An Introduction to Learning Objects

Learning Objects, also referred to as Lessons, are elements of an Online Course that contain the training content, such as Third Party Course content, Videos, PDFs, external links and similar. This article includes instructions on how to add Learning Objects to an Online Course.

More information about creating an Online Course can be found here.


How to Add a Learning Object

Learning Object is added by an Administrator to an Online Course on the Add/Edit Online Course page. A Learning Object is selected from the Add Learning Object modal frame.

The following method details how to add a Learning Object:

  1. Access the Admin Interface. From the left-hand side click the Courses button. The Courses menu will expand.
  2. Click Courses under the Courses menu. This will open the Courses Report.
  3. Depending on if you are adding a new Online Course (A) or editing an existing one (B), follow the relevant step:
    • A. Click the Add Online Course button under the Actions menu on the right hand side. The Add Online Course page will open.
    • B. Select a Online Course from the Courses Report and then click the Edit button under the Actions menu on the right hand side. The Edit Online Course page will open.

  4. On the Add/Edit Online Course page navigate to the Syllabus section and click the Add Learning Object button. The Add Learning Object modal frame will open allowing you to select the Learning Object you prefer. Details about each of the available Learning Objects are captured below.


Learning Object Actions

When creating a Learning Object you will encounter Actions such as ApplyBack or Cancel. The following describes these actions and their outcome:

Action Outcome

The Next button allows you to proceed with the current selection. For example on the Add Learning Object modal frame the Next button will allow you to customize the Learning Object you have selected.


The Apply button will add the current Learning Object to the Syllabus of your Online Course. This button may appear greyed out, or be un-selectable and this indicates that a required setting has not been completed.


The Back button returns you to the previous section you were looking at. Be cautious as using this option may undo work if you have started to configure a Learning Object.


The Cancel button will terminate the Add Learning Object modal frame and return you to the Add/Edit Online Course page.


Learning Object Notes

Please advise the following information as it relates to adding, or interacting with Learning Objects:

  • If a Learner has already finished their training in a course, any changes you make to the Learning Object will not impact their overall Course results or status. If you would like to update your Learner's Status, navigate to User > User Transcripts > Course Name > Course Activity > Mark As. Here you can select a new Status for the course and not just the Lesson.
  • In Absorb LMS, Amazon S3 is utilized for file storage of content added to Portals via the File Manager or otherwise. When files with the same name are overwritten, the previous version can be cached for up to 24 hours. This can translate to replacement files not appearing for Learners immediately after upload. Depending on your organization's needs, it may be preferable to replace content with files that have a suffix added to the original file name.

    • For example, if you have a file called request-form.pdf, you may want to upload the same file with a variation on the file name like request-form_v2.pdf. This will prevent the cache of the previous file causing a display issue, and allow Users to see the new file immediately. It is also recommended that the previous file is deleted to avoid any confusion, aid in troubleshooting and reduce space used.



An Object allows you to link documents (such as PDFs, PPTs, Word or Excel files) or external websites to your Lessons. It can be considered a simple container that presents the content it includes, and nothing more. For example, you could upload a copy of a training handout or link to your organization's employee handbook.

An Object is considered completed after it has been successfully opened.

The following details the settings for the Objects type of Learning Object:

Setting Description


Name is a field where you can enter a value. This value will be the title of the Learning Object. The Name of a Learning Object will be visible to Learners and Administrators.


Source is a setting with two selectable configurations:

File: Click the Choose File button to upload new content.
URL: Enter the URL address of external content.


Description is a rich text field where you can provide details about the Learning ObjectDescription is visible to Learners and Administrators.


Desktop is a setting with two selectable configurations:

Launch in a modal (iFrame): The Learning Object will launch within the existing browser page.

Launch in a popup: The Learning Object will launch in a new pop-up window.


Mobile is a setting with two selectable configurations:

Launch in a modal (iFrame): The Learning Object will launch within the existing browser page.

Launch in a popup: The Learning Object will launch in a new pop-up window.


Notes is a field where you can record text. Administrators can add Notes about the Learning Object here. The information entered here will only be visible in the Admin Interface.


