Absorb Content Connector Functionality

Absorb offers different Content packages, full of different eLearning courses to help you deliver standard training among your Learners. In this article, you will learn about Absorb's Content Library functionality and how to manage your selected content library catalog.

To get started with one of our Absorb Content in your LMS, you will first need to contact your Account Manager to enable the Absorb Content subscription on your portal. 

Content Licensing

When selecting the right Absorb Content package, you may choose to purchase licenses for all or a subset of your Learners.  Once enabled on your portal, you will need to determine which of your Learners should be allowed to consume the licenses you've purchased. Once you have assigned Licenses, you can then determine what Courses the Learners can see from the Content Libraries Report.  


One-Time License Assignment

You can view and manage licensed learners through the Content Licensing report, available to System Admins in your LMS portal.  Here you can manually add individual or groups of Learners or create automatic licensing rules to assign licenses to your Learners.  You can also remove the assigned licenses from Learners who have not launched any content and review your number of available licenses from this report.

Steps to Assigning Licenses

You can add licenses to Learners individually or you can create a one-time rule to immediately mass assign licenses.

Step 1: Navigate to the Content Licensing report.

Step 2: Select Assign License from the Action Menu

Step 3: Select your Content Library package from the Contract drop down field. 

Step 4: Toggle User Selection to Manual or Rule.

  • Manual - Admin will search by Username or Name to find one or more specific users to assign the License. 
  • Rule - Similar to Enrollment Rules, you can select a User value to filter and assign licenses to only Learners who needs to see these Courses. More than 1 Rule can be applied. 

Note: Unlike an Enrollment Rule, this Rule only runs and finds the Learners who qualify upon save. It will not continue to apply Licenses to new users, that qualify for the Rule. 

Step 6: Save your changes. 


Ongoing License Management

While Assign License only applies a License to the Learners in the LMS or in that specific data set once upon save, you can also create Rules so that Learners are automatically assigned a license whenever they are created or updated in the LMS. This is the similar to the way Automatic Enrollment Rules work for your LMS Courses.  

Steps to Managing Licenses

You can add licenses to learners by creating an on-going rule to immediately mass assign licenses and automatically update as new Learners qualify.

Step 1: Navigate to the Content Licensing report.

Step 2: Select Manage License from the Action Menu. 

Step 3: Select your Absorb Content package from the Contract drop down field. 

Step 4: Choose a License Assignment Rule(s) to identify what Learners will have access to these Courses in your LMS. Similar to Enrollment Rules, you can select a User value to filter and assign licenses to a specific set of Learners. More than 1 Rule can be applied. 

Note: Only 1 set of Rules can be created. When you select Manage License, the current Rule setup will be available to edit or you will have the option to select Add Rule if you would like to add to what is already setup. 

Step 5: Save your changes. 


Steps to Remove Licenses

Licenses can be removed from Learners, if they have not already Consumed the License or enrolled into a Course. Follow these steps to remove the license from Learners you no longer want access to the Courses within your Absorb Content. 

Step 1: Navigate to the Content Licensing report.

Step 2: Select Manage License from the Action Menu. 

Step 3: Select your Absorb Content package from the Contract drop down field. 

Step 4: Search and find the Learner. 

Step 5: Select the Leaner and then choose the Remove License option from the Action Menu on the right side of the page. 

Note: If there is a Yes populated in the License Consumed column of the Content Licensing report, the Remove License option will not be available to select.

License Assignment vs. License Consumption

Managing license assignments lets you decide which learners should be allowed to access the content, but does NOT tie an individual license to a learner until the learner launches the content for the first time.  This makes license management easier: 

  • License assignments can be created for any number of learners regardless of the number of licenses you've purchased, simplifying the decision making process for how to allocate licenses, and
  • Learners can consume licenses on a first-come, first-served basis; once a learner has launched the content, their license is tied to their user and can no longer be unassigned or re-assigned to another user for the remainder of the license term.

Note: License terms vary by Absorb Content. Reach out to your Absorb Account Manager for more information about your Absorb Content license term.

You can find information about which of your learners have consumed licenses by filtering the Content Licensing report.  Licenses can be unassigned at any time prior the license being consumed or tied to that user's account. 

Filter by 'License Consumed' column; remove licenses prior to license consumption

Once consumed, you will be unable to remove an assigned license from Users.  

Note: Absorb is not responsible for any incorrectly assigned licenses and cannot  remove an assigned license from users on your behalf.



