Print or save content as a PDF

While it is not possible to download or export an Absorb Create Course as PDF file, you can leverage the print functionality in your browser to print or save a Create page as a PDF.

Printing Page Limitations

Note that when using the print function, you can only print one page at a time.


Printing a Course Page to PDF

In Create, navigate to the Course that you wish to print a page from, then advise the following steps:

  1. For best results, it is best to view the Course in Playback/Preview mode. Once you have opened the Course, click on the Playback icon in the control bar. This will open the Course in Preview mode.
  2. Navigate to the Course page you wish to print.
  3. Press CTRL+P (or Command + P if you're using a Mac) on your keyboard. A pop-up window will open with a preview of the page and several print options.
  4. Check the print settings carefully to ensure the full slide is captured, e.g. landscape, scale, and options. Make sure the preview is displaying the page as you want to print it.

    Saving Background Themes

    When setting up a slide for printing, make sure to check the Print Background option under the Options heading in the Print Preview. You may need to scroll to the bottom of the window to locate it. This will capture any background images or themes in the printed slide, otherwise the background will appear blank.

  5. Click Save.
  6. Repeat this process for subsequent pages in the Course; you will need to further assemble these pages in a PDF editor to render a single document.


Limitations on Saved Media

Note that only static slides can be effectively saved in this manner. Interactions, videos, audio, and animations cannot be saved as static images.


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For more information on download options and formats, please see the article below:

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