Overview of Instructor Led Course (ILC) Settings

This article is part of a series on Course Settings. Click here to view the whole series.

An Instructor Led Course (ILC) is a Course offering within the Absorb LMS where a Learner can enroll in a Course taught by an Instructor through Sessions. In this article you will find details about the settings and configurations contained in the Edit page of an ILC. For information on how to create an ILC, please see the How to Create an Instructor Led Course (ILC) article.

On the Edit Instructor Led Course page, there are two ways to add or enable the various sections. The first is by clicking the button of the corresponding section in the ILC Settings Navigation Bar at the top of the page.


Clicking any button in this section will enable that section if it is not already. If the section is already enabled for the ILC, clicking the button will take you to that section in the ILC settings. You can collapse all open ILC Settings sections by clicking the Collapse All button at the end of the navigation bar:


The second method to enable a section on the ILC Settings page is through the Add More Course Settings section at the bottom of the page. In this section you will find buttons for each of the Settings sections, along with a brief description of each section's configuration options. Selecting one of these sections will take you to that section on the page and expand it.


Before they are enabled, each course section button appears grey by default. The colour or style of the buttons will depend on certain conditions being met. These are outlined in the table below:

Course Section Description
This section is not currently exposed on the form and does not contain any data and/or enabled settings.
This section is currently exposed on the form, but does not contain any data and/or enabled settings.
This section is not currently exposed on the form but does contain data and/or enabled settings.
This section is currently exposed on the form and does contain data and/or enabled settings.
Errors exist in this section and will need to be addressed before the course can be published.



This section contains the basic information about the ILC. It is one of two sections that are open by default when you navigate to the ILC settings.

Setting Description


A toggle that, when clicked, switches from INACTIVE to ACTIVE.

If this toggle is set to INACTIVE, the ILC not be visible to Learners.

If this toggle is set to ACTIVE, the ILC will be visible to Learners.


The name of the ILC. This field is visible to both Admins and Learners.


The Description of the ILC. This information is visible to both Admins and Learners, where Learners can view the ILC description through the Course Catalog.


The Language that the Course is presented in. Clicking this field opens a drop-down menu with a list of Languages to choose from.


Tags are used to filter and group content within the LMS. Click on this field to open a list of available tags for this ILC. Selecting a tag for a Course allows for it to be discovered by filtering or searching for the selected Tag. For more information about Tags, please see this article.



The Sessions section allows you to schedule and preview upcoming sessions and require terms and conditions. It is the second section that is open by default upon accessing the ILC settings page.

Setting Description

Show Terms & Conditions

A toggle that, when clicked, requires Users to accept Terms & Conditions in order to access the ILC.

If this toggle is set to OFF, Users are not required to agree to Terms & Conditions to access this Course.

If this toggle is set to ON, Users are required to agree to Terms & Conditions to access this Course.

When the toggle is set to ON, a new field will appear beneath the Show Terms & Conditions toggle where an Admin can include what Terms & Conditions a User must agree to.

Session Details

A display of three panels that shows the total number of Sessions, Future Sessions, and Past Sessions. Each Session type has its own panel. Clicking on one of these panels opens an overlay that displays all Sessions within that category.

From here you can filter the list of Sessions, edit, duplicate, or delete an existing Session, or add a new Session. The Close button closes this overlay and returns the User to the ILC Settings page.

Note: When setting up recurring Sessions, they must repeat on the same day(s) or week(s) for all recurrences. For example, it is not possible to set up a Session that occurs on Mondays and Wednesdays for half the Course duration, and then only on Wednesdays for the rest of the Course.

Break Duration

ILC Break Duration Small.png

Define the amount of time that should be deducted from the time spent calculated for the Instructor Led Course Session.

Upcoming Sessions Preview

Displays a list of all Upcoming Sessions in chronological order. You can Edit, Duplicate, or Delete future Sessions from this list. If there are Upcoming Sessions in this list, you can click the View All Sessions button at the bottom of the list to view every Session associated with this ILC.


