How To: Access the Admin Experience

When an Administrator logs into their Portal, they are redirected to the Admin Experience (AE). The Admin Experience is a view of the Portal specific to Administrators. Here Admins can create and manage Courses, add Users, update Portal Settings and more. The main page in the Admin Experience is the Admin Dashboard, where Admins can view customized widgets related to the Courses and Users they've created. Admins can use the Admin Interface (AI) to navigate within the Admin Experience. This interface consists of the menus and buttons on the Admin Dashboard and all other pages within the AE that allow Admins to move within their Portal. In this article, we will explain how to access the Admin Experience.

  1. Navigate to your Portal log-in page.
  2. Enter your Admin credentials and click Login. Upon successful login, you will be redirected to the Admin Experience.


More Information

You can find more information about the Admin Experience in the following articles:

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