Managing Courses in Absorb Content

Once a Absorb Content subscription is enabled on your portal, you will be able to immediately view/manage your entire catalog from the Absorb Content report in the admin interface. Navigate to  Courses in your Admin menu and click on Absorb Content will redirect you to the Absorb Content Report page. Upon arrival to this page, you will choose the Content Partner in the Contract drop down field that you want to review (you may only have 1 option, it is required to select in order to get started). 

Absorb Content Report

The Absorb Content Report will launch using the standard Report layout where you can:

  • View the list of Courses provided in your Contract
  • View the Lesson Details
  • Convert the Course, so that Learners can begin taking them. 

Note: Be mindful that opening a report may also bring up a favorite saved layout or a shared default organizational report layout. You can learn more about our Default Layout options in the Organization Default Layout For Reports article. 

Report Data

You can customize this report to provide information on any of the data points listed below.

Fields that have an asterisk (*) symbol are included in the Report's default layout.

Data Column Description
Archived Date This column displays the calendar date and time that the Course will be archived. This date is provided by the Content Partner. 


This column displays the name of the Company or Person that designed the Course. 
Converted to Course*

This column displays the Course's status:

  • If Yes, the Course is available for the Admin to manage in Course Administration. It does not necessarily mean that your Learners can enroll in this Course. 
  • If No, the Course is NOT available for the Admin to manage in Course Administration.
Description This column displays the Course Details, provided by the Content Partner. 
Duration* This column displays the number of minutes it will take to complete the Course. 
ID This column displays the Course ID that was automatically generated by the LMS, when the Course was added. 

This column displays the language the Course is delivered in. 

Note: Different Absorb Content and courses will vary in language support. Please reach out to your Account Manager to discuss enabling subtitled languages for your courses.

Last Publication Date This column displays the calendar date and time that the Course was last updated by the Content Partner. 

This column displays the suggested Tags, from the Content Partner. 

Tags are an easy way to build relationships between content available in the system. Tags make it easier for both Admins and Users to find assets in the LMS by receiving better return results for system searches.


This column displays the Name of the Course, provided by the Content Partners. 

When you Convert the Course, you will have the ability to adjust the Title that displays to your Learners. 

Topics* This column displays the categorization of training this Course falls into. For instance, if the purpose of the Course is learn about a Respectful Workplace, then the Topic may read as HR Compliance


Actions & Mass Action Options

After generating the report, you can perform administrative actions. Commands to modify Report data become available once the checkbox of a table row item is selected (checked). The menu is displayed on the right-hand frame of the page. This menu is context-sensitive. The options for Actions and Mass Actions that are available will change depending on the content you are selecting.

  • An individual row selection will open the Actions menu.
  • Multiple row selections will open the Mass Actions menu.

View Lesson Details 

Selecting View Lessons Details, a modal will pop up and provide a quick view of the content you've selected. You can only view on Course at a time. 


Convert to Course

From the report, you can easily convert your Absorb Content into LMS Online Courses and choose which of your learners should have access to these content.  You can select more than one Course at a time to convert if they have the same general setup. Please see the options that will display, while converting your course. 

Note: This requires the Admin to have View and Modify capability for Online Courses in their Role. 

Field Name Description
Selected Course(s) This field will default to the Title of Course that is selected. 
Allow Self Enrollment

Toggle Allow Self Enrollment to select the option:

  • If On = You will add self-enrollment rules to identify which Learner(s) will have permission to enroll in the Course. Using Fields associated to Users, will allow you to identify who will be eligible to enroll in the Course. More than one rule can be applied. You can further configure these rules by applying conditions AND, OR, or both.
  • If No = Learners cannot self-enroll in the Course.
Enable Automatic Enrollment

Toggle Enable Automatic Enrollment to select the option:

  • If On = You will add rules to identify which Learner(s) will be automatically enrolled in the Course. Using Fields associated to Users, will allow you to identify who will get automatically enrolled in the Course. More than one rule can be applied. You can further configure these rules by applying conditions AND, OR, or both.
  • If Off = Automatic enrollment is not available for the Course.

If selected, Learners will earn a Certificate PDF upon completion.

Note: A Certificate PDF must be loaded into Portal Settings > Defaults > Default Certificate URL. 

Category In this field, the Admin can search and find a Category already created in the LMS. Categories are a great tool for managing and organizing your learning content.

In this field, the Admin can search and find the Administrators that can manage the Course. This field will default to the Admin who is converting the Course. 

Note: Only Users that have Is Admin selected in their User Account, will be available to select.