Enrollment Rules

This section allows you to set up who has access to the ILC, and how they access it. For additional details about Enrollment Rules, please see the article here.

Setting Description

Allow Self Enrollment

Self Enrollment allows a Learner to enroll themselves in an Instructor Led Course from the Course Catalog. The three configurations for this setting are described below

Off: Self Enrollment is not available for this ILC.

Specific: This Course is available for Self Enrollment to Learners who meet certain criteria. Admins can set Self Enrollment Rules in the Self Enrollment Rule section, which becomes available upon selecting the Specific option.

All Learners: Self Enrollment is available for all Learners for this Course.

Enable Manager Enrollment

Manager Enrollment permits Users in the Manager role to enroll Learners they manage in a Course. You can read more about the Manager Experience here. The three configurations of this setting are outlined below:

Off: Manager Enrollment is not available for this Course.

Specific: Managers may enroll Learners they manage into this Course provided those Learners meet certain criteria. Admins can select Managers by name, Group or Department that are permitted to enroll Learners into this Course.

All Managers: Manager Enrollment is available to all Managers for this Course.


Approval requires that a Learner's enrollment into a Course be approved prior to them gaining access to the Course content. An Approver can Approve or Deny a Learner's enrollment. If Approval is required, the Approver must access either the Course Approvals report or configure the Send Approval Request email in the Messages section.

The configurations of this setting are outlined below:

None: No approval is required to enroll in this Course.

Course Editor: A Course Editor must approve all enrollments. Course Editors are set under the Course Administrators section of the Instructor Led Course.

Supervisor: A User's Supervisor must approve all enrollments.

Administrator: A User's department Administrator must approve all enrollments.

Other: Specify the Users that are responsible for approving enrollments for this Course. When selected, an additional field will appear where a User can select the Approver(s) from a drop-down menu.

Enable E-Commerce

A toggle that can be switched between OFF and ON. Setting this toggle to ON allows for this Course to be purchased through the shopping cart. Additional fields also become available that allow you to permit public purchase and set the price of the Course. More details about enabling E-Commerce can be found here.



This section allows you to configure the LMS response to a Learner completing an ILC.

Setting Description


A toggle that can be switched between OFF and ON. Setting this toggle to ON will present Learners with a Certificate upon completion of the Course. Setting this toggle to OFF will not award Learners with a Certificate upon completion of the ILC. Additional details about Course Certificates can be found here.

When clicked ON, additional options become available to configure the Certificate:

Certificate Source: Where the Certificate will be created from. This can be from a File or URL.

Use Custom Title: Set a custom title for the Certificate.

Notes: Enter any additional notes about this Certificate.

Expiry: The duration that this Certificate is valid for once the Learner has completed the Course. This has three options to choose from: No Expiry, Time from completion, and Date.

No Expiry will maintain the Certificate's validity permanently.

Time from completion allows you to set how long the Certificate will be valid for after course completion (e.g. 2 years).

Date allows you to set a specific date on which the Certificate will expire.

Certificate Upload: Provide instructions and Approval requirements for uploading a Certificate to an Instructor Led Course.

Allow Re-enrollment

A toggle that can be switched between OFF and ON. Setting this toggle to ON permits Learners to re-enroll or re-certify in the Course. Setting this toggle to OFF prevents Learners from re-enrolling in the Course.

When the toggle is set to ON, additional options become available for setting when a Learner can re-enroll in the Course:

You can set the Duration to be either a set amount after the Learner has completed the Course or before the Certificate expires if the Course awards one. The Duration must be a minimum of 1 day.


Competencies are used to indicate progress, certifications, or other accomplishments in the LMS. The Add Competency button allows you to add a Competency for this Course, which a Learner will earn upon completion. For more information about Competencies, please see the An Intro to Competencies article.

When clicked, the Add Competency button reveals two additional fields:

Competency: A drop-down menu of available certifications to select from. The selected Competency will be awarded to the Learner upon completion of the Course.

Level: Select the Competency Level that the Learner will earn upon completion of this ILC.