Creating an Object Example

The following video details the Object type of Learning Object being created:



The Video type of Learning Object allows you to upload a video file as a Lesson. When clicked by a Learner, this Video will open and be available for playback. During playback, the following options are available: watch in full screen, pause, or parse the Video. As an example you could upload a training video, or webinar as a Video Learning Object.

Video is considered complete once it has been watched to the end.


When creating a Video Learning Object the supported file types are MP4 and WEBM. For more information about best practices when publishing a video for use as web content, please visit our Content Authoring - Video article.

The following details the settings for the Video type of Learning Object:

Setting Description


Name is a field where you can enter a value. This value will be the title of the Learning Object. The Name of a Learning Object will be visible to Learners and Administrators.


Description is a rich text field where you can provide details about the Learning ObjectDescription is visible to Learners and Administrators.


Notes is a field where you can record text. Administrators can add Notes about the Learning Object here. The information entered here will only be visible in the Admin Interface.

Video Width

Video Width is an optional field where you can enter a numerical value. This value will be used as the pixel width of the Video. In the example 1980 x 1080px the width would be 1980px.

The Video will default to its native resolution if this setting is left blank.

Video Height

Video Height is an optional field where you can enter a numerical value. This value will be used as the pixel height of the Video. In the example 1980 x 1080px the width would be 1080px.

The Video will default to its native resolution if this setting is left blank.


Poster is a setting with two configurable selections. Poster can be considered a thumbnail that will appear before the Video plays.

File: Click the Choose File button to upload a new image. Note this must be an image file type, we recommend using JPEG or PNG.

URL: = Enter an image URL address.

Video Sources

Label: Enter a label to help identify the Video.

Source: Click the radio button to select an option:

If File = Click the Choose File button to upload a new image.

If URL = Enter an image URL address

While it's only necessary to add one, you can choose to add multiple versions of your file. This can make it possible for your Learners to switch between different resolution options.

Transcribe Video

Transcribe Video is a toggle that can be clicked to switch between OFF and ON.


ON: The Video Lesson will automatically transcribe into text and data contained in the transcription will also be searchable on the Learner Experience.

Transcribe Video is also known as Absorb Pinpoint. To learn more about enhancing your Video content, check out the Absorb Pinpoint article.


Click the Add Subtitles button for options to add a .vtt subtitle file. It is possible to transcribe the Video in one language, and provide subtitles in another language.

Disable Seeking

This ensures that Users are not able to fast-forward forward through the Video, possibly skipping the content. This will, however, also limit Users from going back to watch a particular part again if they missed something. Click the toggle button to change the status setting.


ON: Learners cannot change the Video timeline (Does not work on all devices).

If Disable Seeking is set to ON, an additional setting Allow seeking after lesson is complete becomes available. If enabled, the Learners will not be able to skip through the video until they have watched it in full.

Disable Seeking does not work on all devices, but it does prevent seeking in most modern browsers. This option cannot be enforced 100% due to browser based restrictions around HTML5 Video. If you are planning to use this option we recommend that you test it on the browsers/devices that you plan to use in order to confirm that it will work as expected.

Allow Playback Speed Adjustment

Allow Playback Speed Adjustment is a toggle that when clicked will switch between OFF and ON.

OFF:Learner will not be able to modify the playback speed of the Video.

ON:Learner will see a 1x beside the Fullscreen button and the Volume setting. When hovering over the 1x different options to modify the playback speed will appear; select the speed to apply it.


Creating a Video Object Example

The following GIF details the Video type of Learning Object being created:




Task is a type of Learning Object that tracks a required activity for a Learner. It must be marked by an Administrator.

Task is considered complete once it has been reviewed and set to complete by an Admin.

The following details the settings for the Task type of Learning Object:

Setting Description


Name is a field where you can enter a value. This value will be the title of the Learning Object. The Name of a Learning Object will be visible to Learners and Administrators.


Description is a rich text field where you can provide details about the Learning ObjectDescription is visible to Learners and Administrators.

Task is Scored

Task is Scored is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON.

OFF: The Task is not scored.

ON: The Grade to Pass and Weight settings will appear.

Grade to Pass: Enter a number to represent the percentage required to complete the Task.
Weight: Enter a number to represent the total weight of the Task.

Allow Notification

Allow Notification is a toggle that when clicked will switch between OFF and ON.

