How to Create a Curriculum

A Curriculum is a container for Online and Instructor Led Courses (ILCs) that has many beneficial uses. A Learner can be enrolled into a Curriculum and receive access to multiple different Courses in one place. This article details how to create a Curriculum.

For additional details related to Curriculum configuration, please review our Overview of Curriculum Settings article.

For additional details related to Enrollment Rules, please review our Creating Enrollment Rules article.


Only Administrators with the correct permission set can create Curricula. The default Administrator Role includes this permission, but custom Admin Roles may not. Please confirm your account permissions and visibility if you cannot see any of the following options.


Creating a New Curriculum

The following method details how to create a new Curriculum with an Online Course, an Instructor Led Course and a Self Enrollment Rule:

  1. Access the Admin Experience. You may default to logging into the Admin Interface depending on your organization settings, or, click the Admin button from the Learner Experience.
  2. From the left-hand side menu, click the Courses button. The Courses menu will expand.
  3. Under the Courses menu, click Courses. This will open the Courses Report.
  4. On the Courses Report, under the right-hand side Actions menu, click Add Curriculum. You will land on the Add Curriculum page.
  5. Now on the Add Curriculum page, proceed through the General section and fill out the basic required fields. By default the General and Syllabus sections are already expanded.
  6. The first element is the Status toggle. This toggle determines whether or not the Curriculum will appear in the LMS for your Learners. If Inactive the curricula will not be visible in a Course Catalog, as an example. You may keep your curricula Inactive until it is ready to launch, or immediately turn it to Active by clicking the toggle. 
  7. Title is the name of the curricula, as it will be displayed to Users. You must enter a Title for a Curriculum, but it may be any string of characters you prefer up to a limit of 450 characters.
  8. Description is an optional field where you can store information about the Curriculum. Description will be visible to Learners.
  9. Language is an optional field where you can indicate which Language the Curriculum content is in. If you click the field, a drop-down will open and you may select the relevant Language.
  10. Tags is an optional field which allows you to associate Tags you have created in your LMS, with this Curriculum. If you haven't created any Tags clicking this field will not showcase any options. If you have, click the field and select any relevant Tags from the drop-down to associate them with this Course.
  11. Next is the Courses section. Here the Online and Instructor Led Courses contained in the Curriculum will be displayed and selected.
  12. Show Terms & Conditions requires a Learner to accept the stated Terms & Conditions prior to gaining access to the content in the Course. By default this toggle appears Off but can be clicked to toggle it On. Once toggled On a field appears where you can enter the Terms & Conditions.

  13. Pace Progress determines if Groups must be completed in order, or they may be completed in any order. Pace Progress when turned On will require an enrolled Learner to proceed from Group 1 to Group 2 and so on until all Groups in the Curriculum are complete.
  14. By default a new Curriculum will feature a single Group named Group 1. The first option under this section is Group NameGroup Name is a field where you can enter a title or label for the Group of courses. This Group Name will be visible to Learners.
  15. Next is the Must Complete setting. Must Complete is a setting with three selectable configurations. Must Complete All requires an enrolled Learner to complete each of the Courses in the GroupMinimum Courses allows you to set the number of Courses that must be completed. Minimum Credits allows you to set the number of Credits that must be earned before the Group is complete.
  16. At the bottom of Group 1 is the Add Courses button. Click this button to open the Select Courses modal frame, and select an Online Course from your portal.
  17. After selecting the Online Course confirm your choice with the Choose button. The selected course will appear in Group 1.

  18. We want to add another Group in this example. To do so click the Add Group button at the bottom of the Courses section. A new Group will be added.
  19. Repeat step 16 to add an Instructor Led Course to Group 2. Once complete there should be two Groups with one Course each.
  20. Add and expand the Enrollment Rules section to the page.
  21. Under Allow Self Enrollment select Specific. The Enrollment Rules section will expand.
  22. Under Self Enrollment Rule click the Add Rule button. This will add an Enrollment Rule to the Curriculum.
  23. Click the first drop-down menu of the Enrollment Rule and select Location. For this example the Enrollment Rule will make Self Enrollment available for Learners who feature North America as their Location.
  24. From the right-hand side click the Publish button.


Following the completion of the above method a single Curriculum, with an Online Course in one group, an Instructor Led Course in another and Self Enrollment Rules will be published to the LMS. If the Status toggle was Active at the time of publishing the Curriculum, it will appear in the Course Catalog of Learners within a few moments. This is but one of many possible configurations for a Curriculum.



Frequently asked questions, or tips and tricks for configuring Curriculum:

  1. The enrollment of the Curriculum does not automatically enroll Users into the training within the Curriculum. This is meant to accommodate the requirement options. If you would like the User to be automatically enrolled into the training included, the Post-Enrollment setting of the Curriculum will provide the option to automatically enroll or re-enroll Users into other Courses when enrolled into the Curriculum.
  2. Enrollment Rules that are set for the Curriculum will take precedence and override the Enrollment Rules that are set for each individual Course located within the Curriculum.
  3. The Access Date, Expiration Date, and Due Dates of the individual Online Courses will be ignored. For example, if an Online Course has an Access Date of June 23rd, yet the Curriculum has an Access Date of April 15th then that Online Course will be available to Learners enrolled in the Curriculum on April 15th.
  4. Prerequisites on an Online Course or Instructor Led Course within the Curriculum will also be ignored. Only Prerequisites listed in the Curriculum’s Availability section will be adhered to. For example, if the course Absorb 102 required Learners to complete Absorb 101 but this Prerequisite was NOT added as a Curriculum Prerequisite, the Learners in the Curriculum would be able to take Absorb 102 even without taking Absorb 101.
  5. Online Course and Instructor Led Course Message Templates will not be overridden by the Curriculum settings. This means that the Learners will receive your Curriculum Enrollment and Completion Messages and any Enrollment and Completion Messages for the individual Courses.
  6. Post Enrollments are only available upon enrollment or completion of the Curriculum. Since a Curriculum cannot receive a Failed status, Online Courses and Instructor Led Courses have an additional status of Failed.
  7. Curricula will inherit a Completion Date from the most recently completed Course. If a Curriculum contains both an ILC and an Online Course, and the ILC is completed first, the Curriculum will inherit a Completion Date from the Online Course. The same rules apply to a Curriculum that contains multiple Courses of the same type. If a Curriculum contains multiple ILCs, it will inherit a Completion Date from the most recently completed ILC.
  8. Under the Completion section of the Curriculum authoring tool, there is a toggle for Retroactive Completion, set to Off by default. When enabled, this will cause the Curriculum completion date to be dictated by the most recent Course completion date within that Curriculum, if an assigned Learner has already completed all the necessary Courses within it. This is useful in situations where Curricula need to be repeated annually, as it ensures the re-take date aligns with the most recent Course completion within the Curriculum.
  9. Courses added to a Curriculum after a User has completed the Curriculum will be available to the Learner but not required for Curricula completion.
  10. Due Dates for Curricula will override Due Dates for Online Courses, even if the User completed the Curriculum before being enrolled in a Course that wasn't part of the Curriculum when they completed it.


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