Inactivating a Course can be used to remove a Course from active circulation. When a Course is Inactive, it is treated by the system differently. The primary reason to inactivate a Course is when you do not want it to appear in a Catalog, or be accessed by your Users.
This article covers how to inactivate a Course, and how the system treats the Course after it has been inactivated.
Inactivating a Course
The process of inactivating a Course can only be performed by an Administrator with permission to edit the Course. Inactivating a Course is not final, and can be reversed easily.
To inactivate a Course, follow these steps:
- Access the Admin Experience as an Administrator.
- Open the Courses menu from the left-hand side, and select Courses.
- Select a Course from the Report, then use the Edit Action from the right-hand side.
- Click on the Status toggle to switch between Active and Inactive.
- Once the toggle indicates the Course is Inactive, make sure to Publish or Quick-Publish your Course to save the changes.
Outcome of Inactivation
When a Course is Inactive, it is treated differently by the system. The core distinction of an Inactive Course is that it will not be visible to Learners in the Learner Experience, with the exception of the Transcript.
The following define specific outcomes of inactivating a Course throughout the LMS:
Administrator Enrollment
An Inactive Course can still be the target of an Administrator Enrollment. However, even if an Admin enrolls a Learner in an Inactive Course, the Inactive Course won't appear in My Courses.
An Administrator is also capable of creating an Enrollment Key that includes an Inactive Course, and enrolling a User into the Inactive Course via the Enrollment Key. Similar to other methods, this enrollment will not allow the User to access the Course in the Learner Experience, until the Course Status becomes Active.
Enrollment Rules
Enrollment Rules will not trigger if a Course is Inactive. This means that an Inactive Course with the Self Enrollment Rules of All Learners, will still not appear in the Catalog. Automatic Enrollment Rules will not trigger, until the Course is Active.
It is important to note that if you have Automatic Enrollment Rules configured on an Inactive Course and the Course becomes Active, the Automatic Enrollment Rules will instantly attempt to process Enrollments.
An Email for Courses is often scheduled at the time of Enrollment, such as in the case of a Nudge Email. An Email will check with the system if the Course is Active prior to distribution, and if the Course is Inactive, the Email will not be generated, even if it was scheduled.
Post Enrollments
A Post Enrollment that targets an Inactive Course will still be processed by the system. A User enrolled into an Inactive Course via a Post Enrollment will still not be able to see the Course in the Learner Experience, but the system will reflect the Post Enrollment occurring.
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