OFF: No notification will be triggered by this Task.

ON: The Notification Instructions and Task Notification settings will appear.

Notification Instructions: This is a field where you can enter a message to be displayed on a button. When clicked the button will notify a Administrator.


Creating a Task Object Example

The following GIF details the Task type of Learning Object being created:




An Assessment is a key component for any course requiring Learners to be evaluated on their understanding of the content. Absorb offers built in Assessments that allow you to build out a quiz or exam. More information about Assessments can be found here.

The following details the settings for the Assessment type of Learning Object:

Setting Description


Name is a field where you can enter a value. This value will be the title of the Learning Object. The Name of a Learning Object will be visible to Learners and Administrators.


Description is a rich text field where you can provide details about the Learning ObjectDescription is visible to Learners and Administrators.

Assessment is Weighted

Assessment Is Weighted is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON.

OFF: The Assessment is not weighted and will be handled as a Quiz. A Quiz score will still be tracked by the LMS at the Lesson level, but this score will not be tracked or have impact on the overall Course score. 

ON: The Assessment is weighted and the Assessment Weight and Grade to Pass settings will appear.

Assessment Weight: The weight of the Assessment represented as a whole number between 1 to 100.

Grade to Pass: This is the percentage score a Learner is required to receive to complete the Assessment.

Allow Multiple Attempts

Allow Multiple Attempts is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON.

OFF: This Learning Object does not allow multiple attempts. Once it has been completed, whatever score was awarded is permanent.

ON: This Learning Object will allow attempts beyond the initial completion. The Maximum Number of AttemptsAllow Additional Attempts After Pass and Grade Based On settings will appear.

Maximum Number of Attempts: The maximum number of attempts a User has to complete the Learning Object. Leaving the value blank or setting to zero allows unlimited attempts.

Allow Additional Attempts After Pass: This option is a toggle that can be clicked to switch between OFF and ON. When turned ON the User may complete additional attempts even after achieving a passing grade.

Grade Based On: This setting determines the score of the Learning Object after multiple attempts have been completed. If Highest Grade is selected then the best score among the multiple attempts will be selected. If First Passing Grade is selected then whatever score is achieved the first time the User completes the Learning Object is the score that will be given.

Allow Failure

Allow Failure is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON.

OFF: It is not possible to receive a Failure as a state of completion for this Learning Object.

ON: Failure is an allowed state of completion for the Learning Object. The Do NothingAllow Retake After:, and Reset All Lessons settings will appear.

Do Nothing: Upon failure of the exam, the Learner is unable to retake the exam, unless multiple attempts exist.

Allow Retake After: Upon failure of the exam, allow the Learner to retake the exam after a set number of days.

Reset All Lessons: Upon failure of the exam, reset the completion of all the Lessons in the Course to not started, unless additional attempts exist.

Randomize Question Order

Randomize Question Order is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON.

OFF: Questions are not asked in a random order.

ON: Questions are asked in a random order.

Randomize Answer Order

Randomize Answer Order is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON.

OFF: Answers are not displayed in a random order.

ON: Answers are displayed in a random order.

Show Answers

Show Answers is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON.

OFF: The correct answer is not shown to the Learner after a question is answered.

ON: The correct answer is shown to the Learner after a question is answered.

Show Feedback

Show Feedback is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON.

OFF: A response will not be show for each question after it has been answered.

ON:A response will be show for each question after it has been answered.

Timed Assessment

Timed Assessment is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON.

OFF: The Assessment is not timed.

ON: Assessment is timed and will expire after the specified duration. The Maximum Time Allowed setting will appear.

Maximum Time Allowed: This is a field where you can enter a numerical value, this value with be the number of minutes a Learner has to complete the Assessment.

Single Page Layout

Single Page Layout is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON.

OFF: The Assessment layout will not be a single page. The Show Navigation setting will appear.

Show Navigation: This setting is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON. When this toggle is ON the Navigation Bar will appear when the Assessment is launched. The Allow Navigation setting will appear.

Allow Navigation is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON. When turned ON the Learner may navigate between questions on the Navigation Bar.

ON: The Assessment will use a Single Page Layout.

