Enrollment Overview

This article acts as a main hub for all articles in our Knowledge Base related to Enrollment. Enrollment is the process of associating a Learner with a Course. A Learner can only proceed through the content of a Course or view Resources if they are first Enrolled into a Course.

Two major components of an Enrollment are the Enrollment Method and Enrollment Status. These are defined as:

  • Enrollment Method: The manner through which the Enrollment was created in the system. This may be a User initiated Self Enrollment or Automatic Enrollment, among other options.
  • Enrollment Status: How the system defines the progress of a Learner through the content of the Course, such as In-Progress or Completed.


Configuring Enrollment

The following articles cover setting up Enrollment in Absorb LMS:


Defining Enrollment

The following articles cover Enrollment in the LMS and how to better understand it:


Enrollment Use-Cases

The following articles cover using Enrollment across your Portal:



The following articles cover frequently asked questions related to Enrollment:

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