The User Transcript details the training history of a Learner and includes information on attendance status, enrollment dates, scores, and more. It is possible for an Administrator to view the Transcript of Learners under their purview, as well a Learner can open and view their own Transcript.
To access a User Transcript as an Administrator you must access the Users Report, select a User and then click User Transcript from the right hand side menu.
The User Transcript is broken up into three sections:
- Profile
- Completions
- Enrollments
It also features multiple Actions:
- Print Transcript
- View Competencies
- View Certificates
- View Credits
- View Enrollments
User Transcript Sections
This section details each of the sections of the User Transcript.
This section of the User Transcript contains information specific to the User.
- The User's profile picture will be displayed here, if one is being used.
- The Username of the User will be showcased.
- The Department of the User appears here.
- The Email Address of the User appears here.
- Based on all completed enrollments, the accumulative Credits earned by the User appear here.
- The most recent date the User successfully logged into the Portal.
- Based on the active enrollments, the total amount of time the User has spent actively engaged with Learning Objects.
- This does not represent the total amount of time the User has been logged into the Portal.
The Completions section of the User Transcript details elements that been awarded for completed Courses such as Certificates.
- If the User has any Badges they will appear here.
- Earned Competencies will be listed in this section, alongside their level, category and the date they were acquired by the User.
- All Certificates will be presented in this section.
The Enrollments section contains information about each of the Courses or Curricula that the User is enrolled into.
The Enrollments section is broken up into two components, the Online and Instructor Led Course Enrollments and Curricula Enrollment elements. Each will showcase the name of the Course in question, the status of the enrollment, credits earned, the score the Learner has achieved, both the enrollment and completion dates (if available) and the total time spent with the Course actively launched.
Instructor Led Course Enrollments can have a Break Duration set, if there is a value set for this field, the Time Spent will account for this time being deducted.
Editing an Enrollment from the Transcript
From the Enrollments section of the User Transcript it is possible to mouse over and click any of the Enrollments from the list. Clicking a listed Enrollment will open the Edit Activity page.
More information about the Edit Activity page can be found here.
User Transcript Actions
On the right hand side of the User Transcript are Actions. Each, when clicked, will result in a different outcome.
These outcomes are listed here:
Back | You will be returned to the Users Report. |
Print Transcript |
A new tab will open in your browser. The page will present the User Transcript in a print friendly format. There will also be the Print button that initializes the print functionality of your browser. |
View Competencies | The Learner Competencies report will open, showcasing information relevant to the User. |
View Certificates | The Certificates report will open with a Username filter pointed at this User. All Certificates the User has earned will be displayed. |
View Credits | The Credits report will open for the User. Here you can view all the Credits earned by the User and information about them. |
View Enrollments | The User Enrollments report opens for the User. Here information about all of the User's enrollments are showcased. |
Learner Experience Transcript
From the Learner Experience the User Transcript is a common item to include in the menu.
By opening the menu and clicking Transcript a Learner will open the User Transcript. Here the information will be the exact same, but it is presented in a more user facing fashion
Information such as Username, Email Address, Department and Credits are included at the top. While the rest of the transcript will detail earned Competencies and/or Enrollments.
From the User Transcript a Learner may click one of the Courses to start, or view the content. It is also possible to use the Print Transcript option at the top, to access a print friendly version of the transcript.
Additional Information
Included are frequently asked questions, or information segments specific to the User Transcript:
Inactive Courses and Historic Enrollments Displayed
You have the option to show inactive Courses and Historic Enrollments on Learner Transcripts. This allows Learners to see which Courses they have earned Credit for completing, regardless of the current Course Status.
The Learner Transcript visibility option is housed in the Department Template:
- Access the Admin Experience.
- Open the Setup menu by clicking the gear icon on the left hand side of the screen.
- Select Templates.
- From the Templates report, select the Template you wish to edit and then click Edit from the right hand side.
- Open the Settings tab, and then expand the Profile section.
- Under the Profile section, click the toggle for Show Inactive Courses and Historic Enrollments on Transcript.
- Save the Department Template.
Example: Enable Inactive Courses on Learner Transcript
Example: Historic Enrollments on User Transcript
Certificate Expiry
When a Learner's Course or Curriculum Certificate has expired, a timer icon will automatically appear within the "Expires" column of the Learner's Transcript for that particular Certificate. This icon will only appear for Certificates that are past their expiration dates.
In the upper right corner of the Transcript's Certificate page, Learners will see the timer icon followed by "Certificate is expired" verbiage. This serves as the legend for what the timer icon represents when it does appear, and only applies to Certificates that have that timer populated.
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