Introduction Message

The message entered into this field will be presented to Learners before they begin the Assessment.

Post Message

The message entered into this field will be presented to Learners once they have successfully completed (completed or passed) the Assessment.

Fail Message

The message entered into this field will be presented to Learners if they have received a failure as the final status of the Assessment.


The Questions section of the Assessment allows you to determine the content a Learner will be challenged on.

Check out the Configuring Assessment & Survey Questions, Assessments, Surveys or Question Banks articles for more details on Question settings.


Creating an Assessment Object Example

The following GIF details the Assessment type of Learning Object being created:



Assessment Results 

A Learner's attempts and results can be viewed by accessing the Assessments Report from the Reports Menu. More information about the Assessments Report is located here.

  1. Click the Reports button from the left hand side. The Reports Menu will open.
  2. Click Assessments from the Reports Menu. The Assessments Reports will open.
  3. Select the Assessment you want to view information about from the list. Buttons will appear on the right-hand side of the screen.
  4. Choose one of the three report options: Summary Report, Assessment Activity, and Answers Report.
Report Option  Details 
Summary Report  This Report displaying stats related to how your Users answered each question. It offers information on how many times each question was attempted and the percentage of correct answers for each question. 
Assessment Activity  This Report displays on a per User perspective; you'll see every User enrolled in the Course and the score achieved in the Assessment.
Answers Report Upon selecting a User, this option will display on the sidebar. This Report displays the answer a User noted for each question and whether or not each answer was correct.



Surveys are similar to Assessments in that they provide you with a way to collect responses from a Learner. The key difference, however, is that there is no right or wrong answer with a Survey.

The following details the settings for the Survey type of Learning Object:

Setting Description


Name is a field where you can enter a value. This value will be the title of the Learning Object. The Name of a Learning Object will be visible to Learners and Administrators.


Description is a rich text field where you can provide details about the Learning ObjectDescription is visible to Learners and Administrators.

Allow Multiple Attempts

Allow Multiple Attempts is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON.

OFF: This Learning Object does not allow multiple attempts. Once it has been completed, whatever score was awarded is permanent.

ON: This Learning Object will allow attempts beyond the initial completion. The Maximum Number of Attempts setting will appear.

Maximum Number of Attempts: The maximum number of attempts a User has to complete the Learning Object. Leaving the value blank or setting to zero allows unlimited attempts.

Randomize Question Order

Randomize Question Order is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON.

OFF: Questions are not asked in a random order.

ON: Questions are asked in a random order.

Randomize Answer Order

Randomize Answer Order is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON.

OFF: Answers are not displayed in a random order.

ON: Answers are displayed in a random order.

Use Answer Based Actions

Use Answer Based Actions is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON.

OFF: An Answer cannot trigger an action.

ON: An Answer can trigger an action. These options are configured when creating Questions for the Survey. More information is in Answer Based Actions section of this article.

Allow Scored Answers


Allow Scored Answers is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON.

OFF: Answers cannot be scored or offered feedback.

ON: Allows you to provide feedback and actions based on ranges of total response points.

Single Page Layout

Single Page Layout is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON.

OFF: The Survey layout will not be a single page. The Show Navigation setting will appear.

Show Navigation: This setting is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON. When this toggle is ON the Navigation Bar will appear when the Survey is launched. The Allow Navigation setting will appear.

Allow Navigation is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON. When turned ON the Learner the user may navigate between questions on the Navigation Bar.

ON: The Survey will use a Single Page Layout.

Introduction Message

The message entered into this field will be presented to Learners before they begin the Survey.

Post Message

The message entered into this field will be presented to Learners once they have successfully completed (completed or passed) the Survey.


The Questions section of the Survey allows you to determine the content a Learner will be asked for feedback on.

Check out the Configuring Assessment & Survey Questions, Assessments, Surveys or Question Banks articles for more details on Question settings.


Creating a Survey Object Example

The following GIF details the Survey type of Learning Object being created:



Third Party Course Content

Third Party Course Content refers to SCORMTin Can and AICC courses that are created and published outside of Absorb but may be uploaded as Learning Objects. Once uploaded to the system Learners may launch the content in the Portal like any other Learning Object.

