Overview of Curriculum Settings

This article is part of a series on Course Settings. Click here to view the whole series.

A Curriculum is a collection of courses that can be directly enrolled into. A Curriculum offers access to each of the Courses contained in it. This article contains details about each of the sections on the Add/Edit Curriculum page.

These instructions discuss a variety of Curriculum configuration options. For details about creating your first Curriculum please refer to our documentation about Creating a Curriculum.

On the Add/Edit Curriculum page there are two ways to add, or navigate to the various Curriculum Setting sections. The first is the Curriculum Sections navigation bar at the top of the screen:


Clicking any button in the Curriculum Sections navigation bar will first expand the section. If the section is already expanded, clicking the button will navigate to that section on the page. It is possible to Collapse all the Curriculum Sections at once by clicking the Collapse All button:



Alternatively, at the bottom of the Add/Edit Curriculum page is the Add More Course Settings section. This section contains the Curriculum Section buttons and descriptions of each section's available configurations. Clicking any of the Curriculum Section buttons will expand the section on the page.


Each of the Curriculum Section buttons will change depending on certain conditions. The color or style of a Curriculum Section button indicates the following:

Course Section Description
Add Course Settings Gray Icon.png This section is not currently exposed on the form and does not contain any data and/or enabled settings.
Add Course Settings Blue Icon.png This section is currently exposed on the form, but does not contain any data and/or enabled settings.
Add Course Settings Gray Icon w Dot.png This section is not currently exposed on the form but does contain data and/or enabled settings.
Add Course Settings Blue Icon w Dot.png This section is currently exposed on the form and does contain data and/or enabled settings.
Add Course Settings Red Icon w Dot.png Errors exist in this section and will need to be addressed before the Curriculum can be published.



The General section contains configuration options related to base Curricula information.

Setting Description

A toggle that when clicked switches between INACTIVE and ACTIVE.

INACTIVE: This Curriculum will not be visible to Learners.

ACTIVE: This Curriclum will be visible to Learners.


The title of the Curriculum. The value entered into the Name field will be showcased to Learners and Admins.

There is a 450 character limit for this field.


The Description is a summary of the Curriculum itself. This information is visible to both Admin and Learner. A Learner will be able to view the Description when viewing the Curricula in the Course Catalog.

There is no character limit for this field.


Click the field to open a drop-down menu of different Languages. A course can only have a single Language applied. This section allows you to indicate what Language the content of the course will be provided in.

Click the field to open a drop-down menu of Admin created Tags. Applying Tags to a course allows for portal wide organization, or the grouping of similar Courses together. Additional details are available here.



Similar to the Syllabus the Courses section of a Curriculum is where each of the courses offered to Learners enrolled in the curricula are selected.

Setting Description
Show Terms & Conditions

A toggle which when clicked switches between OFF and ON.

When ON the Curriculum will require an enrolled Learner to accept the Terms & Conditions prior to accessing the course content.

When turned ON a field will appear where the Terms & Conditions may be typed or copied.

Pace Progress

Pace Progress is a toggle that can be clicked to switch between OFF and ON.

OFF: Pace Progress will not be implemented. A Learner enrolled into this Curriculum may enroll into, and complete courses from any Group, in any order.

ON: An enrolled Learner must complete all configured Groups in sequential order. As an example, if there are three Groups of courses in the curricula the Learner will be required to complete Group 1 entirely, and only then will they be able to begin the courses in Group 2.


The Groups section contains the courses in the Curricula. Courses can be added in this section, as well new Groups can be added.

: The Checkmark button will finished editing a Group. It becomes a Pencil button once clicked.

: The Pencil button allows you to edit a Group. The number in the top left corner of the Button indicates how many courses are contained in this Group.

: The Garbage Can button deletes the Group. You will be prompted to confirm this choice before the Group is deleted.

Must Complete

This section determines the order a Learner is required to proceed through the content in the selected Group.

Must Complete All: All courses included in a Group must be completed.

Minimum Courses: When selected a field appears where you can enter a numerical value. This value represents the amount of courses in the Group that must be completed.

Minimum Credits: When selected a field appears where you can enter a numerical value. This value represents the amount of CreditsLearner must achieve from courses in the Group.

Add Courses

This button when clicked will open the Select Courses modal frame where you can select each of the courses you want to include in this curricula Group.

Beside each course is a check box. Click the check box to select any/all courses you want to add to the Group. Once the Courses have been selected, use the Choose button at the bottom of the modal frame.

The selected Courses will appear in the Group.

Add Group

A new Group is added below the latest one. By default a Group will following a simple naming pattern. IE: Group 1 -> Group 2 -> Group 3.


