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ILC Sessions Report

The ILC Sessions Report provides details of Sessions and Learners who are enrolled into each Session. You can use this report to perform a variety of actions related to Attendance, Waitlist, and Instructors. Common uses of this report are to:

  • Manage Attendance
  • View Waitlists
  • Enroll Learners 
  • Message Instructors

The ILC Sessions Report is located in the Reports tab on the left side of the Admin Interface. Selecting the report name will redirect you to the ILC Sessions Report page. From here, you can filter results based on a variety of data points. 

Report Tips
  • This report will only display Active User data.
  • Be mindful that opening a report may also bring up a favorite saved layout, or a shared default organizational report layout.
  • You will only see data that you have access to view. For example, data from Learners that an Admin does not have permission to view will not be included in their report.

ILC Sessions Report.png


Report Data 

You can customize this report to provide information on many different data points in order to tailor it to your preferences. The available data fields, which are the columns in the report, are listed below.

Please note the following regarding data fields on this Report:

  • Fields that have an asterisk (*) symbol are included in the Report's default layout.
  • Custom fields configured in your Portal Settings will also be available. 
Data Column  Description
# of Users Absent* This column displays the number of Users whose Status was marked as Absent for this Session
# of Users Completed* This column displays the number of Users whose Status was marked as Complete for this Session
# of Users Enrolled*

This column displays the number of Users whose Status was marked as Enrolled for this Session

Note: If the number of Users enrolled in a Session exceeds the number of available seats for the Session, check if there are Users on the Waitlist for that Session. Users who are waitlisted will count towards the total number of Users enrolled in a Session.

Class Start Date* This column displays the calendar date and time the Session will begin.
Class End Date* This column displays the calendar date and time the Session is finished. 
Course* This column displays the name of the Instructor Led Course the Session is attached to. 
Date Added This column displays the calendar date and time the Session was created in the ILC.
Date Edited This column displays the calendar date and time the Session was last updated. 
Enrollment End Date This column displays the calendar date and time Users can no longer enroll into the Session
Enrollment Start Date This column displays the calendar date and time Users can begin enrolling into the Session
External ID This column displays the value populated in the External ID field of the Session’s Settings > Attribute section.
Instructor* This column displays the first name and last name of the User listed in the Instructor field of the Session. If there is more than 1 Instructor, the column will display Multiple
Learners on Waitlist This column displays the number of Users on the Waitlist of the Session
Max Class Size This column displays the minimum class size required for the Session.
Min Class Size This column displays the maximum class size allowed for the Session.
Session* This column displays the Title of the Session
Session ID This column displays the GUID (unique ID) for the respective Session.
Spaces Left This column displays the number of spaces open until Max Class Size is reached. 
Time Zone Name* This column displays the Time Zone of the Session
Venue* This column displays the Name of the Venue where the Session will be held. 
Waitlist enabled

This column indicates if this Session allows a Waitlist or not. 

Yes - Waitlist is enabled.

No - Waitlist is disabled.


Report Actions

After generating a report, you can perform administrative actions. Commands to modify Report data become available once the checkbox of a table row item is selected (checked). The menu is displayed on the right-hand frame of the page.

  • An individual row selection will open the Actions menu.
  • Multiple row selections will open the Mass Actions menu.
Permissions & Action Menu Options

Action options are dependent on your individual Admin Role permission(s). Some actions listed in the table below may not be available to all Admins. If you have questions related to your permission set, please contact your local System Admin for details.


Single Item Actions

The actions listed in the table below can be applied to a single item

Action Menu Option Description
Mark Attendance

Click this button to launch a workspace to view and edit the status of the Users enrolled in the Session. On this page Admins or Instructors can mass update all Users' Status, Grade and/or Credits for the Session or they can use the grid at the bottom of the page to select different Statuses, Grades and/or Credits for each User

More information about marking attendance for ILCs can be found in the article here.