Once you've completed Converting your Course(s), you will be directed to the Course Administration page in the LMS and will see your newly created courses.  Administrators with course editing permissions can select a Course and make edits to the settings as they would with any other Online Course as well as add additional Lesson Objects if desired (i.e. Assessments, Observation Checklists, Survey etc.).  When editing the Online Course, you'll notice that Course Thumbnail, Posters, Tags, Author, Content Tags (populated at the Course level), Content Type, Duration, and External ID are brought over automatically when they exist on the Course from Absorb Content.

The Author, Content Tags, Content Type, Duration, and External ID fields can be modified when editing the corresponding Lesson:
Edit Lesson - Content Meta Data Fields.png

Note: as Online Courses are created from the Absorb Content conversion, the Lessons themselves cannot be edited (i.e., Lesson Description, Title, etc.). 

You can also use the Courses Report and the Course Summary Report to display and filter for the Author, Content Tags, Content Type, Duration, and External ID fields.

Courses Report - Content Meta Data Fields-updated.png

Content Selected Report

If you've purchased a Absorb Content subscription that allows you to select a specific number of Courses, you will have the option to add individual items to your bundle selections. Use the Content Selected report filters to more easily view and manage your content selections.

Note: managing your bundle selections requires the Absorb Content > Modify permission enabled for your Custom Admin Role(s).  This is enabled by default for Admin and System Admin Roles.  If your Custom Role only has Absorb Content > View permission they will be able to see the available content, but will only be able to administrate content that has already been added to your bundle selections by other admins.

Manage your course bundle selections; filter on Selected Courses column

Once you've added items to your bundle selections, you will be able to Convert to Course(s). Once you've created Online Courses with these selections, you can then make the Online Courses available to your Learners. You will be unable to change these selections for the duration of your license term.

Note: License terms vary by Absorb Content -- reach out to your Account Manager for more information about your Absorb Content license term.

Adding Content to New or Existing Online Courses

You can also create Online Courses that include one or more courses from your Absorb Content. Allowing you to create customized learning paths that include different course content.

When editing a new or existing Online Course, select Add Learning Object from the Syllabus tab and

then choose the option Content Libraries.  Upon selecting the Lesson Type, search and select the Courses you choose to add from your full Absorb Content catalog.

Note: If you have more than one Absorb Content available, you will be required to select which one you would like to search and find.

Add Content Libraries learning object type to online course syllabus

Search for specific Courses within your Absorb Content available for your selected subscription

Note: if your subscription entitles you to build your own bundle from the Content Selector Report (see previous section), you will only be able to select from the items that have already been added to your bundle selections.

Accessing Content in the Learner Interface

Accessing Content in the Learner Interface

If you've made the Course within your Absorb Content available to Learners for Self-Enrollment, or have automatically/manually enrolled a Learner in these courses, they will be able to view this content in the Catalog and My Courses sections of the Learner Interface. 


View of content converted to Online Courses in the Learner Interface

Refine_Search.png Learners can use the Refine Search > Advanced Search to enter in the Content Partner's name to find Online Courses designed by your Content Partner.

Once enrolled, Learners who've been assigned licenses will be able to launch their courses and proceed through the material in the same way they would with any other course. 

If a Learner does not have a license, they will receive a Not Available message instead of a launch button and will be unable to view the content until a license is applied to their account.  This may occur in the following scenarios:

  • The course has been made available to the Learner, but they have not been assigned a license via the Content Licensing report functionality, OR
  • The Learner has been assigned a license and other Learners have consumed all available licenses on a first-come, first-served basis, OR
  • You Absorb Content subscription contract has lapsed; you will need to renew your subscription to allow your Learners to continue to access this content.

Unable to launch lesson when Learner has not been assigned a license (or no licenses available)

Reach out to you Absorb Account Manager if you're nearing the end of your contract term or if you would like to purchase additional licenses to provide content to more of your Learners.


Roles and Permissions

Below are the Required Role Permissions Admins will need to Add and/or Modify Users within the LMS and the Suggested Role Permissions Admins may want to have in combination of what is required.

Please note that your environment may use customized Role(s), Permissions, or a combination of both to perform these activities. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your local System Administrator to review your current permissions.

Required Role Permissions

Role: Section Access Permission(s) Needed
Manage > Absorb Content

View and Modify Permissions

Note: Absorb Content access is available to Admin and System Admin roles by default.

Courses > Online Courses

View and Modify Permissions


Suggested Role Permissions

Role: Section Access Permission(s) Needed
Courses > Online Courses > Lessons

View and/or Modify Permissions

Courses > Curricula

View and/or Modify Permissions



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