Enrollment Rules

Enrollment Rules allow you to manage who has access to the Curriculum and how they are accessing it. Additional details about configuring Enrollment Rules are located here.

Setting Description

Locked Department

When Enable Locked Departments for Courses is toggled ON in Portal Settings by a System Administrator, the Locked Department setting will appear at the top of the Enrollment Rules section. When a Locked Department is selected, Course Availability and Administrator Visibility are restricted to that Department only.

More information about the Locked Department feature can be found here.

Allow Self Enrollment

Self Enrollment is a method of allowing access to a Curricula where the course will appear in the Course Catalog and may be enrolled into by the Learner. This setting has three selectable configurations:

Off: This Curriculum is not available for Self Enrollment.

Specific: This Curriculum is available for Self Enrollment so long as the Learner meets given requirements.

All Learners: Any User that is a Learner will be able to view this Curriculum in their Course Catalog.

Enable Automatic Enrollment

Automatic Enrollment is a method of allowing access to a Curriculum where a Learner will be enrolled by the system. This setting has three selectable configurations:

Off: This Curriculum is not configured for Automatic Enrollment.

Specific: Learners will be Automatically Enrolled into this Curriculum if they meet given requirements. Selecting this option will reveal the Add Rule button.

All Learners: Any Active User that is a Learner will be Automatically Enrolled into this Curriculum.

Enable Manager Enrollment

This setting relates to the Manager ExperienceManager Enrollment allows a User with the Manager role to enroll Learners that they manage into this Curriculum. This setting has three selectable configurations:

Off: This Curriculum is not configured for Manager Enrollment.

Specific: Managers that are selected by name, Group or Department are allowed to enroll Learners they manage into this Curriculum.

All Learners: All Managers will be able to enroll the Learners they manage into this Curriculum.


Approval allows for a User to review Enrollment Requests and determine whether or not they approve of the User gaining access to the Curriculum. An Approver is able to Approve or Deny an enrollment. If Approval is required, the Approver must access either the Course Approvals report or configure the Send Approval Request email under the Messages section.

This setting has five selectable configurations:

None: No approval is required to enroll.

Course Editor: A Course Editor must approve all enrollments. A Course Editor must be set under the Course Administrators section of the Curriculum for this setting to apply.

Supervisor: A User's Supervisor must approve all enrollments.

Administrator: A User's Department Administrator must approve all enrollments.

Other: The Other Approval field will appear. Click the field to open a drop-down menu where you can select the intended User to act as the Approver.

Enable E-Commerce


The Enable E-Commerce toggle can be clicked to switch between OFF and ON. When turned ON you are presented with multiple options. Details about configuring E-Commerce on a course can be found here.



The Completion setting contains configurable options related to the Learner finishing the Curriculum.

Setting Description


A toggle that can be clicked to switch between OFF and ON.

OFF: No Certificate is awarded upon the completion of this Curriculum.

ON: A series of options expands allowing you to select the Certificate and modify the Certificate Expiration. Additional details about Course Certificates can be found here.

Allow Re-enrollment

A toggle that can be clicked to switch between OFF and ON

OFF: Re-enrollment is not available for this Curriculum.

ON: The Choose when a Learner can re-enroll and Duration settings will appear.

You can choose Time after completion or Time before certificate expires and then determine the Duration as it suits your use case.

Duration must be a value equal to, or greater then 1 day.

Retroactive Completion

A toggle that can be clicked to switch between OFF and ON.

This applies to Learners who have already completed the Courses within a Curriculum.

OFF: Completion date is dictated by the Curriculum enrollment date.

ON: Completion date is dictated by the most recent Course completion date.

If a Curriculum needs to be retaken annually and is set up with Post Enrollment Rules for completion, having this toggled to On will ensure the timing of the reassignment is consistent for those who have completed a Curriculum's Courses before being assigned to it.


Competency is a method of indicating accomplishment, accreditation or progress in the LMS. This section contains the Add Competency button that when clicked will reveal the Competency and Level drop-down menus.

The Competency drop-down menu requires you to select the Competency you want this Curriculum to award a Learner upon completion.

The Level drop-down menu allows you to select the Level of the Competency that is awarded.

Additional details about Competencies can be found here.


The Credits setting allows you to determine if this Curriculum awards Credits upon a Learner receiving a completion. This section contains the Add Credit button that when clicked will reveal a general Credit.

This Credit can be edited by clicking the pencil button, or deleted using the garbage can button.

Additional details about Course Credits can be found here.

