How To: Impersonate a User

There may be times where an Admin is required to confirm how a feature works or appears for a certain role in the LMS. This can be done through User Impersonation. Impersonating a User allows an Admin, or another role with the required permissions, to view the LMS as if they were signed in as that User. For example, an Admin impersonating a Learner would be able to view the LMS as if they were a Learner.

This allows Admins to confirm properties like Course Visibility or updated Portal Settings in the LMS. System Admins can also impersonate Admins. Impersonating a User is helpful when troubleshooting technical issues that an Admin is having within the LMS. While impersonating an Admin, the System Admin has access to the LMS as the Admin. In this article, we will explain how to Impersonate a User and how to stop Impersonating them.


Impersonating a User

To Impersonate a User, please advise the following steps:

  1. In the Admin Experience, navigate to the Users Report using the right hand menu.
  2. Select the User you want to impersonate. Note that you will not be able to impersonate an Administrator unless you have the correct permissions.
  3. Click Impersonate on the right hand side of the page. If the selected User is a Learner, the page will reopen in the Learner Experience from the selected User's perspective. Selecting an Admin and clicking Impersonate will yield the same result, but instead open the Admin Experience.



Stop Impersonating a User

When Impersonating a User, you may want to stop impersonating to return to your Portal. Ceasing impersonation differs slightly between the Learner and Admin roles. Below you will find the steps to stop impersonating both a Learner and an Admin.

  1. To stop impersonating a Learner, click on the top right icon on the page. It should appear in red.
  2. Click Stop Impersonating.


To stop impersonating an Admin, complete the following steps:

  1. When impersonating an Admin, a red banner will appear at the stop of the screen. This banner will have a Stop Impersonating button. Click this button to stop impersonating an Admin.



More Information

You can find more information about User Impersonation in the following articles:

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