Note: If Absent is selected, this is considered as a Completion Status and will mark the Learner as Complete on their Transcripts. If a Completion is not the desired Status, we recommend marking these Learners as Not Complete

If a Session is recurring, the Admin or Instructor for each Session Date will be able to mark if a User attended or not. 

Manage Grades & Attendance

Click this button to launch a new report, where you will see a list of all Users enrolled into the Session.

This Report has different Actions menus depending on the number of Users selected. When no Users are selected, the Actions menu with the Mark Attendance and View Waitlist options is available. From this menu the Instructor or Admin can Mark Attendance for the Course or view the Course's Waitlist.

When a single User is selected, new options become available in the Actions menu.

Each of these options is related to the selected User:

  • Edit Activity allows the Admin or Instructor to modify or update the selected User's activity in the Course, including Session attendance or grade.
  • User Transcript opens the Transcript for the selected User.
  • Edit User allows the Admin or Instructor to Edit the User's information in the LMS.
  • Mark As Complete and Mark As Not Complete will set a Completion Status for the selected User for the Course, either Complete or Not Complete, respectively.
  • Message User opens a form to compose a message to the selected User.
  • The Enrollment option opens the User Enrollments Report for the selected User.
  • The Download Certificate option, when enabled, downloads the Course Certificate attached to the Session Completion for the selected User.
  • Deselect clears the current User selection.

Mass Actions are also available for this Report:

Each of the available options has the same functionality as in the Actions menu, but are applied to multiple Users.  

Edit Course

Click this button to launch the Course Edit form for the selected Instructor Led Course. Here you can update the configuration of the Course and associated Sessions.

More information about ILC Settings can be found in the article here.

View Waitlist

Click this button to launch a new Report, where you can view all Users on the Waitlist for this Session. This Report shows the User's first and last name, Username, Date Added to the Waitlist, and Priority in the Waitlist. By default, a User's Waitlist Priority is set to zero. From this report, Admins and Instructors can Manage Grades & Attendance for the Session.

Admins or Instructors can also select a User, opening new options in the Actions menu. These options can move Users from the Waitlist to the Session Attendee list, move Users up or down on the Priority list, Unenroll Users or Message Users. Note that the Increase priority and Lower priority buttons increase and decrease a User's Waitlist Priority by one point respectively.

Note: The Promote from Waitlist button will automatically enroll the User in the Session, even if the Session has no more available seats. This will also remove the selected User from the Waitlist.

Enroll Users

Click this button to launch the Enroll User workspace, where you can enroll new Users into the ILC and the specific Session

Note: If the selected Session has no more available seats, a banner with the message "You will exceed the available seats of this Session" will appear below the Session drop-down.

Message Instructors

Click this button to launch the Compose Message workspace, where Admins or Instructors can send an email message to the Session's Instructor or any Active User in your LMS. 

You can also send the message to Departments or specific Groups using the toggles at the top of the workspace.

Deselect Click this button to clear current selections.


Mass Actions

The actions listed in the table below can be applied to multiple items.

Mass Action Option Description
Message Instructors

Click this button to the launch the Compose Message workspace. Here Admins or Instructors can compose and send a message to the Instructors of the selected Sessions.

Note: This option is available even if only one or some of the selected Sessions have Instructors.


Report Roles & Permissions

Below are the Required Role Permissions the Admin will need to access this Report and access the data to be populated.

Please note that your environment may use customized Role(s), Permissions, or a combination of both to perform these activities. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your local System Administrator to review your current Permissions. 


Required Role Permissions

Role: Section Access Required Permissions
Reports ILC Sessions
Courses > Sessions Add, Modify (Details, Enrollments, Metrics), Delete and/or Duplicate permission
Users View or Modify permission


Suggested Role Permissions

Role: Section Access Permissions Suggested
Courses > Instructor-Led Courses View, Modify and/or Delete permission
Courses > Venues View or Modify permission
Reports > ILC Activity Access permission
Reports > ILC Grades Access permission
Reports > Generated Reports* Access permission

*Admin must have Generated Reports permission in order to export report data to Excel or CSV.

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