When creating a Course in the LMS, you may want to set specific requirements that Learners must have in order to interact with a Course. This can be done using Enrollment Rules. These rules may be set when creating the Course or by editing it later. You can create rules for the type of Enrollment, such as Automatic or Self Enrollment, or rules that require a Learner to have completed certain Courses prior to enrolling in the new Course.
In this article we will outline how to create a new Enrollment Rule, and some additional resources related to Enrollments.
To create a new Enrollment Rule, please advise the following steps:
- In the Admin Experience, click on the Courses tile on the right-hand side of the page.
- Select Courses from the Courses menu.
- You can add Enrollment Rules either when creating a Course or to an existing Course. Either click the Add Online Course button to create a new Course, or select the Course you wish to add Enrollment Rules to and click the Edit button.
- In the new window, click on the Enrollment Rules button at the top of the page. This is will take you to the Enrollment Rules section of the Course.
- The Enrollment Rules section contains five subsections, each with their own configurations. The first one allows you to select a Locked Department, which restricts enrollment for the Course to that Department only. Select a Locked Department only if you wish to restrict enrollment for this Course.
- Set the Self Enrollment, Automatic, and Manager Enrollment rules. You can have different rules for each section.
- Select the approval (if any is required) to enroll in this Course. Selecting a specific role as an Approval (e.g., Course Editor) requires someone in that role to approve all enrollments for the Course.
- Click Publish to save your changes.
More Information
You can find additional information about Enrollment Rules in the following articles:
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