After selected the Third Party Course of your preference, the Add Learning Object modal frame will appear. This frame appears the same if you are uploading SCORMTin Can or AICC content.


There are two options to start:

  • New Learning Object
  • Replace an existing lesson

If you select New Learning Object the Third Party Course you upload will be created as a new Learning Object in the course. If you select Replace an existing lesson the Third Party Course you upload will overwrite a current Learning Object.

Next is the Lesson Source File that allows for you to upload the .zip file containing your Third Party Course.

Click the Choose File button to open the File Manager and upload your Third Party Course. The course, if it meets all requirements will begin to upload. After upload some fields may automatically be filled.

The following details the settings for the SCORM (1.2/2004), Tin Can and AICC type of Learning Object:

Setting Description


Title is a field where you can enter a value. This value will be the name of the Learning Object. The Title of a Learning Object will be visible to Learners and Administrators.


The Source field will showcase the Third Party Course you uploaded.

You may open the Choose File button to open the File Manager and select, or upload a new Source.

The URL selection allows you to offer a URL as the Source of the Learning Object.


Description is a rich text field where you can provide details about the Learning ObjectDescription is visible to Learners and Administrators.


Desktop is a setting with two selectable configurations:

Launch in a modal (iFrame): The Learning Object will launch within the existing browser page.

Launch in a popup: The Learning Object will launch in a new pop-up window.


Mobile is a setting with two selectable configurations:

Launch in a modal (iFrame): The Learning Object will launch within the existing browser page.

Launch in a popup: The Learning Object will launch in a new pop-up window.


The Width field allows you to set a value for the px Width of the Third Party Course. Unless specifically required by the use-case, it is advised to leave this field blank.


The Height field allows you to set a value for the px Height of the Third Party Course. Unless specifically required by the use-case, it is advised to leave this field blank.

Lesson Contains Assessment

Lesson Contains Assessment is a toggle that when clicked will switch between OFF and ON.

OFF: This Learning Object is not considered an Assessment.

ON: This Learning Object will count toward the final score of the course. The Assessment Weight and Maximum Attempts settings will appear.

Assessment Weight: The weight of the Assessment represented as a whole number between 1 to 100.

Maximum Attempts: The total amount of attempts a Learner can launch the Third Party Course. This value is independent of the module/internal rules surrounding attempts to complete the quiz/assessment. It may be possible that the Third Party Course allows multiple attempts itself. The Maximum Attempts setting here only determines how many times the Learner may launch the course, it does not control behavior after the Third Party Course has been launched.


Notes is a field where you can record text. Administrators can add Notes about the Learning Object here. The information entered here will only be visible in the Admin Interface.


SCORM 1.2 & 2004

SCORM stands for “Sharable Content Object Reference Model.” Absorb supports both SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 courses.



Tin Can

Tin Can, also known as SCORM 1.3 or xAPI is a modern Third Party Course format that is supported by Absorb.


AICC is a Third Party Course format that uses HTTP messages to communicate with an LMS instead of something like JavaScript. Absorb supports the usage of AICC content.


Third Party Course Assessments & Attempts

There can be two different attempt settings related to a Third Party Course assessment:

  • The “attempt” value established when creating the Third Party Course in the content authoring tool.
    • Example: Articulate Storyline.

The Maximum Attempts value within the Learning Object settings.

  • The attempt value dictated by the Third Party Courses published settings is the number of times a Learner can try to complete the Assessment built within the module. The module’s independent rules track this value and its attempts. Absorb LMS does not manage this.
  • The Maximum Attempts Absorb LMS Learning Object setting is the number of times a Learner is allowed to launch the Third Party Course. This value is independent of the Third Party Course rules surrounding attempts to complete the Assessment.


Observation Checklist

Observation Checklists contain evaluation criteria that a Reviewer can observe and evaluate to ensure a User has the required skills and adequately performs the task at hand. Observation Checklists are a great tool for tracking mentoring type training or on-the-job training.

Learners are able to access results for a completed checklist Lesson in the Learner Experience by interacting with the Lesson

Learner Experince.png


The following details the settings for the Observation Checklist type of Learning Object:

Setting Description


Name is a field where you can enter a value. This value will be the title of the Learning Object. The Name of a Learning Object will be visible to Learners and Administrators.