Credits can be awarded to a Learner upon the completion of a Course. Clicking the Add Credit button reveals a new field where you can specify the number of Credits a Learner will earn from completing this ILC.

You can edit the Type or number of Credits by clicking on the pencil icon on the right.

Variable Credit Rules allow you to set rules for earning Credits from this ILC based on certain properties. You can set a rule and a specific number of Credits to be awarded for Users who match that rule.

Distribution Behaviour: Select the amount of Credits awarded to Learners who match more than one rule (either Maximum or Minimum).

Allow Failure

A toggle that can be switched between OFF and ON. Setting this toggle to OFF will not allow Failure for the Course if the Learner does not achieve a passing grade. Setting this toggle to ON will enable Failure for this Course if the Learner does not achieve a passing grade. This will also be considered a completion of the Course.

Setting this toggle to ON reveals additional options:

Allow re-enrollment on failure is a toggle that can be switched between OFF and ON. Setting this toggle to OFF will not allow Learners to re-enroll upon failure. Setting this toggle to ON will allow Learners to re-enroll. You can also set how long a Learner must wait before re-enrolling in the Course after failing.

Leaderboard Points

Set the number of Leaderboard Points that a Learner will earn for completing this ILC. Upon completion, a Learner will earn either the default number of Leaderboard Points (configured in Portal Settings) or the value set here.

For more information on Leaderboard Points, please see the Absorb Engage: Leaderboards article.

Post Enrollments

Post Enrollments allows you to configure Automatic Enrollment into other courses when a Learner enrolls or completes this ILC. Clicking on the Add Post Enrollment button will add a new Post Enrollment Rule and reveal additional options.

When: This sets when the Post Enrollment will be triggered and contains three options: Enrolled, Completed or Failed. Each of these corresponds to a Learner's status, either enrolled in the course, completed the course, or failed the course.

Delay: This field allows you to set a numerical value that will correspond that number of days that the system will wait before processing the Post Enrollment rule.

Courses: Select the Course(s) that a Learner will be enrolled into after meeting the When and Delay requirements.

Allow Consecutive Enrollments: A toggle that can be switched between OFF and ON. Selecting ON will allow Learners who have already completed the Courses specified by the Post Enrollment Rule to re-enroll in the Course.



This section contains configuration details relating to changing or cancelling sessions and prerequisites required for enrollment.

Setting Description

Prohibit Learners from Changing or Cancelling Sessions

A toggle that can be switched between OFF and ON. When OFF, Learners are able to change or cancel their Session enrollment within an ILC. When ON, Learners cannot change or cancel their Session enrollment.


Note: A Learner can only change or cancel their enrollment in future Sessions. If a Session has already occurred, the enrollment cannot be cancelled.


This section allows you to set certain requirements that Learners must meet prior to enrolling in this ILC.

Allow Enrollment

A toggle that can be switched between OFF and ON. When OFF, Learners will not be able to enroll in the ILC unless all Prerequisites are met. When ON, Learners will be able to enroll in the course, but must meet the specified Prerequisites before they can take the ILC.

Add Prerequisite

A button that allows you to add Prerequisites for enrolling in the ILC. When clicked, additional options for configuring the Prerequisites also become available:

Name: Name the required Prerequisite.

Requirement Type: This setting has three options. Complete Courses will require a Learner to complete certain Courses prior to enrolling in this ILC. Valid Certificates will require the Learner to have obtained certain certifications prior to enrolling in the ILC. Competencies will require the Learner to have obtained specific Competencies prior to enrolling in the ILC.

Both the Complete Courses and Valid Certificates options have Courses, Completion Type, and Required Courses Count where you can further configure the Prerequisite. The Competencies option enables an Add Competencies button similar to the one discussed in the Completion section of this article.


Catalog Visibility

This section contains configuration options relating to how the ILC appears in the Course Catalog to Learners.

Image Dimensions and Aspect Ratio

This section contains recommended dimensions for images used for specific purposes in the LMS. While these dimensions are guidelines, they are not an absolute requirement. The only absolute requirement is that the file size be 1MB or less. More information can be found in the article here.

