How To: Navigating Menus

Throughout the Absorb Experiences you will find different menus. A menu is a list of options or commands presented to the User. These options are displayed on a side of the screen, or will expand when a button is clicked. Menus provide a simple way for Users to access various functions of the software.

Depending on the Absorb Experience you are accessing, which menu you see will be different. As an example from the Learner Experience there is a menu at the top right of the screen:


Generally speaking a menu will contain one of two items:

  • A direct link to a page or feature.
  • A button that expands more options when clicked.


In the above example from the Learner Experience we can see there are four options in the menu:


To reference the options from this menu, you can mouse over any of the options and click. It is also possible to hover your mouse over the button and after a moment a small popup will appear featuring the name of the button.


The Search button when clicked will open a feature, in this case the Search Bar:


If you click the hamburger icon a menu will open:


From the Admin Interface you will encounter a menu on the left-hand side of the screen as well as a context based Action Menu on the right-hand side of the screen. The left-hand side menu contains the different pages and reports that can be navigated to from the Admin Experience. To open these menus, click their respective button as in this example:


Add or Edit a Course Menus

When you are adding a Course to the LMS, a new menu will appear with additional buttons. It will appear like this:


Each component of this page represents an action, setting or section with options that can be referenced or utilized. At the top of the page, is a series of buttons in a row.


This row of buttons is broken up into two sections:


The first section includes the each of the sections with configurable settings. The color represents whether or not the settings have been expanded on the Course. For more information about Course Settings click here.

This section has been expanded on the Course.
This section has not been expanded on the Course.


By clicking any of the buttons from the first section you can expand that section, and automatically scroll the page down to the section.


The second section includes the Expand All and Collapse All buttons. These options provide quality of life functionality by allowing you to open up each section, or close them all with one click.


When a section has been collapsed, you can open or close it independently using the Expand or Collapse action beside its name.


More Information

In addition to the above instruction, the following articles contain more information related to menus:

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