Description is a rich text field where you can provide details about the Learning ObjectDescription is visible to Learners and Administrators.

Competency Awarded

The Competency Awarded setting allows you to award a Competency to an enrolled Learner upon completion of this Learning Object.

Click the Competency Awarded drop-down menu and select a Competency. Then, if available, set the Level.

You cannot build a new Competency in this workflow.  Make sure to build any new Competency content before creating an Observation Checklist Learning Object.

Assign Reviewers

Assign Reviewers is a setting with three selectable configurations:

Specific: The Reviewer(s) drop-down menu appears. You may click the drop-down menu and select the exact Reviewer(s) you want to review this Observation Checklist.

Supervisor: A User's Supervisor will be able to review this checklist. The Supervisor will need to have the Reviewer role type assigned.

Groups: Reviewers in these Groups will be able to review this checklist. User management settings apply to Reviewers who are also Administrators. The Groups drop-down menu appears, click the menu and select the intended Group(s).


The Checklist section is where you can configure the content for the Learner to complete. More details about configuring this section are located here.

Display Step Results

Display Step Results is a check-box setting that when empty is OFF and ON when full.

OFF: Step results will be hidden from Learners for this checklist.

ON: Step results will be visible to Learners for this checklist.

Display Attachments

Display Attachments is a check-box setting that when empty is OFF and ON when full.

OFF: Attachments will be hidden from Learners for this checklist.

ON: Attachments will be visible to Learners for this checklist.

Display Overall Comments

Display Overall Comments is a check-box setting that when empty is OFF and ON when full.

OFF: Overall Comments will be hidden from Learners for this checklist.

ON: Overall Comments will be visible to Learners for this checklist.

Display Step Comments

Display Step Comments is a check-box setting that when empty is OFF and ON when full.

OFF: Step Comments will be hidden from Learners for this checklist.

ON: Step Comments will be visible to Learners for this checklist.

Ready for Review Notification

Ready for Review Notification relates to the Assign Reviewers setting. If the checkbox beside Send ready for review notification is clicked, the Learner will be able to indicate to the assigned Reviewer(s) that the Observation Checklist is ready for review.



The Electronic Signature Learning Object allows you to require that Learners acknowledge or "sign-off" that they have met the specifications of the course.  This functionality helps you catalog and report proof that a Learner has read and accepted the content of the course. More information about Electronic Signatures is located here.

If your environment uses SSO to authenticate Users, you must use the Username and PIN confirmation method. Be sure to configure your PIN Collection in the Templates prior to creating the E-Signature.


The following details the settings for the E-Signature type of Learning Object:

Setting Description


Name is a field where you can enter a value. This value will be the title of the Learning Object. The Name of a Learning Object will be visible to Learners and Administrators.


Description is a rich text field where you can provide details about the Learning ObjectDescription is visible to Learners and Administrators.

Electronic Signature Agreement

Enter the Electronic Signature Agreement in the rich-text editor field. Information entered here is visible in both the Admin and Learner experience.

An example may be: "Your signature here confirms you understand the content provided is strictly for internal purposes, and should not be shared outside company XYZ."


Method is a setting with two selectable configurations:

Authenticate: Learners will be required to electronically sign by re-authenticating with their Username and Password. This cannot be used by Learners logging via SSO.

Pin: Learners will be required to electronically sign by entering their Username and PIN.


How to Configure a PIN for Electronic Signatures 

The use of electronically signing a course using the PIN method is for clients who employ SSO; however, all clients can use this configuration.

  • Users will have the opportunity to create their own PIN upon their next login after the PIN option is selected for their department Template (or based on Department hierarchy).
  • Users who forget their PIN can have their Administrator reset it for them from the Edit User page.


1. Click the Setup icon on the left-side Admin Menu, and then select Templates from the sub-menu.  You will be routed to the Templates Report page.

2. From the Templates Report, choose a Template by clicking its checkbox.

  • Once checked, click the Edit button from the Actions menu.
  • This action will route you to the Template's settings.