Setting Description


The Category field allows you to select the Course Category that this ILC will be sorted into. Clicking the Choose Category button will open the Select Category modal frame.

For more information about Categories, please see the Manage Categories article.


Thumbnail allows you to include an image (229 x 173 px) that will appear alongside the ILC information in the Course Catalog. This thumbnail will be visible to the Learner above the Course information in the Course Catalog.


The "0" on the Thumbnail in the Course Catalog indicates the number of available Sessions for the ILC.

There are two configurations for the Thumbnail source. You can either select File and upload an image from your computer using the File Manager, or select URL and include the URL of the image to use as the Thumbnail.


Posters allows you to upload an image (720 x 300 px or 10 MB) that will appear in the Course Content when a Learner clicks on the ILC in the Course Catalog. This Poster will be visible prior to enrolling in the Course.

Clicking the Add Poster button reveals additional options. You can select one of two configurations for including a Poster. You can select File to upload a Poster from your computer through the File Manager, or select URL and include the URL of the image to use for the Poster.

Mandatory Course

Mandatory Course is a toggle that can be switched between ON and OFF. When OFF, this ILC is not marked as Mandatory. When ON, this Course will be marked as Mandatory and prioritized within the Learner's My Courses view. Additional details about Mandatory Courses can be found here.

Featured Course

Featured Course is a toggle that can be switched between ON and OFF. When OFF, this ILC is not marked as a Featured Course. When ON, this Course will be included in the Featured area on the Dashboard. Additional details about Featured Courses can be found here.

Enable Recommended Courses

Enable Recommended Courses is a toggle that can be switched between ON and OFF. When OFF, this ILC will not recommend other Courses within the LMS. When ON, this Course will recommend other Courses based on the selected Recommendation Tags. Additional details about Recommended Courses can be found here.

When a Tag is selected, a banner will appear below this field indicating how many Courses match the selected Tag(s).


Course Administrators

This section contains configuration details relating to Course Administrators and Department Editors.

Setting Description

Course Visibility

Course Visibility is a setting that allows you to set which Administrators can access this ILC. This setting has three possible configurations:

All Admins: This ILC will be visible to all other Administrators.

Department: This ILC will be visible to only those Admins who manage the specified Departments. Selecting this option and clicking the Add Rule button reveals additional configurations:

Click Select Department to select a Department within the LMS. You can then choose to have this rule apply to only that department (Single Department) or to the Department and all Departments under it (Include All Sub-Departments). Admins within these Departments will have the ability to view and modify the ILC, unless a Primary Department Editor and/or Additional Admin Editor is selected. If one of those roles is selected, then Admins of these Departments will only have View access to the ILC.

If a Departments was set as a Locked Department under Enrollment Rules, it will be automatically selected for Course Visibility.

Group: This ILC will only be visible to Administrators who manage the specified Groups. Selecting this option will reveal the Group Visibility setting, where you can choose which Groups will be able to view this Course. The Admins within these Groups will have the ability to view and modify the Course, unless a Primary Department Editor and/or Additional Admin Editor is selected. If one of those roles is selected, then Admins in these Groups will only have View access to the ILC.

Primary Department Editor

Primary Department Editor allows you to select one Department as the Editors for this ILC if they have Course Visibility. Clicking the Select Department button opens the Select Department modal frame where you can select a Department.

Once a Department is selected, you can use the drop-down next to the Select Department button to select if this rule applies to only the selected Department (Single Department) or to the Department and all Departments under it (Include All Sub-Departments).

Additional Admin Editors

Additional Admin Editors allows you to select additional Admins who will be able to view and modify the ILC. These Admins must also have View and Modify permissions.

Select the Choose drop-down menu and select Admins from the list. If a selected Admin is not included in the Department Visibility configuration, they will not be able to view the Course.



This section allows you to configure how and when notifications for this ILC will be sent. Each setting has the option to use a custom Message Template. For more information about Message Templates, please see the article here.

