Page Menu

This article contains instructions and details about Absorb Create core functionality.

Page Menu

Clicking the dropdown arrow on the left in the top bar will open the page menu.  Accessing the page menu from there will enable you to modify and rearrange the pages from your course.  Let's go over each of the parameters that are available in this menu.


# Property Description
1 Add Page This will open the add page window for you to add pages.
2 Close Menu This will close the page menu.  Clicking anywhere outside of the page menu will close the menu as well.
3 Pin Menu This will pin the page menu so that clicking anywhere and modifying content will not close the menu.
4 Page Parameters Clicking on the 3 dots will open the parameters to modify for that page.
5 Reorder You can drag and drop a page to reorder it anywhere in the menu
6 Create Section This will create a section.  Pages can be dragged into sections in order to create chapters or modules for your course.

Page Parameters

Clicking on the page button will give you additional parameters to modify the page itself.  Here is a rundown of the parameters:


# Property Description
1 Rename This will rename the page 
2 Duplicate This will create a copy of the page
3 Replace page content This will open the add page window.  Choosing a new page will replace the current content of the page with the content of the new page chosen.
4 Save as a new slide template After customizing your page, clicking this will save your page as a new slide template which will appear in the shared templates folder in the add page menu
5 Delete This will delete the page


Section Parameters

Clicking on the section button will give you additional parameters to modify the section itself.  


From there you can rename and delete your section.

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