Leaderboard Points

This field allows you to enter a numerical value. Upon completing the Curriculum a Learner will receive Leaderboard Points equal to default value or the value indicated here if it is provided.

Additional details about Leaderboards can be found here. 

Post Enrollments

The Post Enrollments setting allows you to configure Automatic Enrollments into other courses when a Learner enrolls into, or completes this course. Click the Add Post Enrollment button to add a Post Enrollment Rule.

After clicking the Add Post Enrollment button the When, Delay, Courses and Allow Consecutive Enrollments settings will be revealed.

When is a drop-down menu that allows you to select between three options:

Enrolled: This Post Enrollment Rule triggers once a Learner is enrolled into this Curriculum.

Completed: This Post Enrollment Rule triggers once a Learner has completed this Curriculum.

Failed: This Post Enrollment Rule triggers once a Learner has failed this Curriculum, only if the Allow Failure toggle is ON.

Delay is a field where you can enter a numerical value. The value entered will be the number of days the system waits before processing this Post Enrollment Rule.

Courses is a drop-down menu where you can select the course(s) this Post Enrollment Rule will enroll the Learner into after meeting the When and Delay requirements.

Allow Consecutive Enrollments is a toggle that when clicked will switch between OFF and ON.

OFF: If a Learner has already completed the course(s) specified by this Post Enrollment Rule, a new enrollment will not be created.

ON: If a Learner has already completed the course(s) specified by this Post Enrollment Rule, a new enrollment will be created.



The Availability section contains settings related to the release of the Curriculum, and its expiration.

Setting Description

Access Date

Access Date determines when a Learner can Self-Enroll into the Curriculum. This setting has two selectable configurations:

No Access Date: The Curriculum does not have Self-Enrollment prevented by an Access Date.

Date: When selected the Access Date setting expands. You may enter the Date and Time you want Learners to be able to Self-Enroll into the Curriculum.


Expiration is a setting that when configured, will remove access from a Learner at, or after a certain period of time. This setting has three selectable configurations:

No Expiration: The Curriculum does not expire. This is the default setting.

Time from enrollment: When select the Expire In setting will be revealed, allowing you to determine a period of time. After the period of time has passed based on the date of enrollment, the Curriculum will expire.

Date: When selected the Date Expires setting will be revealed, allowing you to specify an exact date that the Curriculum will expire.

Due Date

Due Date indicates to the Learner when they are required to complete the Curriculum. Once the Due Date has been reached the Learner can continue taking the Curricula. However, an Admin will be able to clearly tell which Learners exceed the Due Date. This setting has three selectable configurations:

No Due Date: This Curriculum does not have a Due Date. This is the default setting.

Time from enrollment: When selected the Due In setting will be revealed, allowing you to set a period of time. After the period of time has passed based on the the date of enrollment, the Curriculum will be flagged as Due. The Learner will also be made aware of how long until the course is Due.

Date: When selected the Date Due setting will be revealed, allowing you to set an exact date and time that the Curriculum will be Due.

Allow Course Content Download

This toggle relates to the old Absorb Mobile App. The toggle can be clicked to switch between OFF and ON.

OFF: The Curriculum content will not be available to download offline in the old Absorb Mobile App. Unless you are using the old Absorb Mobile App we advise you leave this toggle OFF.

ON: The Curriculum content will be available for download offline in the old Absorb Mobile App.


The Prerequisites section allows you to determine specific requirements that the Learner must have achieved prior to accessing the content of, or enrolling into this Curriculum.

Add Prerequisite

When you click the Add Prerequisite button a Prerequisite will be added to this section.

Under Name you can decide what this Prerequisite will be titled.

Requirement Type is a setting with three selectable configurations:

Complete Courses: If this configuration is selected, you will be required to select from the Courses drop-down the Courses for this Prerequisite Rule.

Under Completion Type you may select whether all selected courses must be completed, or only a certain number of the Course.

Under Required Course Count you may enter a numerical value. This value is the number of courses from those selected above that must be completed to satisfy this Prerequisite Rule.

Valid Certificates: The Valid Certificates configuration is exactly the same as the Complete Courses configuration except it will only be satisfied if the selected Courses are complete and the Course Certificate that was awarded has not expired. Do not select a course that does not award a Course Certificate

Competencies: The Competencies configuration allows you to select an existing Competency as the Prerequisite for this Curriculum.

If you click the Add Competency button, a modal frame will expand that allows you to select from the current Competencies in your portal.


Catalog Visibility

The Catalog Visibility section contains configurable settings related to how the Curriculum appears in the Course Catalog as seen by Learners.

