've created a new aesthetic, feel free to check it out below:
Search Bar |
Here, you can search for key words, features or an article title. The search bar will filter by key words & tags associated to articles. You are also able to search for Absorb Create articles, doing so will open a new tab to the Absorb Create Knowledge Base. |
Announcements |
Here, you can find all announcement articles around new features, product updates, and system updates. |
Absorb LMS Knowledge Base |
Here, you can find helpful training guides around standard LMS features. |
Absorb Products + Resources |
Here, you can find helpful training guides around on-boarding resources and Absorb add-ons. |
Promoted Articles |
Here, you can view all articles that Absorb has promoted. |
New Article Layout
Navigation Tips
Overview | The Overview section contains a summary of the article topic. |
Important FYI | The Important FYI section contains key information about the article topic. |
Tip | The Tip section offers further information or resources around the article topic. |
Accordions | Accordions are dropdowns that contain further information around a topic within the article. |
Table of Contents | The Table of Contents is located on the right-hand side of the article page, here you can find all the main topics of the article. |
Scenarios | The Scenario section offers a use-case scenario from the Admin or Learner perspective. |
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