Course Summary Report

The Course Summary Report provides you with the overall activity statistics on all of the Courses contained in your LMS. This report is valuable to keep track of the overall health and success of your organization's training efforts.

The Course Summary Report is located in the Reports tab on the left side of the Admin Interface. Selecting the report name will redirect you to the Course Summary Report page. From here, you can filter results based on a variety of data points. 

Navigate to Course Summary Report.gif


  • This report will only display active User data.
  • Be mindful that opening a report may also bring up a favorite saved layout, or a shared default organizational report layout.
  • You will only see data that you have access to view. For example, data from Learners that an Admin does not have permission to view will not be included in their report.


Report Data

You can customize this report to provide information on many different data points in order to tailor it to your preferences. The available data fields, which are the columns in the report, are listed below.

Data Fields


  • Fields that have an asterisk (*) symbol are included in the Report's default layout. 
  • Custom fields configured in your Portal Settings will also be available. 
Data Column Description
This column displays the value of the Author field for any Absorb Content/Third Party Lesson within the Course. If there are multiple lessons with a value set, Multiple will be displayed.
Average Time Spent* This is calculated by taking the total time spent by all users, and dividing it by the number of users. Please note that if a learner has a time in a course, but isn't complete, this isn't calculated into the time. 
Category* This column displays the optional identifier manually allocated by the Admin to the authored Course, that can be used to organize the portal's training inventory into whatever distinct programs, families of Courses, etc. the organization requires.
Company Cost This column displays the optional number manually assigned by the Admin in the authored Course, that can be used to designate a calculated / estimated financial expense (i.e. real or arbitrary) that the organization directly incurs in delivering the Course to one Learner.
Company Time This column displays the optional number manually assigned by the Admin in the authored Course, that can be used to designate a calculated / estimated duration of time (i.e. real or arbitrary) that the organization directly expends in delivering the Course to one Learner.
Completed* This column displays the number of Enrolled Learners that have successfully finished their training and are designated as having Completed the Course.
Completed Company Cost This column displays the total Company Cost, based on all the Enrolled Learners that are designated in the LMS as having Completed the Course (per the Completed definition above).
Completed Company Time This column displays the total Company Time, based on all the Enrolled Learners that are designated in the LMS as having Completed the Course (per the Completed definition above).
Completed Learner Cost This column displays the total Learner Cost, based on all the Enrolled Learners that are designated in the LMS as having Completed the Course (per the Completed definition above).
Completed Learner Time This column displays the total Learner Time, based on all the Enrolled Learners that are designated in the LMS as having Completed the Course (per the Completed definition above).
Content Type
This column displays the value of the Content Type field for any Absorb Content/Third Party lessons within the Course. If there are multiple lessons with unique values set, Multiple will be displayed.
Course* This column displays the name given to the Course, wherever it appears in the LMS.
Credit Type
This column displays the current configuration of the Credit Type of the Course.
Date Added This column displays the date that the Course was first created and saved to the LMS.
Date Edited This column displays the date that the Course was last updated and re-saved to the LMS.
Duration (Minutes)
This column displays the cumulative value of the Duration (Minutes) field for all Absorb Content/Third Party lessons within the Course.
Enable for Mobile App

This column displays the current configuration of the Enable for Mobile App toggle of a Course.

Note: The Enable Mobile App toggle must be enabled in Portal Settings in order to view this option.

Enrolled* This column displays the total number of active Learner Enrollments in the Course.
External ID This column displays the unique Course identifier manually assigned by the Admin and can be used to coordinate the administration of the organization's training program / resources in line with their Absorb counterparts in the LMS.
This column displays the total number of failed enrollments in a Course.
ID This column displays the unique Course identifier automatically assigned by the LMS and can be used in creating deep links in Absorb.
In Progress* This column displays the number of Enrolled Learners that have Started their training , but have not yet satisfied all of the requirements outlined in the Syllabus of the Course.
Learner Cost This column displays the optional number manually assigned by the Admin in the authored Course, that can be used to designate a calculated / estimated financial expense (i.e. real or arbitrary) that the organization indirectly incurs in terms of foregone work / productivity, by having a Learner taking the Course.
Learner Time This column displays the optional number manually assigned by the Admin in the authored Course, that can be used to designate a calculated/estimated duration of time (i.e. real or arbitrary) that the organization indirectly expends in terms of foregone work/productivity, by having a Learner taking the Course.
Lesson External ID
This column displays the value of the Lesson External ID field for any Absorb Content/Third Party lessons within the Course. If there are multiple lessons with a value set, Multiple will be displayed.
Mandatory Course
This column displays the current configuration of the Mandatory Course toggle for the Course.
Not Started* This column displays the number of Enrolled Learners that have not yet launched their Course and have begun their training on at least one Lesson contained inside a Course Chapter.
Started This column displays the number of Enrolled Learners that have launched their Course and have begun their training on at least one Lesson contained inside a Course Chapter.
Started Company Cost