Setting Description


The Category section is a setting that allows you to select the relevant Course Category you want this Curriculum to be sorted into. You can click Choose Category to expand the Select Category modal frame.

Additional details managing Categories can be found here.


The Thumbnail is a setting where you can upload an image [229 x 173px] so that when the Curriculum appears in a location such as the Course Catalog or My Courses page, the Learner will see this image above the Name of the Curricula.

Thumbnail has two selectable configurations:

File: You may select the Choose File button to open the File Manager and upload/select a supported image file.

URLYou may enter a the URL of an image to the field.


The Poster is a setting where you can upload an image [1000x 300px and 10 MB] so that when the Curriculum appears in a location such as the Course Catalog or My Courses page, the Learner will see this image above the Description of the Course.

You may click the Add Poster button to expand the setting.

Poster has two selectable configurations:

File: You may select the Choose File button to open the File Manager and upload/select a supported image file.

URLYou may enter a the URL of an image to the field.

Mandatory Course

Mandatory Course is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON. This toggle relates to the Mandatory Course feature, details on this topic can be found here.

Featured Course

Featured Course is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON. This toggle relates to the Featured Course feature, details on this topic can be found here.

Enable Recommend Courses

Enable Recommend Courses is a toggle that when clicked switches between OFF and ON. Additional details about the Recommend Courses feature can be found here.

OFF: This course will not Recommend Courses.

ON: Enabling Recommended Courses helps promote other courses within your LMS. This is particularly helpful in an E-Commerce environment. The Tag feature is how you will identify these Courses and Group Courses for these recommendations.


Course Administrators

The Course Administrator section contains settings designed to help automatically filter Courses visible on the Course Administration page, when reporting and enrolling Users into courses.

Establishing Course Administrators helps other Admins focus on the training that is relevant to them, and not overwhelm them with all the training content available within the system.

Setting Description

Course Visibility

Course Visibility determines if there are any restrictions related to which Administrators can view this Curricula. Course Visibility has three selectable configurations:

All Admins: This curricula will be visible to all other Administrator users

Department: Limits the curricula's visibility to only those Administrators managing the specified Departments. The Department Visibility setting will be revealed as well as the Add Rule button.

If you click the Add Rule button you will be able to select a Department (and all Sub-Departments if required). Administrators of the selected Department will have visibility of this course while others will not. The Admins within these Departments will have the ability to view and modify the curricula, unless a Primary Department Editor and/or Additional Admin Editor is selected. If a Primary Department Editor and/or Additional Admin Editor is selected, then the Admins within this Department will only have View access to the Curriculum.

If a Department was selected as a Locked Department under Enrollment Rules; the Locked Department will automatically be selected for Course Visibility.

Group: Only Administrators who manage the selected Group(s) can view this course. The Group Visibility setting will be revealed as well as a drop-down menu. You can click the drop-down menu to select from a list of Groups in your Portal. The Admins within these Groups will have the ability to view and modify the Curricula, unless a Primary Department Editor and/or Additional Admin Editor is selected. If a Primary Department Editor and/or Additional Admin Editor is selected, then the Admins within this Group will only have View access to the Curriculum.

Primary Department Editor

Primary Department Editor is a setting that contains a field. You may click Select Department to open the Select Department modal frame and select a Department.

This setting will allow the Admins of the selected Department and/or their Sub Departments the ability to manage the selected curricula. These Admins will also require the View and Modify permissions.

If a Department selected as the Primary Department Editor is not selected in Department Visibility, the Admins will not be able to View the Curricula.

When a Department is selected, the drop-down menu beside it may be clicked to switch between Single Department or Include All Sub-Departments.

Additional Admin Editors

Additional Admin Editors is a setting that contains a drop-down menu. You may click Choose to open the drop-down menu and select Administrators from the list.

The Additional Admin Editors selected will have the ability to manage this Curriculum. These Admins will also need the View and Modify permissions.

If an Admin selected as an Additional Admin Editor is not included in the configuration of Department Visibility, the Admin will not be able to View the Curricula.



The Messages section contains settings related to which emails are distributed by the Curriculum, and what they say. Each of the Messages settings relates to Message Templates. More information about Message Templates can be found here.

Setting Description

Send Email Notification

Send Email Notification is a toggle that when clicked will switch between OFF and ON. It determines if the Curriculum will produce and distribute Email Notifications.

OFF: Emails will not be distributed by this Curriculum.

ON: Emails will be distributed by this Curriculum.

Send Enrollment Email

Send Enrollment Email is a setting with a checkbox and the Use Custom Template toggle. If you click the checkbox, the Enrollment Email Message Template will be distributed to a Learner when they enroll into the Curriculum.

