Note: Internet Explorer
Absorb will be deprecating support for Internet Explorer (IE) 11 in 2022. Please see important dates below:
- Absorb will discontinue fixing IE 11 specific issues on August 31, 2022
- Absorb will fully drop support for IE 11 on November 30, 2022
These dates align with Microsoft's changes to IE 11 that occurred on June 15, 2022. Please visit The future of Internet Explorer on Windows 10 is in Microsoft Edge for further details.
User Acceptance Testing is an important step to verify you have adequately configured your Absorb LMS portal. This article outlines a few key areas that should be tested and examples of testing methods.
The specific testing required will vary based on your use case. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact your Implementation Analyst.
- Confirm that users are able to access the appropriate Courses based on the configured Availability Rules.
Test example: Restrict access to a Course by only allowing it to be available to a single Department. Login in as a user from the identified Department and confirm they can view and enroll. Then log in as a user from a different Department and confirm that they are unable to view the Course from the Course Catalog (or any other method).
Test example: Restrict access to a Course by only allowing it to be available to a single Department. Login in as a user from the identified Department and confirm they can view and enroll. Then log in as a user from a different Department and confirm that they are unable to view the Course from the Course Catalog (or any other method).
Enroll into and Launch a Course.
- Ensure that the Learning Objects and content within the Course are in the correct order.
- Do Course Packages (SCORM, Tin Can, etc.) open and report as intended?
- Test Assessments to verify that correct Question Banks are used (if enabled) and scores calculate correctly.
- Check that the learner's progress throughout the Course or Curriculum is tracked as expected.
Standard Login
- Confirm that Learner can navigate to the Login Page via the correct URL, enter their credentials, and successfully access your Absorb LMS portal. Confirm the following settings:
- If you are using Department Templates, are you viewing the correct Learner Dashboard?
- Are all the required Learner Dashboard Tiles present?
- Are all the required menu options available? (Hamburger icon)
- Is the correct language displayed?
- Login Assistance:
- Test the Password Reset workflow, if applicable to your setup.
Incoming SSO Login (if applicable)
- Confirm that Users can navigate to the assigned Portal URL. With Incoming SSO, the User is pre-authenticated from the Client side. The User will either be logged in via the SSO settings or redirected to the appropriate login page.
- If you are using Department Templates, are you viewing the correct Learner Dashboard?
- Are all the required Learner Dashboard Tiles present?
- Are all the required menu options available? (Hamburger icon)
- Is the correct language displayed?
- Upon logging out, is the user redirected to the correct page per your SSO configuration?
Roles & Permissions
- Log in as each Admin Role and test the permission visibility, access, and custom configurations.
- Ensure that each Admin Role is prohibited from accessing sections from the Admin Interface that is not permitted with their Role.
- If sharing a Report Layout, ensure that the correct group(s) of Admins have access to the correct layout(s).
- Test Report Scheduling and make sure that reports are received at the desired frequency, and in the correct format for the recipients.
Department Visibility
- Ensure that visibility to Courses and Users is behaving as expected.
eCommerce (if applicable)
- Using test cards, go through the check-out process:
- Are required data fields gathered through E-Commerce?
- Does the transaction go through?
- Do coupons behave as expected?
- Does Variable Pricing work as intended? (You will need to impersonate multiple users to test this function.)
Note: Not all payment gateways accept test credit cards. If this does not work, try setting a Course for $1.00 to ensure the payment gateway is working correctly.
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