Instructor Notification Note

When an Instructor is first added to a Session, two Messages are sent to them, provided they are both toggled on - the Instructor Notification Email and the Session Update Email. Note that this is functioning as designed, and is expected behavior.

Setting Description

Send Email Notification

A toggle that can be switched between OFF and ON. When switched OFF, Users will not receive email notifications about this ILC.

When ON, Users will receive email notifications about this Course. Additional configurations for email notifications are described in the subsequent sections of this table.

Send Enrollment Email

A setting that allows you to enable and customize Enrollment Emails for Learners.

If the Send Enrollment Email option is checked, an additional option becomes available to use a Custom Template. If the Custom Template toggle is OFF, the default Enrollment Email will be sent to Learners. If the toggle is ON, you can use or create a custom Message Template for the email.

Send Completion Email

A setting that allows you to enable and customize Completion Emails for Learners.

If the Send Completion Email option is checked, an additional option becomes available to use a Custom Template. If the Custom Template toggle is OFF, the default Completion Email will be sent to Learners. If the toggle is ON, you can use or create a custom Message Template for the email.

Send Failure Email

A setting that allows you to enable and customize Failure Emails for Learners.

If the Send Failure Email option is checked, an additional option becomes available to use a Custom Template. If the Custom Template toggle is OFF, the default Failure Email will be sent to Learners. If the toggle is ON, you can use or create a custom Message Template for the email.

Send Session Update Email

A setting that allows you to enable and customize Session Update Emails for Learners.

If the Send Session Update Email option is checked, an additional option becomes available to use a Custom Template. If the Custom Template toggle is OFF, the default Session Updated Email will be sent to Learners. If the toggle is ON, you can use or create a custom Message Template for the email.

Send Session Enrollment Email

A setting that allows you to enable and customize Session Enrollment Emails for Learners.

If the Send Session Enrollment Email option is checked, an additional option becomes available to use a Custom Template. If the Custom Template toggle is OFF, the default Session Enrollment Email will be sent to Learners. If the toggle is ON, you can use or create a custom Message Template for the email.

Send Session Approval Request Email

A setting that allows you to enable and customize Session Approval Requests that will be distributed to your selected Approver. This email will only be triggered if a Session in this ILC requires approval and a User attempts to enroll into it.

If Send Session Approval Request Email option is enabled, an additional option becomes available to use a Custom Template. If the Custom Template toggle is OFF, the default Send Session Approval Request Email will be sent to your Approver. If the toggle is ON, you can use or create a custom Message Template for the email.

Send Session Reminder Email

A setting that allows you to enable Session Reminder Emails for Learners. If the Send Session Reminder Email option is checked, additional options become available to configure the frequency and number of reminders sent prior to the first Session.

Note: The frequency of Session Reminder Emails is cumulative from the values in the Years, Months, Days and Hours fields. For example, if the Days field is set to 21 and the Hours field is set to 168, Session Reminder Emails will be sent every 28 days before the Session begins. The reminder will be sent at least once, up to the maximum number of reminders set in the Max reminders field.

Send Instructor Notification Email

A setting that allows you to enable and customize Instructor Notifications. These emails indicate to an Instructor if they have been added or removed from a Session, or if the Session has been updated.

If the Send Instructor Notification Email option is checked, an additional option becomes available to use a Custom Template. If the Custom Template toggle is OFF, the default Instructor Notification will be sent to Instructors. If the toggle is ON, you can use or create a custom Message Template for the email.

Send Mark Attendance Reminder Email

A setting that allows you to enable and customize Mark Attendance Reminders for Instructors.

If the Send Mark Attendance Reminder Email option is checked, an additional option becomes available to use a Custom Template. If the Custom Template toggle is OFF, the default Mark Attendance Reminder will be sent to Instructors. If the toggle is ON, you can use or create a custom Message Template for the email.

Note: If the Mark Attendance Reminder Email is checked for the Instructor Led Course, the Admin must go into each individual Session to enable the Mark Attendance Reminder Email for those Sessions.