If you toggle Use Custom Template to ON the Edit Template button will be revealed. If you click Edit Template a rich text editor will open that allows you to type a custom Message Template for this setting.

Send Completion Email

Send Completion Email is a setting with a checkbox the Use Custom Template toggle. If you click the checkbox, the Completion Email Message Template will be distributed to a Learner when they complete the Curriculum.

If you toggle Use Custom Template to ON the Edit Template button will be revealed. If you click Edit Template a rich text editor will open that allows you to type a custom Message Template for this setting.

Send Nudge Email

Send Enrollment Email is a setting with a checkbox Nudge Configuration and the Use Custom Template toggle. If you click the checkbox, the Nudge Email Message Template will be distributed to a Learner based on the Nudge Configuration starting from the date of enrollment and ending when the Curriculum is complete, or the Max Nudges have been achieved. It is important to note that changing the Max Nudges after a Learner has been enrolled will not change the Nudges that are sent as all Nudge Emails are scheduled at once, and will continue to distribute, based on the Nudge Every setting until the Learner has completed the curricula.

The Max Nudges setting is a field where you can enter a numerical value. This value represents the total amount of Nudges that will be distributed to a Learner.

Nudge Every is a setting where you can define a period of time. Once this period of time has passed, a Nudge Email will be distributed to the Learner, so long as the number of Max Nudges has not been exceeded.

Use Start Date is a toggle that when clicked will switch between OFF and ON.

OFF: Nudge Emails will begin to distribute based on the Nudge Every setting when the Learner is enrolled, until they complete the Curriculum or the Max Nudges have been achieved.

ON: Nudge Emails will not begin to distribute until the Start Date selected has been reached.

If you toggle Use Custom Template to ON the Edit Template button will be revealed. If you click Edit Template a rich text editor will open that allows you to type a custom Message Template for this setting.

Send Approval Request

This setting will only appear if Approval has been configured under Enrollment Rules.

Send Approval Request is a setting with a checkbox and the Use Custom Template toggle. If you click the checkbox, the Approval Request Message Template will be distributed to the Approver(s) when a Learner enrolls into the Curriculum and it requires Approval.

If you toggle Use Custom Template to ON the Edit Template button will be revealed. If you click Edit Template a rich text editor will open that allows you to type a custom Message Template for this setting.



The Resources section contains a setting to include additional content for the Curriculum such as a File or Link.

Setting Description

Add Resource

The Add Resource button may be clicked to add a Course Resource.

Name is a field where you may enter the name/title of the Resource. This field will be visible to Learners and Admins and is the title of the Course Resource.

Description is a rich text field where you may enter details about this Course Resource for any potential Learners or Admins that are viewing it.

Attachment is a setting with two selectable configurations:

File: You may click Choose File to open the File Manager and pick a supported file for this Course Resource. Once selected, this file will be made available to enrolled Learners under Resources on the Curricula page.

URL: You may provide a URL that points to a website/resource you want listed as a Course Resource. Once selected, this file will be made available to enrolled Learners under Resources on the Curricula page.



Attributes is a section containing a variety of custom fields, largely used for reporting.

Setting Description

Enable Course Rating

Enable Course Rating is a toggle that when clicked will switch between OFF and ON:

OFF: The Curriculum will not be available for rating by Learners.

ON: The Curriculum will be available for rating by Learners.


Audience is a text field where you can enter details that suit your use-case. This field is for Admins only.

Example: North American Learners, Health Care Employees


Goals is a text field where you can enter details that suit your use-case. This field is for Admins only.

Example: Growth, compliance

External ID

External ID is a text field where you can enter a value, often one that matches with a third party system or integration. This field is for Admins only.


Vendor is a text field where you can enter details that suit your use-case. This field is for Admins only.

Example: The author/provider of your content.



The Social section includes settings that promote interconnectivity or communication between Learners.

Setting Description

Allow Comments

Allow Comments is a toggle that when clicked will switch between OFF and ON.

OFF: Learners will not be able to leave comments on this Curriculum.

ON: Learners will be able to leave comments on the Curriculum. Additionally the Comment Leaderboard Points setting will be revealed.

The Comment Leaderboard Points setting is a field where you may enter a numerical value. When a Learner leaves a comment on this Curriculum this value will be provided to the Learner as Leaderboard Points.


This setting relates to the Absorb Engage feature. For additional details about the Collaboration setting please review the documentation here.



An optional section which offers access to Admin exclusive notes.

Setting Description


The Notes section is a rich text field where you can include information for Admins about the Curriculum.

There is no character limit for this field.


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