This column displays the total Company Cost incurred by the organization, based on all the Enrolled Learners that are designated in the LMS as having Started the Course (as per the Started definition directly above).

(Up until the point that a Learner launches their first Lesson, their Enrollment can still be canceled at essentially no expense to the organization. However, as soon as a student's training is underway, costs are technically being incurred by the organization in order to provide that Course to the Learner.)


This column displays the Status of the Course.


Filters the report data based on the Supervisor associated with the Course's enrollment.

Total Comments This column displays the number of comments that have been submitted using the Course Comments feature.
Total Time Spent* This column displays the amount of time a user takes while the assessment is open.
Type This column displays the training format of the LMS Course - Online Course, Instructor Led Course or Curriculum.
Vendor This column displays the name of the third party supplier of the Course content, in the event that the training material for the Course was purchased externally.


Report Action & Mass Actions

After navigating to a Report, you can perform administrative actions. These action commands become available once a row in the table is selected. The Actions menu is displayed on the right-hand frame of the page. This menu is context-sensitive, so the options for Actions and Mass Actions that are available will change depending on the content you are selecting.

  • An individual row selection will open the Actions menu.
  • Multiple row selections will open the Mass Actions menu.

Note: Action options are dependent on your individual Admin Role permission(s). Some actions listed in the table below may not be available to all Admins. If you have questions related to your permission set, please contact your local System Admin for details.


The actions listed in the table below are can be applied to a single row item

Action Menu Option Description
Enroll User Click this button to launch the Enroll Users workspace where the Admin can Enroll one or more of the selected Learners in any of the Courses / Curricula contained in the LMS.
Edit Course Click this button to launch the Edit Course workspace where the Admin can make any needed changes to the LMS Course.
View Activity Report Click this button to launch the Course Activity Report where the Admin can view an overview summary of the Course with regards to Learner Enrollments, as well as make changes to Course / Lesson Activity to one or more students presently Enrolled in the Course.
Learner Progress Click this button to launch the Learner Progress Report where the Admin can view an overview summary of the training progress made by all of the Learners contained in their portal.
Department Progress Click this button to launch the Department Progress Report where the Admin can view an overview summary of all of the Departments contained in their portal.
Deselect Click this button to clear current selections.
Mass Actions

The actions listed in the table below are can be applied to multiple row items at a time.

Action Menu Option Description
Enroll Users Click this button to launch a workspace where you can enroll the selected Users in any training contained in the system.
Deselect Click this button to clear current selections.


Report Roles & Permissions

Below are the Required Role Permissions the Admin will need to access this Report and access the data to be populated.

Please note that your environment may use customized Role(s), Permissions, or a combination of both to perform these activities. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your local System Administrator to review your current permissions. 

Required Role Permissions
Role: Section Access Permissions Needed
Users > Users View or Modify permission
Reports > Course Summary Access permission
Suggested Role Permissions
Role: Section Access Permissions Suggested
Courses > Instructor Led Courses View or Modify permission
Courses > Online Courses View or Modify permission
Courses > Course Bundles View or Modify permission
Courses > Curricula View or Modify permission
Courses > Enrollments View or Modify permission
Reports > Learner Progress Access permission
Reports > Department Progress Access permission
Reports > Course Activity Access permission
Reports > Generated Reports* Access permission

*Admin must have Generated Reports permission in order to export report data to Excel or CSV.

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