This section allows you to add or remove Resources from the ILC.

Setting Description

Add Resource

A button that allows Admins to add Resources to the ILC. Clicking the button reveals additional options:

Name: The name of the Resource as it will appear in the LMS. This is visible to both Admins and Learners.

Description: A rich text field where you can enter a description of the Resource. This is visible to both Admins and Learners.

Attachment: The source for this Resource. This setting has two configurations:

File: Choose a File from your computer to upload as the Resource.

URL: Provide the URL of a website or other online Resource that you want included the ILC Resources.

Both of the above Resource types will be available to Learners once selected.


Course Uploads

This section allows Learners to upload materials for use in the ILC. Once a file has been uploaded it can be viewed or Approved by an Administrator. For more information about Course Uploads, please see the article here.

Setting Description

Add Upload

A button that allows Admins to add Course Uploads to the ILC. Clicking the button reveals additional options:

Label: The name of the Course Upload. This will be visible to Learners.

Approval: Specify if Approval is required for this Course Upload. You can set the Course Upload to require no approval, or Approval from a Course Editor, Supervisor, Administrator, or Other. Other requires specific Users be named to Approve the Course Upload.

When a configuration other than None is selected for this setting, an additional field called Reviewer's Notes becomes available. In this section you can enter Notes about the Course Upload visible to the Approver.



This section contains a variety of custom configurations for the ILC that are primarily used for reporting purposes.

Setting Description

Enable Course Evaluation

A toggle that can be switched between OFF and ON. When OFF, evaluations will not be available for this Course. When ON, additional options to configure the Course Evaluations will become available.

Evaluation Required: A toggle that can be switched between OFF and ON. When OFF, evaluations will not be required for this ILC. When ON, evaluations for this course will be required. The ILC will not be considered complete until the Learner has completed the evaluation.

Evaluation Can be Taken at Any Time: A toggle that can be switched between OFF and ON. When OFF, evaluations will not be available until after the Learner has completed all chapters in the Course. When ON, evaluations may be completed at any time after enrollment.


Questions: This section allows you to configure the evaluation questions from either a bank of default questions or creating your own. You read more about Course Evaluations here.


Enable Course Rating

A toggle that can be switched between OFF and ON. When OFF, ratings will not be available for this Course. When ON, Learners will be able to give this ILC a rating.


An editable text field where you can enter details about the Course Audience. This field is available to Admins only.


An editable text field where you can enter details about the Course Goals. This field is available to Admins only.

External ID

An editable text field where you can enter any required External ID, such as one for an Integration or third party system. This field is available to Admins only.


An editable text field where you can enter any required Vendor information for the Course. This field is visible to Admins only.

Company Cost

An editable field where you can enter a numerical value for the Company Cost. This field is visible to Admins only.

Learner Cost

An editable field where you can enter a numerical value for the Learner Cost. This field is visible to Admins only.

Company Time

An editable field where you can enter a numerical value for the Company Time. This field is visible to Admins only.

Learner Time

An editable field where you can enter a numerical value for the Company Time. This field is visible to Admins only.



This section contains configurations for social settings within the ILC, which allow for communication and collaboration between Learners.

Setting Description

Allow Comments

A toggle that can be switched ON or OFF. When toggled OFF, Learners cannot comment on the Course. When toggled ON, Learners are able to comment on the Course. Additional options for Learner comments are also available in this section:

Allow Comments Per Session permits Learners to leave feedback on an individual Session rather than the entire Course.

Comment Leaderboard Points is an editable text field where you may enter a number. When a Learner leaves feedback on this Instructor Led Course, the Learner will receive the specified number as Leaderboard Points.


This setting is related to the Absorb Engage: Collaborations feature. This feature allows you to create a space where Learners can discuss and share ideas. Additional details about this feature can be found here.



This section contains notes available exclusively to Admins.

Setting Description


This section is an editable text field where you can enter notes or other, additional information about this Instructor Led Course for Admins. This field has no character limit.


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