File Manager & Visibility

The Absorb File Manager provides you with a view of the files that have been uploaded into your Absorb LMS portal.  These files may have been loaded through a workflow associated with an Online Course (certificate or thumbnail images), an Absorb Engage product, or other administrative action.  From the File Manager, you have can view and download PDFs, images, and SCORM files.

Files are added to the File Manager when an Admin uploads content in Absorb LMS. For example, when a SCORM file is loaded as a Learning Object in an Online Course, the SCORM file is placed in the File Manager for reference.


Opening the File Manager

In Absorb LMS the File Manager is accessed from the Admin Interface. An Admin user of the LMS can use the following steps to open the File Manager:

  1. Select the Gear icon from the left hand side action bar.
  2. Select Files from the options under the Setup menu.
  3. The File Manager will open in a modal frame on the page.


Browser Pop Ups

If your browser blocks pop-ups. You may need to add an exception to [*.] to allow the File Manager to appear as intended. If pop-ups are being blocked you may appear to land on a blank screen.


Working in the File Manager

When reviewing your files directly in the File Manager, you will have some options to manage the files outside the content they are associated with.

When the File Manager is launched, you will see these elements:


The File Path indicates where in the File Manager you are browsing. As well as the location in the folder structure a file is located. '/' indicates the Root folder in the LMS which is the default starting location when launching the File Manager.

The Folders section of the File Manager showcases the structure in your LMS and the current folder you are in/are viewing.


On the right hand side of the File Manager are files. Files may have been uploaded to the default root, or separated into Public or Private folders. Files will also showcase file type, size and date uploaded.


File Manager Actions

When viewing the File Manager the following actions are available:


When this button is selected, a new tab will open in the browser and display the file selected.


When this button is selected, you will receive a warning asking if you would like to delete the file. If you select 'yes' for the warning. The file will be deleted.


When this button is selected, your browser will process a download of the file directly.


This field allows you to search the current folder you're looking at. Please note that only objects related to the search being performed will be showcased. You will need to remove the search after completing it to see other files.


When this button is selected, the File Manager window will be closed.


Duplicate Files

If you upload a file with the same name as a file that already exists in that specific directory, a number will be appended to the end of the file name.  This will only occur when file names are an exact match. Sub-folders will be added for each new item created (Course, Billboard, etc.) and identified by its Globally Unique Identifier (GUID).

Duplicate Example

In the following example we have uploaded a file with the name Absorb LMS.pdf.


In the same course another file is uploaded with the same name. Since a file with this name already exists within the course folder, a number is appended to the second upload.


When reviewing the file in the File Manager you can observe both items.


File Visibility

When you upload files into the LMS, you will be required to identify the file as Public, or Private.


The difference between these two different sorts of visibility are as follows:


Anyone can view this file, even Users who have not been authenticated into the LMS. This option is used for files that need to appear on the Public Dashboard, Course Catalog, or an E-Commerce Catalog.


Private files associated with a Course, like a Course Thumbnail or Lesson Object, will only be visible or accessible to enrolled Users. When a Private file is used for a design element, such as a Billboard, it will only be visible or accessible to authenticated LMS Users.


Sharing a Public File

A Public folder is hosted by Absorb LMS and anyone with the URL of the file can access it. This means you can share the URL of a Public file to offer access to that file. The Course, Global Resource or Engage product will have the ID as its name within the Public folder, so you will want to identify the GUID prior to searching for your file. The following steps indicate how to share a file from the Public folder:

Steps to Share a Public File


  1. In the Setup menu, select Files.
  2. Select and expand the Public folder.
  3. Search and find the file you are looking to share. You can Search Current Directory, or scroll through the list of files.
  4. Select Preview File. Your file will open in a new window or prompt you to request how you would like your file viewed. Once the file is open, copy the URL from the top of your browser.


Roles & Permissions

In order for Admins to view or perform the activities outlined in this article, they will require specific permissions. Your environment may use customized role(s), permissions, or a combination of both to regulate access to the Admin Interface.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your local System Administrator to review your current permission set.


Required Role Permissions

Role: Section Access Permission(s) Needed
Manage > Files

We highly recommend that you limit the number of Admins granted access to administer files and the manager.

Please note that the File Manager permissions DO NOT respect Department Visibility rules like other reporting pages. 

Access to the File Manager provides visibility to all of the files uploaded into your portal.

  • Upload: The Admin can upload files to the File Manager.
  • View: The Admin can upload to and access the File Manager and view its contents.
  • Modify: The Admin can access the File Manager, upload to it, view its contents and engage with the actions available.


Amazon S3

In Absorb LMS, Amazon S3 is utilized for file storage. When files with the same name are overwritten, the previous version can be cached for up to 24 hours. This can translate to replacement files not appearing for learners immediately after upload. Depending on your organization's needs, it may be preferable to replace content with files that have a suffix added to the original file name.

For example, if you have a file called request-form.pdf, you may want to upload the same file with a variation on the file name like request-form_v2.pdf. This will avoid the previous file being cached, and allow users to see the new file immediately. It is also recommended that to delete the previous file to avoid any confusion, aid in troubleshooting, as well as reduce space used.

File Manager Data Handling

Absorb backs up your data in the File Manager, as well as all other data within your LMS. For a comprehensive understanding of how we use your data and recover data, please refer to and your contract for more information.



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