Slide Accent Colors

This article contains instructions and details about Absorb Create core functionality.

What Are Slide Accent Colors

The slide accent colors are colors that you will set when customizing your theme in order to assign the colors from your branding for any project that you are working on or for the company/department itself.  There are multiple ways to look at this but the important part is to understand that these colors will be associated with the theme that you are working on and will affect dynamically every courses and templates that are associated with that theme.

How To Set Slide Accent Colors

This first thing you will want to do when working on a theme is to set the accent colors.  For this, go in the 'Player Appearance' tab and then click on the section 'Slide Accent Colors'.  Then click on any of the colors in that section and start entering your branding colors depending on what you are trying to achieve.  There are 3 types of Accent colors:


  1. Text/Background - Dark : Set a color which will be used for text or a background layer of darker color
  2. Text/Background - Light: Set a color which will be used for text or a background layer of lighter color
  3. Accent 1 to 6: Set all of the accent colors in order of importance for as many as you need up to 6 accent colors.

It is important to understand that the text/background and accent colors are actually behaving exactly the same and their denomination changes only to define what they will be used for, but this is just as an indication.  You can use these colors any way you want as they can be applied to any interactions you create.  However, when working with Create 'Theme Templates' the Text/Background will modify, as the name suggests text and background premade interactions.

How To Put The Accent Colors To Use

Once the slide accent colors are set, you can select any interaction of your choice and apply an accent color of your choice to your interaction by choosing one of the models preset.  To do so, click on the 'Appearance' tab for that interaction and open the models dropdown menu.  From there you can see the presets available will actually showcase the accent colors.  Choosing one of those preset will apply the accent color to that interaction.  Later on, if you change the slide accent color itself, the change will cascade to that interaction since it's got the accent color applied to it instead of a unique color.


Text and Buttons presets

When clicking to create a text or button interaction, you'll notice that under your model's library section are other presets for these interactions.  These presets will display the colors of the slide accent colors, therefore showcasing presets that are representing your branding right away.  Click on any of those to create an instance of that interaction.  That interaction is tied to the associated accent color automatically and again, changing that accent color later on will change your interaction dynamically since it is tied to the accent color. 


Models & Accent Colors

When saving your models to create your own library, if you assigned accent colors to a model, when you create a new interaction with that model, your interaction will have all of the accent colors associated automatically as well since the model itself has accent colors tied to it.  Combining models with accent colors is really powerful to create a dynamic library of assets.


Putting Accent Colors Everywhere

Another place where you can choose accent colors is in the color picker.  You will see at various places in the platform, color rectangles displaying the current color of the parameter.  Clicking on the color rectangle will open the color picker.


Inside of the color picker, if you choose any custom color, this color will be unique and will not be associated with any accent color and therefore will never change.  Use this function if you do not want your interactions to be tied to any accent colors.  If on the other hand, you want to quickly choose an accent color, from that menu, you can click on the presets on the left as shown in the image above.  As you can see in the red outline, this section are color presets derived from the slide accent colors.  The first row on the top is the slide accent colors themselves, exactly as you would find them in the 'Player Appearance' section.  The other rows underneath are the same accent colors, but with different opacities to make variations to those colors.  Choosing one of the variations will tie it to the corresponding accent color, but if you change that accent color, the color will change, but the opacity setting will stay the same.  Just click on one of those colors in order to set it to the parameter it's attached to.

Slide Accent Colors & Page Templates

After you have set your own accent colors, go back in the 'Add Page' menu and browse through all of the various page templates.  You will immediately notice that most of the page templates have changed substantially.  This is because the premade interactions in all of the page templates are made with accent colors.  Now those colors by default were shown with the accent colors of the theme you have chosen when first creating the course, but you can see that inputting your own accent colors now has ramifications throughout all of the templates.  This is great for seeing an overview of what the page templates will look like with the branding of your organization or project right away.  When creating 'Shared Templates' or your own 'Theme Templates' if the interactions in your pages are associated with accent colors, when previewing them with other themes, your own page templates will change color according to the theme chosen.  This is a very powerful feature to display page templates in various different ways according to your theme.  For example, all of the colors in the page templates shown below are derived from accent colors associated with the theme.



Experiment with Slide Accent Colors.  Although a bit more complex to grasp, once properly understood they will prove to be an invaluable asset to your content creation flow.  Try different things when creating your own custom theme to see what works and what doesn't and you will quickly understand where in the platform these accent colors affect change in order to leverage that powerful feature.  

Remember:  The slide accent colors are associated to the theme, therefore when choosing a theme for your course, you are also choosing the set of accent colors associated with it.


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