3. Click the Settings tab. 

4. Scroll to the Profile block at the bottom of the page. Click to expand. 

5. Click the Require PIN Creation For Electronic Signatures toggle button to change its status. 

6. Click the Save button. 


7. Click the Return to Admin Template button in the top-right corner of the page to return to the Templates Report


Important E-Signature Information
  • The Username and PIN method is required for clients who employ SSO. This option may be used without SSO if it suits your use-case as well.
  • E-Signatures support one language per course. If your environment supports multiple languages, you will need to create individual courses and E-Signature Learning Objects to support each language.
  • The E-Signature Learning Object can be placed anywhere within the Course Syllabus; depending on the Must Complete settings within the course.


Creating a E-Signature Object Example

The following GIF details the E-Signature type of Learning Object being created:



Use Existing

The Use Existing Learning Object allows you to use and apply SCORM, Tin Can, or AICC files that have already been uploaded into the system to a new or updated Online Course. This functionality lets you create Online Courses that contain content (Learning Object) that is already distributed through different courses.

The files that you have permission to view (per your Admin Role settings) will still be visible when configuring the Use Existing Learning Object. You may also be able to view these files in the Lessons Report.

If Course Visibility has been restricted to specific Admins of a Department(s), then it will also restrict the Lessons included in this course(s) as well.

Multi-Tenant Clients

Organizations that have multiple client Administrators within one LMS, could certainly use this feature to share their content with the clients. Clients could pick and choose Third Party Course Lessons without seeing how other clients are using the content. The clients will be restricted from seeing client-specific files when the Course Administration feature Course Visibility is activated.

New Hire Training

The organization creates different training paths for different jobs, that Users must complete within 3 days of being hired. All jobs must take the employee handbook, health and benefits, and system administration. In addition to the standard training, the User must take job-specific content. They can pull through the 3 common files within their course using the Use Existing Learning Object.


The following details the settings for the Use Existing type of Learning Object:

Setting Description



The first page upon selecting Use Existing. The Lessons modal frame will populate with a list of existing Third Party Course Lessons. Select one from the list and click Next to use the selected Third Party Course to create a new Lesson.


Name is a field where you can enter a value. This value will be the title of the Learning Object. The Name of a Learning Object will be visible to Learners and Administrators.


The Source field will showcase the Third Party Course you uploaded.

You may open the Choose File button to open the File Manager and select, or upload a new Source.

The URL selection allows you to offer a URL as the Source of the Learning Object.


Description is a rich text field where you can provide details about the Learning ObjectDescription is visible to Learners and Administrators.


Desktop is a setting with two selectable configurations:

Launch in a modal (iFrame): The Learning Object will launch within the existing browser page.

Launch in a popup: The Learning Object will launch in a new pop-up window.


Mobile is a setting with two selectable configurations:

Launch in a modal (iFrame): The Learning Object will launch within the existing browser page.

Launch in a popup: The Learning Object will launch in a new pop-up window.


The Width field allows you to set a value for the px Width of the Third Party Course. Unless specifically required by the use-case, it is advised to leave this field blank.


The Height field allows you to set a value for the px Height of the Third Party Course. Unless specifically required by the use-case, it is advised to leave this field blank.

Lesson Contains Assessment

Lesson Contains Assessment is a toggle that when clicked will switch between OFF and ON.

OFF: This Learning Object is not considered an Assessment.

ON: This Learning Object will count toward the final score of the course. The Assessment Weight and Maximum Attempts settings will appear.

Assessment Weight: The weight of the Assessment represented as a whole number between 1 to 100.

Maximum Attempts: The total amount of attempts a Learner can launch the Third Party Course. This value is independent of the module/internal rules surrounding attempts to complete the quiz/assessment. It may be possible that the Third Party Course allows multiple attempts itself. The Maximum Attempts setting here only determines how many times the Learner may launch the course, it does not control behavior after the Third Party Course has been launched.


Notes is a field where you can record text. Administrators can add Notes about the Learning Object here. The information entered here will only be visible in the Admin Interface.


Use Existing Example

The following GIF details the Use Existing type of Learning Object being utilized:




This section contains additional information in the form of FAQs, relating to specific use cases and/or best practices.


Can I use custom Learning Objects?

Absorb does not support the creation/management of custom Learning Objects from third party platforms, outside of third party file types SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, AICC, and Tin Can.

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